The Holy War against the Doctrine of Emanation of
the Zohar 87 Hharamim - The Excummunication from the Torah of the false
doctrines of the Zohar
Hherem 1: We have, in
truth, in all our writings, never denied the existence of the Ten Spherot
whereas we have constantly denied the existence of Ten Emanated Spherot and all the explanations
concerning them. The doctrine of the Ten Emanated Spherot derives from the Book
of the Zohar and every part of that doctrine and its Five Emanated Partzufim
are prohibited by the Holy Law of the Torah and against all the prohibitions of
idolatry contained in the Second Commandment.
The Heart of Big Fish: In 1990 at Beersheva, I received a very important dream relative to
the Hherem Mi-Deoraita. In that dream James Baker was holding a
press-conference and he explained quite diplomatically to the reporters:In that
which concerns the existence of the Ten Spherot themselves, we must say that
they do exist but the great confusion that has issued has been due to the
misinterpretation of the Ten Spherot.- -
As expressed in Hherem 1 above, this in no way
represented a contradiction to all that we have stated in the writings of the
Hherem Mi-Deoraita. Nor could I have said differently because I knew of this
directly from the Tzadik Haim.I mentioned the fact in some places but in a sort
of under the table manner because it is a matter that might seem to confuse
more than clarify. Came James Baker to demonstrate that not to explain is to
confuse but to explain will lead to clarification in the end and he established
the parameters within which the question is to be explained.
We have already explained the matter in the Hherem
in Hebrew and in Esther3 in English. The original textual usage of the
expression ‘Ten Spherot’ may be assumed to be Sefer ha-Yetzirah with the
expression ‘esser sfirot bli ma’ Ten Spherot without substance; and blima is
written together so as to include the interpretation ‘blom picha mi-ledaber’
seal your mouth from speaking of it. That which is without substance cannot be
spoken of or expressed in words except negatively to say that the matter is
without a substance about which one can or may speak and because it is so it
therefore becomes an obligation to seal your mouth from speaking because speech
will represent substance and thus your words will only falsify the true
contents relating them as a substance.
It was the non-compliance concerning said
interdiction that allowed for the collosal error to take place.Moses de Leon
didn’t treat the Ten Spherot as if they had no substance and he opened his pen
to substantialise them. He ‘converted them into substance’ and to cover over
the contradiction of their not having substance, he ‘elevated’ them to the
falsified-non-substance of Emanation linguistics. ‘Atzilut’ ‘emanation’ was for
him above all substance because it was before creation and above creation. He
had ‘elevated’ the level to the nihilo before the creatio. What substance could
you find in the ‘ain (nothing) before the ‘yesh’ (substance)? This is the very
essence of the terrible error committed.James Baker is right: to understand
that the expression Ten Spherot of itself is representative of a ‘true
hidden-matter’but that the falsification of such a term brought about the
immense confusion is illuminating to all those who desire to comprehend why all
this has happened.
As the reader studies the Hherem, let 2 points be
kept in mind: the idolatrous-sin of the Zohar and after it of all the false
Kabbalah that issued in the 400 years before the Holocaust is itself called the
‘sin of emanation’. The doctrine of ‘emanation’ is itself an idolatrous
doctrine which is against the true faith of the Holy Torah. The second point is
that the doctrine of Emanation is in direct opposition to the all-essential
beginning of the Torah ‘bereishit bara elohim et ha-shamaim ve-et ha-aretz’ (In
the beginning God created the heavens and the earth). The Torah has been given
us in the linguistics of ‘creation’ with the obligation to remain within that
boundary. The emanation-linguistics of the Zohar distroys the ‘beit’ of
bereishit, as explained in the Hherem and in Esther3.
The fact of the mentioning of the Ten Spherot in
that book called Sefer Yetzirah, falsely attributed to Abraham, our father, can
be properly simplified for our purpose here in the Hherem. These Ten Spherot
are creations of God, as the light hidden away for the just. They are part of
‘secrets’ revealed to the true Hidden Tzadikim. There is no permission to
explore or study or interpret or write about them etc. etc. They exist as many
other true ‘secrets’ that exist. There exist 7 heavens. Can you climb to enter
them? Absolutely no, unless one is authorised by his teacher who is one of the
Hidden Tzadikim.
Hherem 2: Even greats of the Torah,
men whose life was spent walking in the holy ways of the Torah and Tradition,
such as Haim Vital, Moses Kordevero, Yitzhhak Luria, the Baal Shem Tov, the
Gaon of Vilna, the Malbim and many, many others, have unwittingly fallen into
this grave error. The fact of their greatness in all other facets of the Torah
was not sufficient to override the terrible blindness of the hidden sin
referred to in Prophets as ‘Avon Ketz’, the ‘sin of the end time’. This refers
to the terrible hidden sin of the ‘last days’ (some 400 to 500 years) which on
hidden levels brought Israel to its prophesied and unspeakable Shoa.
Hherem 3: These greats in
Torah, since they were convinced that the Ten Spherot mentioned in some texts
even previous to the Zohar rendered it legitimate to enter the study of the Spherot,
never realised that the existence of Ten Hidden Spherot is one thing but Ten
Emanated Spherot is of an entirely different order of things. It is, indeed,
absolutely forbidden to speak of Emanations of the Lord, our God, nor has it
ever been permitted. We are allowed to speak of the Creator. It is totally
outside of the true faith to speak of or to belive in the Emanator above the
Hherem 4 - Many reasons may be given for their
fall, that is the falling of those first rabbis in Spain which led to the great
historical fall of the rest of rabbinic Israel in ‘officialising’ the
‘sanctity’ of the ‘Zohar Ha-Kadosh’ (the Holy Zohar). Those many reasons,
however, are secondary to the fact itself that they fell and that with their
fall they no longer distinguished between thoughts concerning the Holy One,
Blessed is He that are permitted and between thoughts of that which is Above
and Before the Creation of the world. There is no authorisation from the Torah
and Tradition to speak about Contractions in the Infinite One (tzimtzumim
mei-ha-ein-sof) until coming unto the Chosen Contrated Emanation of Zeir Anpin
in the World of Emanation, a Zeir Anpin which then proceeds to become the
Creator of the Lower Worlds, the Creator mentioned in Bereishit!!
Hherem 5 - In their error
they brought proofs to their sin thinking that it had become permitted to enter
the Newly Revealed Door ( the Tettragrammaton) of God’s House. In this they
came, unfortunately to falsify the Yod of God’s holy name. For they said that as
the Yod which is a ‘point’ and even a smaller ‘Kotzo shel Yod’ above it are
totally hidden, although it’s gematria is Ten, so too the World of Atzilut is
similar to the Yod and to the Kotzo shel Yod in which all exists there as
‘contained inside a point’ such as the Ten Emanated Spherot. This is pure
philosphical idolatry!
