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You can have your own planet. If you want a planet then email me the description and all the things that you need. You can have battles, go to war with other planets, have trading going on with other planets, and take over planets.If you get a planet email me a description of the planet, the name of the planet, and what kind of people live on the planet(humans, arilains, saiyans, truffles,etc.). If you get a planet then you have to make sure that your planet lives. Like you have to get money to buy food for your planet, and you can grow senzu seeds and any other seeds to. This is a new thing that I am trying, so tell me if you think it is a good idea. You can chose a guardian for your planet(Kame,Pope,Dende)or you can make a name up. You can buy supplies for farming, breeding, and other stuff. This is like an rpg to, but it is in Dragonball. Everybody starts off with a population of 100 people.


Taxes=Every one month you lose 1,000 dollars for every 500 people you have. If you don't have 500 people yet then you don't have to worry about taxes yet.

News=Every month you have to keep track of things that happen and write it in a newspaper. Then you send the newspaper to me so I can see what has been going on with your planet.

Buying=When you want to buy buildings then email me with your planet stats and what you want. When you grow a tree or breed you have to keep track of it by yourself. If you add stuff that you didn't get then your planet will be destroyed and you can't get another. Because you can't cheat.



The Planet Goku:The main planet where you can buy fighters to take over worlds, or you can higher a team from the teams section to try and take over a world for you.

The Planet Chiaotzu:A forest planet with many animals.

The Planet Remy:A descelate and very hostile. Many natural disasters occur such as volcanic eruptions.

Brollia: Saiyans live on the planet Brollia. Dende is the guardian.

Starting Stats For Planets(Copy Even If You Don't Have A Planet Yet)

Technology=Level 1











Level 1 Technology=(have this already when you have a planet)Enables farms, factorys, and planting.

Level 2 Technology=Costs 1,000 dollars, this enables transportation.

Level 3 Technology=Costs 2,000 dollars, this enables you to build a building to build scouters.

Level 4 Technology=Costs 3,000 dollars, need this to build regular scouters.

Level 5 Technology=Costs 4,000 dollars, need this to build regular saiyan armor.

Level 6 Technology=Costs 5,000 dollars, need this to build Breeding Centers.(Breeding Centers can breed only 1 person every day)

Level 7 Technology=Costs 6,000 dollars, need this to build Advanced Breeding Centers.(Advanced Breeding Centers can breed only 2 people every day)

Level 8 Technology=Costs 7,000 dollars, this technology enables you to build a spaceship that can travel 1000 km only.

Level 9 Technology=Costs 8,000 dollars, this technology enables you to build Cybernetic Scouters and the second form of saiyan armor.

Level 10 Technology=Costs 9,000 dollars this technology enables you to build spaceships that can travel 2,000 km only.

Planet Links

Building Prices

Planet Items

Planet Locations