Hherem 6 - It is thus
permitted us in this Hherem Mi-Deoraita to use a language of shamefullness, of
abomination and of the curses of excommunication regarding all their sin and
regarding as well the person of Moses de Leon and the terrible plague that came
out of his idolatrous pen in the Book of the Zohar. The same harsh language is
then extended, within the framework of 400 years, to its second, third and
fourth generations of the false Kabbalah deriving from the Zohar. Great Rabbis
fell. For the most part we are not speaking about them personally but about the
doctrines themselves and the terrible idolatry that they contain. There is,
unfortunately, the Hated Fourth Generation deriving from this sin which became
bound to the false and disgusting messianism of the Habad Movement around their
presumed Messia, M. M. Shneerson and here the Hherem Mi-Deoraita falls on the
persons of this Movement itself because of its danger for all Israel. Even
after his death, they continue to dance around this Last Golden Calf of Israel.
The Hherem also falls on the School of Kabbalah of Jerusalem established by R.
Ashlag and his followers and on the persons who have responsibility in that
Hherem 7 - Our work in
this Hherem, however, is not to cite from the Zohar or from the vast
Kabbalistic literature deriving from it. The Hherem explains the idolatrous Sin
of Emanation and the doctrines built upon it and it closes them into the Hherem
Mi-Deoraita. In the permission of our Teacher, the Tzadik Haim, from Sana
Yemen, upon whose authorisation this Hherem Mi-Deoraita is sealed, we have
included in the Hherem Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem of R. Yihhye Ibn Shlomoh
Elgafeh of Sana Yemen. All his argumentations have been approved by the Tzadik
Haim. That Sefer is necessary for the Rabbinic exposition of the sin of the
doctrines of the Zohar. Also my own study of the sin of the Zohar was based on
that precious and holy work and I was ordered by the Tzadik Haim to study its
contents and to elaborate some commentaries on it and to extend the Hherem
which it contains to the Fourth Hated Generation of Habad. Those commentaries
comprise the Text ‘The Five Tablets of the Pact’ which is part of the first
Petal of the 13 Petals of Sefer Mishnat Haim. Those explanations together with
the entire text of Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem, in Hebrew, are found on our
Web-Site ‘Camillo’ from Beersheva directed by Adam Kamkhaji. There is as well
an important introduction to and an abbreviated version of Sefer Milhhamot
Ha-Shem in English. We have also placed several chapters of the Sefer Ari
Nohem, in Hebrew, at disposition for readers.
Hherem 8 - The importance
of Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem is not to be underestimated as a rabbinic source,
based on Torah, Mishna, Talmud and Poskim, the Rambam and Ahhronim. It is
therefore included as an integral part of this Hherem Mi-Deoraita. It roots out
systematically the idolatrous belief in Zeir Anpin of the Zohar on the basis of
pure and true Torah at every level. The rabbis and students of the Torah need
this text for a more complete and fuller understanding of the entire error.
With true Torah, Yihhye Ibn Shlomoh ElKafeh totally destroys the false Torah of
the Zohar and of all the false Kabbalah that ensued from it. This Hhacham and
Yemenite zealot for the pure monotheistic faith of our tradition vigourously
reveals the prostitute lying under those idolatrous doctrines. He is justly
fierce in exposing the false beauty of that harlot, as the Prophet Elijah in
his time exposed the prostitutional Baal on Mount Carmel. It is true that not
all Israel needs this text; most Jews need only the basis of understanding
wherein lies the idolatry in those doctrines to be warned and to stay clear of
it. Most Jews indeed know nothing of what the Zohar and the so-called Mystical
Doctrines are all about. Nevertheless, a purely rabbinical work is needed for
Traditional Jews who base their lives on the halacha and poskim.
Hherem 9 - I, Peretz
Green, first talmid of the Tzadik Haim, am responsible for the formulation of
this Hherem Mi-Deoraita but I am not a rabbi and I have no authorised power to
speak on behalf of the rabbis. I speak on the command of the Tzadik Haim and in
his authorisation and I have invented nothing of my own in explaining the
idolatrous sin of the Zohar. In truth, the Hherem itself, as mentioned, is
contained in essence in Sefer Milhhamot Ha-Shem. My work is to formulate the
Hherem Mi-Deoraita and to explain it. To do this I have elaborated, in the Five
Tablets of the Pact, on the sin of the generation of Enosh, the sin of the
Tower of Babel, the sin of the Golden Calf, the reason of the breaking of the
first Tablets and even on the original sin of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil because it is from a deeper understanding of these episodes that the true
knowledge of the 4 generations of the ‘idolatrous sin’ alluded to in the Second
Commandment itself is to be acquired. From them the Torah study and profound
meditation of the Sin of Fathers, the Sin of Sons, the Sin of the Third
Generation and the Sin of the Hated Fourth Generation will be gained.
Hherem 10 - This is, in
fact, the meaning of Hherem Mi-Deoraita: it is the Excommunication against all
idolatry, the Excommunication
contained in the Torah itself within the framework of Tree of Knowledge,
Enosh, Babel and the doubled Golden Calf and its Destruction and the Breaking
of the Tablets. These are in correspondance to the 4 generations of idolatry of
the Second Commandment. It may also be possible to see the Tree of Knowledge as
the root of sin of fathers, Enosh, the sin of fathers, Babel, the sin of sons,
the Golden Calf, the sin of the third generation and its completion, the hated
fourth generation, and the breaking of the Tablets represents the historical
destruction of the final golden calf of history, the sin of Emanation of the
Hherem 11 - For the
idolatrous doctrine of the Zohar is an historical sin which had to come into
existence in order to be eradicated for all times. It is thus the sin of sins
which when revealed and broken and destroyed, reveals, breaks down and destroys
all other forms of idolatry that exist. It is the worst, most soffistocated and
most ‘hidden’ category of idolatry the destruction of which becomes the
representative of the destruction of all lesser or more external forms of
idolatry. The sin of sins of the Zohar therefore relates back to the original
sin as well. Those rabbis who were caught in the trap saw ‘that the tree was
good to eat and that it was a pleasure to the eyes and that the tree was
pleasurably stimulating to the intellect’ and they took of its fruit and they
ate and they gave of it to the other rabbis and they ate. The sin of the Tree
of Knowledge contains the roots of idolatry as seen from the plural in ‘for God
knows that on the day of your eating thereof your eyes will be opened and you
shall be as ‘gods’ who know (to distinguish) between good and evil’.
Hherem 12 - This is the
root of roots but the root of idolatry itself in the world is from the
generation of Enosh, as explained in the Mishna Torah of the Great Eagle that
the essential error protruded from the idea that the Creator, Blessed is He, is
too far and too removed from the world and He therefore gave over the powers of
governing to the stars etc. Yihhye Elgafeh illumines true Judaism in explaining
fully and from all aspects of the matter how the Kabbalists have done exactly
the same thing, postulating an EIN SOF too far and too removed from the world
and elaborating a system of ‘contractions’ of the EIN SOF until reaching the
‘more tangible’ World of Emanation and finally the Object of Cult, the Emanated
Zeir Anpin to Whom, in essence, our prayers are intended, God forbid.
Hherem 13 - The sin of the
Tower is that of sons, the Idolatrous Building that proceeds from the Sin of
Fathers; this, in essence is the Construction of False Theologies that pretend
and boast that through them one can climb into the heavens; that evil pretense
and the self-gain intentions behind it cause the language on which it is based
to be falsified and all that which is constructed on that falsified linguistic
structure becomes a Hated Building before God until the time of its judgement
and its destruction. The level of hatred from Above to this construction is
revealed in the decree ‘and this is the beginning of their action, and now let
there not be held back from all that they intend to do’. From God it is decreed
that they complete their sin and their entire idolatrous construction so that
it be judged and destroyed in the end. In this way the Builders are totally
blinded to the reality of those doctrines and in their great fervor to see the
Building completed they no longer have the power to distinguish its evil and
the linguistic falsifications that they contain.
Hherem 14 - Those of the
Tower took their force from the Original Tongue, thinking that by substituting
the name of Nimrod for God, the Creator, they would, through Nimrod and through
the construction in his name, take possession of the Divine Powers of that
Original Language and use it to create for themselves an ‘eternal name’. Those
of the false Kabbalah used the language of the Holy Torah to formulate the new
doctrine of Emanation. This caused after it that the name of God, instead of
being used with the simplicity of the faith, became the ‘Name-God-Construct’ of
4 Worlds, the higher Yod World being that of Emanation. The sin is immeasurably
great but also the evil-intention behind De Leon’s Emanation Scheme comes out
historically in the Kabbalists without their realising it. They believe that
their work in serving God is to complete the Construction of the World of
Emanation and they believe themselves co-workers in that Construction, a
Construction which they believe elevates them to the heavens and protects them
and creates for them an eternal name in this world and the next.
Hherem 15 - The Tree of
Knowledge is thus the Root of all
idolatry. The Generation of Enosh is the Father of Idolatry, the Tower the
Idolatrous Construction. The Third generation is the idolatry of Egypt, a
complex theological idolatry which was behind the mentality of the
Mixed-Multitude in desiring the Golden Calf. The realisation of the Golden
Calf, their cult to it with all the abominal idolatrous rites attached to it,
culminates in the Hated Fourth Generation. The Ten Commandments of the first
Tablets had to be smashed to pieces so as to destroy the concept in the
Mixed-Multitude of the Ten Great Emanated Gods of Egypt (from Atum, the Higher
Creator of all, not counted and not served; the Gods were 9 and Pharoah himself
represented the tenth, the God of the Kingdom). Moses, in their eyes, was
similar to this Tenth God in whose absence there was no binding to the earth
and thus they sought a Tenth-God to substitute him.
Hherem 16 - Habad’s cult
to its presumed Messia and all the disgusting pretenses of which their
propaganda machine has attained and the idolatrous comportment with his photos
etc. etc. is the false and idolatrous doctrine of Emanation of the Zohar
descended until its Hated Fourth Generation level in concrete abominations. The
Breaking of the Tablets represents the Correction of the misinterpretation of
the Ten Emanated Spherot so that the Second Tablets could be given within the
framework of the true Tradition. For as history has clearly ascertained, even
the commandments themselves are not sufficient to maintain the pure faith if
the ‘theology’ in which they are taken is in error. Christianity is a perfect
Hherem 17 - The Correction
of the Ten Emanated Spherot is their Breaking and Destruction. The Correction
of those who have fallen into its trap, the rabbis and Torah-scholars of the
last 400 years etc. lay in the atonement of the High Priest Aaron. As Aaron,
these have fallen into the error unwittingly. Had they known that the entire
doctrine of Emanation is falacious and idolatrous, they would never have
fallen. Also Aaron, in his confusion and in his not comprehending the
idolatrous intentions of the Mixed-Multitude etc. thought that the Golden Calf
could be ‘sanctified’ and he ordered an altar to be built for it and until the
very end he said, “It is a Feast unto God tomorrow”. This is exactly as these
rabbis of the last 400 years who speak of the Holy Zohar. In truth it is the Last
Golden Calf of Israel in its period of the Last Days of Judgement before its
Final Redemption.
Hherem 11 - until Hherem
21 - with Adam in Beersheva
they become here 18 until 28
Herem Mi-Deoraita
Hherem 11-
Are there, then, in God 10 categories for reason of the first letter of His
Holy Name! It is blasphemous to think such and to build categories in
God. Upon what have they constructed categories and buildings! The gematria of
the Yod is 10 and no one will deny the importance of the number 10. And even if
we would say that the Yod alludes to the 10 Commandments we cannot say that
this alludes to ten categories in Him or in His Godliness. And if there are
alluded to the important categories of 10 including that which is called the
10 Spherot as we have received,
that these do exist but that the entire interpretation of them has falsified
everything, these refer to 10 Spheroth created from His Holy Name and these
Spherot are hidden secrets known to the Higher Tzadikim, we are not speaking
about 10 categories in Him or in His Divine Being and most certainly not 10
Spherot Emanated from the Ein Sof!
Hherem 12 –
Everything has its hidden aspect as well and it not this that we are denying. I
am writing this Hherem Mi-Deoraita in the permission and upon the command of
the holy and Hidden Tzadik, Haim, the Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim who knew
the Secrets of nature and the Secrets of the angels, the Secret of kfitzat
ha-derech, the Secrets of the Firmaments, the Secrets of the Celestial Orders
of the stars, the Secrets of the neshamot (souls), the Secret of the Ascent,
the Secrets of antiquity, the Secrets of the Higher Tribunal etc.etc. The
Tzadik Haim ordered the angels to do his bidding and they were under his
command: I speak of this here for the sake of understanding that we, the pupils
of the Teacher Haim, most certainly do not deny all the true secrets that
exist. We are instead denying some 5 hundred years of ‘secrets’ that are not
secrets and are not true!
Hherem 13 –
The truth is that all the true
secrets are not for the ‘level’ of mankind and no one can enter them. They do
not depend on the will of the
person or in one’s tiring himself in the study of Torah. Talmidei Hachamim tire
themselves an entire lifetime in the study of Torah without knowing anything of
these Hidden Matters. The true Secrets are not simply a question of ‘knowledge’
but of higher levels of a hidden knowledge and they are totally outside of the
nature of this world. It is impossible to enter into these categories without a
teacher and such a permission does not come until after years of preparation
with one of the true Tzadikim. My personal good fortune has been to know of
these secrets from the Tzadik Haim but I have not merited to enter them.
BIG FISH LEVIATHAN: The world, however, is replete with impure
spirits of every sort and every Guru and every Witch-Doctor considers himself
one who has entered hidden secrets according to his magic and his meditation.
There is no end to the number and kinds of these impure spirits nor to the
personal gain procured from them. Also magic is outside of nature but its sorce
is from the demons below and not from above.
Hherem 14 –
We have repeatedly spoken about the fact that the true secrets and the hidden
things into which a very few yehhidei segulah can enter cannot be put into
writing. In truth this fact is simple and yet it does not enter the brains of
many Jews today because of the propaganda of the ‘writers of secrets’ of the
last 400 years. The Tzadik Haim clamored with anger and was inwardly saddened
by the internal blemish and the damage to the intellect caused by such ‘writers
of secrets’ who have confused the brain with vanities and who have undone the
simplicity of the faith ‘temimut’ from the heart of those Jews who study them.
Hherem 15 –
They erred and they fell into sinful error. They desired to hasten the End-Time
(ketz) and they were fooled by the Book of the Zohar into thinking that the
‘final purpose’ of the Torah is to enter into the Pardes and they forgot that
‘the hidden things are unto the Lord, our God, and the revealed things are unto
us and unto our children’ and they forgot that ‘the heavens are unto the Lord,
our God, and the earth has He given to the children of man. And even as they
say that R. Akiba entered in peace and existed in peace they forget about the
other 3 hhachamim who did not find peace and who never got out peacefully.
Hherem 16 –
The true secrets of Above can never be written! All those secrets therefore
written in their books are falsehoods, enormous confusion from the confusion of
Shinar. They are the results of errors that become sinful and idolatrous, the
propaganda of Satan at the End of Days. All study in them is invalid as all
study in Christian theology is vanity if believed on faith. The foundation of
Christian theology is the trinity and the foundation of the Zohar is the world
of Emanation with its five partzufim and its ten spherot. Nevertheless, aside
from the idolatry in both of them, the ethics and the study of virtue even on
the foundation of Christian theology have more rectitude than the darkened
hidden ways of the kabbalistic works.
Hherem 17 – The books of R. Ashlag and his
followers in the School of Kabbalah in Jerusalem must be burned because of the
idolatry that they contain. Such a School impedes the Final Redemption; it is a
School of lies and self-deceit ‘The Torah teaches you what to do, the Kabbalah
teaches you why’. May that God, Blessedis He, save us from the lowness of this
crazy generation. I have seen their propaganda pamphlets; they are disgusting
from the beginning to end; theSatan dances on them and the false god Mamon
plays his fiddle. Until what point has this terrible blemish reached in our
people. The Torah in their hands is bound in tachrichim and is dead. Awaken ye
Hherem 18 –
Listen to the propagandistic subtleties - ‘Does one have to be religious in
order to study Kabbalah? – asks the old and wise Satan. The answer then follows
that even if one is not religious let him come to study the secrets of the
Kabbalah and from this he may as well come to religiosity. - - Does one need to
explain that all this is taref and passul and far away from the way of the Holy
Torah? Our time, however, is the time of purification and there are many such
impurities. For in this the Fourth Generation all the evil that was hidden
underneath must come to the surface and from Heaven their sins are revealed
openly and seen by all.
Hherem 19 –
It is, of course, and enormous enterprise the selling of the Books of the
Zohar. How many times the Tzadik Haim said to me “Look at nothing else but at
the money that comes in from selling these books, look well and you will see
that it is not they who are speaking but it is the money that is speaking.” I
must admit that until I saw this propaganda pamphlet of the Ashlag School of
Kabbalah I had not yet fathomed the true depth of this concept! –Does one need
to be 40 years old in order to study Kabbalah? – asks the Bank representitive
in his Hassidic garments.
Hherem 20 –
May that Heaven reveal their sin and that the Lord, our God exonerate us from
this punishment because our little sister has been wounded. Return unto God o
breakers of the bone so that your bones not be broken on the day of anger and
wrath. For they have made the Torah into a play-thing of deceitful money! They
are excumunicated and the entire School of R. Ashlag is included in this Hherem
Mi-Deoraita. For there is no patience left in the time of the purification, and
there are remembered before the Jealous God the four generations of idolatry of
the sin of fathers of the Zohar. It is true that the fourth generation of
Israel is particular and that it finished with the Shoa but in the time of the
purification the great sin that lay underneath is revealed retrospectively
while the wrath and the anger do not fall on the nation except for individuals
who are held guilty by the Higher Tribunal and our work is only to warn and to explain
as much as we are able with the help of God in the work of our hands. (for the
further exposition of the sin of the Ashlag School of Kabbalah see Ester 3).
Hherem 21 –
They have touched the Name, God save us. The sin of the End-Time (avon ketz)
also alludes to the upper point of the Yod (kotzo shel Yod), they violated the upper point of the
Yod because of the impatience of their spirit (katza ruhham) in waiting for the
End-Time decreed from Heaven and they thought they would hasten it because of
their impatience in exile. But receiving the exile in its time is obligatory and attempting to hasten it
before the time leads to error, first of all with an erroneous approach that causes sin, and sin conduces to sin,
until they reached the point of placing the upper point of the Yod on the
Higher Emanated Crown from the Ein Sof and there follow every kind of Sof.
Hherem 29 - Even at the very beginning of this sin, straight thinking in Israel
was at its end. Nothing in the Zohar is straight. Its language is the serpent’s
tool to help innocent Torah Jews fall into the trap. Are there Ten Emanated
Godheads in the Yod?!!! Not only but Ten Emanated Godheads above the ‘level’ of
the God of Bereishit!!!! Ten Emanated Separated Godheads yet before the Act of Creation!!!!
That doctrine goes back to the Ten Emanated Gods of Egyptian Theology.
Hherem 30 - Many
prophecies of the Torah return for their final revelation at the time of ‘Avon
Ketz. This is, indeed, the substance of the Hherem Mi-Deoraita, to explain how
the prophetic substance or the prophesied-idolatrous-substance of the sins of
the Tree of Knowledge, of the generation of Enosh, of the Tower of Babel and of
the Golden Calf come into their final prophetic realisation in the doctrines of
the Zohar until they are destroyed in this the final Fourth Generation of
history. Then too is the sin of the High Priest Aaron desperately needed
because all those who have fallen, notwithstanding all their good intentions,
need, with Aaron, to claim their error of ignorance in not recognizing the
idolatry involved in the Golden Calf.
Hherem 31 - The sin of the
Generation of Enosh is the subtle but false reasoning that the Infinitely High
Creator Himself is ‘too high’ to be directly involved with the lower creations
on earth. This returned in the Zohar since the entire ‘necessity’ of the Ten
Emanated Spherot was created because the EIN SOF in His Infinity emanated lower
existences for the sake of having ‘contact’ with the creations. And as the
generation of Enosh began to call the stars with the name of God (EL) attached
to them, so too the Kabbalists have placed the holy names of God known from the
Torah on the Ten Emanated Spherot.
Hherem 32 - The Breaking
of the first Tablets returns because the false Kabbalah of the Zohar has been
extended to a vast gamut of literature, Books on Torah, Commentaries, later
Poskim, Sidurim etc. etc. falsifying the true intentions of the Holy Torah. All
these books and commentaries have been contaminated by the idolatrous doctrine
of Emanation and to redeem the Torah in them, the books must be burned and the
Torah in them re-written (in those texts where it is possible). This is similar
to the fact that the first Tablets
were destroyed but the second Tablets contained the same Ten Commandments.
This is true also of the Siddurim that contain the idolatrous Kabbalistic
formulah ‘le-shem-kudshe-brich-hu-u-shchintei’ (for the sake of binding the
Holy One Blessed is He (Zeir Anpin) to His Divine Presence (Nukvei or
Malchuta)’ which must be excised from them to render those Siddurim usable.
Hherem 33 - So too returns
the prophetic substance of the Tower of Babel in the Emanated City of the
falsified linguistics of the Zohar and the Great Construction of its Four
Worlds. So too the Zohar comes unto its final Hated Fourth Generation in the
City of Lubovitch where sits the Son of Shinar (Shneerson) with its huge
idolatrous Tower and immense propaganda machine etc. Nothing can be redeemed
from this movement, including the vast Torah-studies of Rabbi Shneerson,
because all of it represents the quintessence of the doctrinal idolatry of the
false Kabbalah.
Hherem 34 - The sin of
‘Avon Ketz (the sin of the end time) brings to ‘every kind of ‘sof’, every kind
of end. This means that this Final Sin is judged at the time of the End-Time in
the Final Fourth Generation. In the Final Fourth Generation there are many,
many kinds of ‘ends’. The roots of all kinds of evil will be destroyed and only
a third of the world of today will be saved for the sake of their descendants
that they may partake of the good in the times of the redemptional peace and
harmony that will come after the Final Fourth Generation. The Final Fourth
Generation itself thus represents the prophetic realisation, great and
terrible, of the Second Commandment itself. In it are destroyed the Final
Golden Calf, the Final Sin of the Generation of Enosh, the Final Sin of the
destruction of the Linguistic Unity of the True Torah in order to create an
idolatrous Tower for the Emanated Zeir Anpin, the Final Sin of Ten Emanated
Gods, the Final Sin of false Messianism and the Final Sin of trying to eat of
the Forbidden Fruit of true hidden matters reserved for the true ‘hidden’
Tzadikim. Also this Hherem Mi-Deoraita is the Final Hherem Mi-Deoraita of history
because only in this Final Fourth Generation do these true explanations of the
Torah against idolatry come together for their finalised formulation. There
will be no need for another Hherem Mi-Deoraita against idolatry after this
Final Fourth Generation.
Hherem 35 - The Hherem Mi-Deoraita is, thus, on
its own right, a full-fledged Meditation on the roots of idolatry. The
Meditation is profound. Its practical result, however, is the simple and pure
faith in God felt in one’s heart. The Hherem Mi-Deoraita brings the Jewish
world back to the verse ‘tamim tihiye im ha-Shem Elohecha’ ‘Be of a simple
heart with the Lord, your God’ and it reteaches ‘the hidden things are to the
Lord, our God and the revealed things are for us and for our children’ and it verifies
the verse ‘God has made man straight but they have sought many calculations’.
Hherem 36 - The Hherem, therefore is
Mi-Deoraita, from the Torah itself, and not Mi-Derabbanan, a rabbinical
excommunication. For it is the Hherem which is contained in the Torah itself
but which is formulated in its final form only at the time of the Final Fourth
Generation, as explained, where all kinds of end-times come together, together
with the Final Explanations against the ‘Avon Ketz of the doctrine of Emanation
of the Zohar.
Jacob, our father, began to see in his prophetic vision the marvelous
things that would happen to all the tribes of Israel in the periods of the
Final Redemption but he was then confronted as well with the terrible prophetic
visions of the Final Fourth Generation of Israel, ending with the unspeakable
Holocaust, and thus he was held back from revealing anything of ahhrit ha-yomim
(the End of Days). The Final Fourth Generation of Israel, however, comes
before the Final Fourth Generation of the world. The return to Israel and
the establishment of the State of Israel is a sign of Israel’s Resurrection, a
resurrection which leads it to a thousands levels of resurrection after it.
Through Israel’s resurrection, it begins its process of purification and
correction so that it will be able to receive the Final Redemption. This Hherem
Mi-Deoraita, in merit of the Tzadik Haim ben Moshe of Sana Yemen, thus
represents the pivotal turning point of Jewish history as soon as it will be
understood; it represents the inner catalyst to the purification and correction
of Israel’s Torah people, a purification and correction which will lead to a
totally new heart and a great reconciliation among all Jews.
Hherem 37 - Jacob, our father, after the
reconciliation between him and Esau, had to set out for Beit El and yet it was
necessary for him to order his household to get rid of all the foreign gods
that many of them obviously held. This refers to the present time, the time of
purification from the foreign idolatrous doctrines that have crept into Jacob’s
heredity and which must be destroyed and burnt before Jacob can receive the
blessing of God at Beth El and receive the Final Third Temple at Jerusalem.
- It is prohibited from
the Torah to say that above the creation and before it, in level and in time,
God has Aspects (Partzufim), as it states ‘You shall nat place other gods on My
countenance’. Nor does this prohibition change according to any category of
explanation, even the most spiritually sophistocated that might exist. It is
absolutely prohibited to speak of such, to believe in such or to philosophise
on such and every aspect of it is idolatrous and punishable. The punishment of
these sins are first of all in the mind and heart of the believer who is
invaded by false beliefs which do not allow for the truth of the Torah to be
revealed in him or her.
Hherem 38 - It is prohibited to use terms
concerning the Holy One, Blessed is He, that were not accepted in the Tradition
of Israel. Sometimes, in the language of the Sages, of blessed memory, when
they described a state of momentary revelation of the Divine Presence, were
used such expressions as ‘On the bank of the Nile before its splitting, the
children of Israel saw the Holy One Blessed is He as a Shaliahh Tzibur (one
‘sent’ by the congregation to conduct the prayers for them). This is a
description of a momentary revelation of the Divine Presence which may reveal
itself in whatever form is desired for that moment. It is, however, absolutely
prohibited to say that in the Holy One, Blessed is He, there exists the Divine
Aspect of a Shaliahh Tzibur. And to whom then must God turn to in prayer?!!!!!
Hherem 39 - It is prohibited from the Torah to
say, think or believe that there exists a ‘construction’ in God or that in God
there is a fixed number of worlds.
Hherem 40 - It is prohibited from the Torah to
say, think or believe that the Infinite One ‘contracted’ Himself until He came
unto his Emanated form of the ‘Small God’ Zeir Anpin called by the Kabbalists
‘the Holy One Blessed is He’ to Whom must be addressed all prayer and all
service! This is pure idolatry no less than the Christian Trinity!
Hherem 41 - There exists no permission to think
about separated and distinguishable levels in the Will of God. The Kabbalists
have done exactly this postulating separated levels in the Kotzo shel Yod which
they have refer to the Higher Crown. His Will becomes for them an Emanated Will
or Higher Crown over the Lower Worlds. This, as explained, is one of the sinful
and idolatrous elements alluded to with ‘Avon Ketz. All these are prohibited by
the Torah within the framework of the prohibitions regarding idolatry, an
associated faith, a multiplicity of reigns, other gods and every image etc.
Hherem 42 - It is prohibited from the Torah to
say, think or believe that ‘bereishit’ (‘In the beginning’ - first word of the
Torah) refers to Aba d’Atzilut, Emanated Father and ‘bara’ (He created’ -
second word of the Torah) refers to Ema d’Atzilut, Emanated Mother. Also
Christian theology has done such having ‘In the beginning’ refer the Father and
‘He created’ refer to the Holy Spirit from which was ‘emanated’ the Divine Son.
In essence there is no difference in this in the doctrine of Zeir Anpin ‘born’
of Aba and Ema. This, however, represents a ‘multiplicity of reigns’ which is
strictly prohibited.
43 - THE HEART OF BIG FISH: The true Kabbalah of the Torah is called the
‘Beit of Bereishit’ (see the last 3 chapters of Esther 3). Here is its simplest
formulation: Beit Reishit - there are 2 beginnings in creation, the creation of
the heavens and the creation of the earth; God is One but in His Divine Wisdom
He created both the heavens and the earth which are of 2 very separated levels;
therefore the result of the Wisdom of God in creating the heavens is different
than the result of the Wisdom of God in creating the earth. Thus Beit Reishit -
2 beginnings; Reishit, explain the Sages, is Wisdom; there are 2 ‘ways’ in
God’s Wisdom concerning the creation of the heavens and the earth.
44 - The Creator is One and both the heavens and the earth are His
creations. God’s Wisdom is one with Him and it cannot be described or limited,
to say that His Wisdom in creating the heavens is called Aba d’Atzilut and His
Wisdom in creating the earth is called Ema d’Atzilut or Malchuta d’Atzilut. If
you fix levels in His Wisdom you are creating Divine Levels in the Divinity and
you are creating other gods before Him. We are saying no such thing. The true
Kabbalah of the Torah is teaching us that the way of God’s Wisdom in creating
the heavens is different than the way of God’s Wisdom in creating the earth and
that all is according to His Divine Will.
Hherem 45 - Their interpretation is a denial of
what is known in Tradition that also Breishit is a Maamar, the first of the Ten
Sayings in which the world was created (a Saying - for the other 9 it states
‘va-yomer elohim’ -and God said- thus also Breishit, the first verse or the
first 2 verses before ‘and God said ‘’Let there be light’’ ’ are as if it had
stated ‘And God said ‘in the beginning’ ’ etc. It is prohibited from the Torah
to say, think or believe that the Creator by way of Partzuf Aba created
everything and by way of Partzuf Ema He created man, the Emanated Partzuf of
Zeir Anpin that copulates with his Nukva, the Emanated Wife of Zeir Anpin, and
in their mating in the ‘Unification of the Holy One Blessed is He and His
Divine Presence’ are created the lower worlds of creation, formation and
- Blessed is the Lord, our God, who has taken us out of the bondage of
Egyptian idolatry, out of the slavery of false theologies!
Hherem 46 - Deep have the Mystics fallen with
their myriad Emanation Scheme, 5 Fold, Ten fold and 13 Fold, with their
Cosmic-Sexual relations so as to create the Lower World children. But ‘the
heavens are the heavens unto God and the earth He gave to the children of man’.
In this is maintained the Beit of Breishit because if the wisdom given man on
earth is thought to be as the wisdom of God in creating the heavens, the true
separation of the Beit between the heavens and the earth is not maintained and
every interpretation will be totally false; the human intellect that tries to
construct Divine Levels creates a pantheon, a hated Tower and a Golden Calf and
when such an idolatrous theology comes to interpret the Ten Saying of Creation
or the Ten Commandments, Moses, our teacher, descends from the mountain to
destroy those falsified Tablets, Tablets falsified by false interpretation even
though the Ten Sayings or the Ten Commandments of themselves remain intact.
Hherem 47 - It states ‘and
until the fourth generation to those who hate Me but I use loving-kindness to
those who love Me and who abide by My commandments’. The immediate sequence of
‘to those who hate Me’ to ‘but I use loving-kindness’ is indicative of this
Final Doubled-Fourth Generation, doubled in the Great Final Judgement of
the world, of those who are punished and destroyed and those who are saved and
redeemed. The Almighty God of the universe will reveal His mighty hand, His
signs and portents and His omnipotence in this generation to the entire world.
All of us must tremble with fear when the mightiness of EL KANA, the Jealous
God, comes to destroy all idolatry from the face of the earth. Two-thirds of
the world will be destroyed, God save us and of the Jews in the world
two-thirds will be saved but terrible is the wrath of God against the doctrinal
trap of the false Kabbalah that falsifies the Holy Torah and with subtle
sophistocation renders it idolatrous and hateful.
Hherem 48 - The
Kabbaists speak of a Chain of 4 Worlds which they call ‘hishtalshelut’ a
proceeding from higher levels to lower levels, each level or world enchained to
the world above it and the world below it. It will eventually be understood
that such a Chain, rooted in the idolatrous doctrine of Emanation, serves only
to create a long idolatrous Chain. Without realising it, they fell into the
very Idolatrous-Chain alluded to in the Second Commandment itself, fathers,
sons, third generation and fourth generation. As explained ‘Avon Ketz is
the Idolatrous-Sin of the Final Time and thus the Final Time of ‘until the
hated fourth generation’ is in direct positioning with the ‘Avon Ketz itself.
For this reason every element relating to the doctrinal sins of the Zohar has a
perfect correspondance with the Hherem deriving from the Second Commandment.
Such for example is the Idolatrous ‘hishtalshelut’ of the Worlds of Emanation,
the suble sin of fathers, the World of Creation, sin of sons, the World of
Formation, sin of third generation and the World of Action, sin of the hated
fourth generation.
Hherem 49 - The
concatenation from the subtle sin of fathers to the hated actions of the fourth
generation in which God’s wrath is revealed, hides the sin from the eyes of all
4 generations. (the sin of fathers is called ‘subtle’ because it bases itself
on a new and seemingly plausable logic such as ‘the Creator is too far removed
and invisible, therefore He gave us His Governors, the visable stars, to call to
and to serve’ in the generation of Enosh’. For the Kabbalists ‘the EIN SOF is
too infinite to have to do directly with the lower worlds, therefore He
emanated spherot which may be called to and given His names because as His
Emanations it is as if calling to Him through the Lower Emanations that can be
perceived’) Since the ‘Avon Ketz of the Zohar, the sin, in essence, of not
understanding that the entire concept of Emanation is idolatrous and
prohibited, established the sin of fathers with its own false ‘theological’
logic, the 4 generation Chain into which it fell no longer allowed those fallen
to recognise the terrible error. This essential concept must be studied in
order to better understand why so many Torah scholars have fallen into the trap
in the past 4 to 500 years without being able to recognise or immagine any
error or how much less so idolatry.
Hherem 50 - Exactly as in
the sin of the Tower of Babel, the beginning of the sin was so grave and so
hateful before God, a directly opposite theology to the true faith of God’s
Holy Torah and for sure with the sinful intentions of those first Kabbalists to
make a name for themselves etc., that the decree of the Tower was given, ‘This
is the beginning of their action and now let nothing of their intentions be
missing from all that they have proposed to do’. Each of the 4 generations of
the idolatrous sin, Tree of Knowledge, Enosh, Tower and Golden Calf has its own
4 generations of the sin. By studying the ‘sin of fathers’ in each one we can
better understand the depth of the hatefulness involved in decreeing the
Chained-In sin to be completed. The decree, however, is seen in the Tower
because the sin of the generation of Enosh was not with evil intentions but
rather with an erroneous logic that brought them off course. In the sin of the
Tower, their intentions were evil, to use the first language given by the
Creator to Adam and Eve for making of its words a Tower of Salvation for
themselves and to make an eternal name for themselves and to change the names
used in referring to God, the Creator and to place them on Nimrod etc.
Hherem 51 - The fourth
final Fourth Generation, in its own ‘sin of fathers, will have in it the roots
of the ‘sin of fathers’ of the Tree, Enosh, Tower and Golden Calf. It is not
difficult to interpret the Tree for its seeming beauty and its marvelous scent
and its intellectual stimulation and finally its conniving Serpent cunning to
awaken the desire to be as other gods who know how to distinguish between good
and evil in relationship to the terrible trap of the Zohar. The prostitute
moves with sagacious steps and works downward until she captures her victim.
The root of evil in the story, however, is the Serpent’s wisdom and the sin of
fathers lay in Eve’s inclination to disobedience because of the strong nature
of her desires.
Hherem 52 - The root of
evil in the time of Enosh was the in the subtle arrogance, for reason of their
ability to reason, in placing their own logic above the simplicity of heart
loved by the Creator. The ‘sin of fathers’ of Enosh’ time was the break-away
from the Creator, the First Cause of all, and the displacement of their actual
faith on His creations. This, as demonstrated at great length by the Hhacham
Elgafeh, was exactly the same sin of the Kabbalists in breaking-away from the
Infinite One and placing their intentions on ‘lower emanated causes’ upon which
they placed His Holy names as known from the Torah and Tradition. We cannot
immagine how hateful this idolatrous falsification of the true faith of the
Holy Torah given by the Giver of Truth is before Him. They left the commandment
of the Torah ‘tamim tihiye im ha-Shem Elohecha’ to engage themselves in
sophistocated proposed levels of the Infinite One’s myriad emanations before
the creation of the world, with reasonings concockted by the limitations of
human intellect.
Hherem 53 - It is,
however, the sin of fathers in the
Construction of the Tower of 4 Worlds, the head of which reaches the
heavens, from which the terrible decree of 4 generations, totally blind to its
own error and abomination, issues. It is here that the Unified Language of
the Holy Torah becomes falsified by the New-Theological Emanation Linguistics,
totally and connivingly undoing the Linguistics of Creation given by the Holy
Torah and substituting every true concept with Emanated Godheads and Emanated
Spherot who in separated contexts speak out the verses of the Torah. There
is nothing more blasphemous than this; the Emanated Father who speaks out the
fiats of the rest of creation while the Emanated Mother takes on the
responsibility of creating Zeir Anpin, the chosen Emanated Son, the Cosmic
Man-God, who already possesses the 248 Cosmic Limbs so as to be the source of
the creation of mankind! Let us
take heed, o all Israel, let us be seen even naked but not with shameful
uncleaned and smelly excrements still still clinging from our back side!
Hherem 54 - It is
prohibited from the Torah to say, think or believe that there exist Ten
Emanated Spherot before the creation of the world. For also the act of creation
in the the first verse of the Torah is the Saying of God, the Almighty Creator
of the universe. This is so that no one come to create other theologies about
that which existed ‘before’ and ‘above’ the act of creation. So too is the
language of creation in the Torah indicative of creatio ex nihilo, creating an
existence from non-existence. This is important because the power of bringing
the world into existence from non existence cannot be ‘understood’ by human
intellect and it is taken on faith, the faith of the Holy Tradition of the
Torah. What then does a foolish human being think that he might be able to
perceive of ‘levels’ before and higher than creation!
Hherem 55 - He is a thief
of Torah words and has placed them on false mental constructions which have no
true existence and he lives in self-illusion! And such he calls the Mystical
Kabbalah of the Holy Torah! A 400 year decree of malign chained-in-cancer until
the death of the shoa. But that is done and Israel’s death became it’s
resurrectional sacrifice and we entered the period of our purification. Israel
and the Jewish people will never again be destroyed and 80 percent of the
Jewish world has nothing to do directly with the Zohar and its doctrinal sins
but now we must clean up the stinking excrements which still cling to the back
side. And the people of Jacob must now rid itself of foreign gods!
Hherem 56 - Unfortunately
the result of ‘Avon Ketz, the sin of the false doctrine of Emanation, was the
shoa, as explained more at length in Paulus Corrected. The Holocaust was the
Final Punishment of the Final Hated-Fourth Generation of Israel, be-’avonot
ha-rabim, and we would not speak about it but the correct placement of this
Hherem requires that Israel understand its sin. By the time of the shoa, all
Israel in general was distorted, off course, rebellious, callous, stiff-necked,
deviating from the Torah; therefore every religious group blamed the others,
the haskalah, the Reform movement, the hasidim, the mitnagdim, the Yevsekas,
the Zionists, the over religious, the non religious etc. Back and fourth they
blasted each other in their historical sequences before the shoa and also after
it. The truth is that no one could understand why such a large part of the
Jewish people had to undergo such a terrible inhuman punishment. On the other
hand, no believing Jew could deny that the decree was of God and the Torah and
Prophets had foreseen it. It was thus foreseen that Israel would fall into a
most horrendous sin at the End of Days.
Hherem 57 - Still today
Jews may think about the inhuman tragedy that befell us at the hands of the
Germans with justified hatred but no one dare speak of the causes also because
it is useless to debate such an argument the bottom line of which cannot be reached.
And still today, justly so, the subject matter is extremely touchy. It is also
true that the shoa must never be forgotten. It will not be forgotten and in the
near future Amalek will be totally destroyed while the world will see it and
understand. And in that prophetic destruction of Amalek, the shoa will never be
forgotten. A generation has passed and the time of the Final Redemption has set
in and if we said that the bottom line could not be reached, this means that it
cannot be reached by debate or discussion.
Hherem 58 - All the
currents of Judaism or of non-Judaism existing at the time of the shoa were
only the manifest results of the malign-cancer in Israel that was at the core
of God’s wrath and therefore nothing can be gained from discussing them. The
Torah, however, is eternal and that which happens to the Jewish people is the
continuation of Torah history and it is a mitzva of the Torah to contemplate
our errors and our sins of the past generations (binu shnot dor va-dor). The
shoa itself was the hated fourth generation of the Jewish people which came a
generation before the Hated Fourth Generation which relates to the entire
world. The wrath of EL KANA of the Second Commandment spilled out in the
Holocaust against the people of the Torah. The wrath itself is Torah and thus
it is not possible that the true reason or reasons of the Holocaust not come to
the fore in their time. It is an event of the Jewish people in its Torah
existence and it cannot be left ununderstood. The Jewish people must know and
understand in the end why the wrath of God was more than justified; He did not
kill the Jewish people unless they were culpable of the death penalty.
Hherem 59 - The shoa must
thus be seen as the end time for Israel of 4 long generations of a very
horrendous and idolatrous sin strictly bound to the prohibitions of the Second
Commandment. For the wrath that came out was of the Second Commandment and that
commandment concerns idolatry while the 4 generations of the sin were in a
decree of complete non-understanding. Nor was it easy to contemplate idolatry
in the Jewish world which in appearance was the last of Isreal’s many ways of
disobedience. To understand the question therefore one must not look for
apparent reasons or for human motivations or for human account but one must
turn back to the true Torah of God from which the wrath was prophesied to
Hherem 60 - We must search
for and find the horrendous idolatrous sin that lay underneath it because this
is our history and we must know of and understand our sins in order to correct
them. So must we understand: 1) the unspeakable gravity of the shoa derives
from a very grave sin before God Almighty 2) the sin is historical, that is a
sin which has historical roots as we are explaining 3) the sin is prophesied,
both in the Torah and prophets, the term shoa itself is in Prophets. 4) the sin
is hidden and unknown until it is revealed afterwards because it was closed
into a 4 generational decree of non-understanding, also this because of how
much it was hateful before the God of Israel
Hherem 61 - 5) the shoa was the terrible decreed
death of a large part of the Jewish world but the terrible death was also taken
as Israel’s sacrifice, Israel became the accepted holocaust of God by way of
the shoa and therefore its redemptional history begins 3 years after the war in
1948 as proven by prophecies of Israel’s return etc. 6) this fact also
demonstrates that in essence most of the Jews killed in the shoa were guilty
collectively but not individually 7) this fact is very hurtful because it
redeems multitudes of Jews but it condemns the Torah leaders and Torah scholars
responsible for the Torah demonstrating that their Torah was not true; in fact
no Divine Protection came from their Torah 8) for these reasons when the
understanding of the terrible idolatrous sin of the Zohar which falsifies every
aspect of the true faith of the Second Commandment comes to the fore, its
history and its influence etc. and one understands the terrible profanation
involved, all the various strands of understanding, unfortunately, come
Hherem 62 - If the Torah
is profaned, God save us, from the top and the sin is taught instead of being
uprooted, what Torah is there that remains with the people?! But if in the
mouth of the people the Creator had remained the Creator, in the mouthes of the
Mystic Kabbalah were heard the Mystical Partzufim and the Ten Spherot of the
Emanator. Those responsible for the Torah destroyed the Beit of Bereishit. They
created Deified Houses for Emanated Gods and they no longer recognised the true
barriers between the heavens and the earth. They raised themselves up to be
called Tzadikim in the eyes of the people, Mystical Tzadikim who roamed around
the Higher Emanation Chambers furnished by the Zohar. They sanctified Moshe de
Leon’s Pantheon until it became a second Holy Torah to them and even more it
became the Mystical and Spiriual Torah while the Five Books of Moses were only
the revealed Torah. They abandoned the EIN SOF and they clang to Emanated
Causes which were closer to them. They constructed 4 Worlds on God’s Holy name
of 4 Letters so as to justify their Emanation Scheme in the Yod of God’s Holy
name. One must study this matter in view of the truth of God’s Holy Torah that
was being profaned and falsified, God save us.
Hherem 63 -
Retrospectively Israel will understand all that happened. It takes a long
generation and it requires the authority of this Hherem Mi-Deoraita given by
the true Hidden Tzadik, Haim. I am not writing in this Hherem the matter of the
Final Redemption so as to remain on subject of the Hherem itself.
(Sefer Esther3-9 - Gnomen 424 -) - In the generation of Enosh, even in
the light of a very sophistocated and ‘philosophical’ logic, they turned the
true, simple faith into a complex theological cosmogony of Star-Gods. In the
generation of the Tower, they rebelled against the First Cause, Blessed is He,
the One Living Creator of the universe. They chose, instead, to steal the
Emanated Divine Powers hidden in the words of the ‘unified language’ that He
had given them and to reformulate the meanings of those words so as to build
for themselves the Tower that binds the lower world with the heavens. Instead
of the simplicity of the only true theology, the First Eternal, Absolute Cause
and Creator of all that exists, they chose the very complicated and intricate
construction of their new Nimrod theology.
Hherem 64 - (Gnomen 425) -
True wisdom must be loved for the truth itself that it teaches, a truth that
enhances and increments the love for the Giver of the true wisdom. As soon as
one believes that he has already acquired that wisdom and that he is autonomous
with that wisdom and, subtly and without realising, diminishes the Giver of
that wisdom while augmenting his own standing in his own eyes, he is a fool who
has rendered himself vulnerable to every whim of the Serpent. Therefore it
states ‘the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God’ and since wisdom itself is
called the ‘beginnng’ as it states ‘In the beginning’ and is translated in
Targum ‘with wisdom’, we learn that wisdom will remain wisdom only if it
carries with it always its beginning which is the fear of God.
Hherem 65 - (Gnomen 426) -
And from where does one know that his fear of God is that fear truly binding
him to true wisdom? Therefore it states ‘In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth’ that is when in his fear of God he does not exceed or go
above or beyond the first ‘saying’ of bereishit itself representative of the
wisdom of God expressed in words from which mankind can take benefit. Not by
trying to elevate oneself to a fabricated Emanated Spherah of Wisdom above the
level of creation! Can one acquire Divine Wisdom when he has gone directly
against that which has been decreed by the true wisdom of the Creator!
Hherem 66 - (Gnomen 427) -
Our wisdom and the wisdom that, if we merit, we may aquire, stands exclusively
in ‘In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth’. It is decreed in
the true Tradition of the Mishnah that ‘it is forbidden to search for that
which is above, below, inside or outside’ of that ‘created beginning’. Wisdom,
therefore, does not come from unbounded searching but from within the
boundaries and conditions in which that wisdom has been given. How many
thousands of ‘sophistocated’ volumes have been written on the ‘theological
wisdom of the Trinity’! Christianity, however, formulated its theology on a
theological and deified Christ who through John and Paul became the ‘unique
instrument of God in His creation’. Burn all their books of wisdom and re-learn
the Second Commandment. The true faith is simple.
Hherem 67 - (Gnomen 428) -
All idolatry becomes complicated as it continues on its 4 generation course
because it has detached itself from the true faith and from the full heartfelt
confidence in the absolutely unbounded One Living God, the First Cause of all,
the Creator of all and the Loving God who has mercy and compassion on His
creations, the Omnipotent God who saves and redeems with marvellous miracles
those who walk wiith Him in humble simplicity and serve Him with a simple
heart. All true teachings do not come to complicate the faith with
emanation-mysticism but to teach the simple faith of the Patriarchs, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob and to study the humble faith of Moses, our teacher, for which
he was so loved by God.
Hherem 68 - See how the
Gilad-Pharoah-Zohar has reached the exact opposite and as the coldness of the
mixed-multitude’s ‘this man, Moses’ compare ‘a Kabbalist, called Moses,our
teacher, perceived what he could and wrote his Book of Kabbalah called the Five
Books of Moses’. As sophistocated as idolatrous doctrines may become, they
always lead in the end to pure arrogance and they always come in the end (
because it was inherent there in its beginning) to manifest the exact opposite
of the True Tradition of ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the
Hherem 69 - Therefore the
Sages of blessed memory taught that the Torah did not begin with an Alif for
reason of its possible association with ‘arur’ (cursed) which begins with the
letter alif.
(Gnomen 432) - Such is the idolatrous doctrine of the B.o.t.Zohar in
which the Emanated Godhead, Zeir Anpin, unites with the Emanated Nukva, his
wife, in order to give life to the Lower Created Worlds. And Zeir Anpin they
call the ‘heavens’ while Nukva they call the ‘earth’. That is the Illicit Union
which ‘theologically’ dissolves the true separation between the heavens and the
earth, turning them into one ‘emanated’ essence (to which the created world is
only a receptical). Thus, instead of maintaining the ‘separation’ of the
heavens and the earth of the ‘beit’ (two) of bereishit, the illicit idolatrous
union of Zeir Anpin and Nukva renders the heavens and the earth an alif, one
essence rooted in the Emanated Zeir Anpin and Nukva.
Hherem 70 - (Gnomen 433) -
For this reason the Torah begins with the ‘beit’ so that the heavens and the
earth always remain in two separate categories and do not become enmeshed into
a unified category by theorising their unification on a level of Emanation
above creation. Notice that only the doctrine of ‘emanation’ can effect
such an illicit ‘theological’ union because of its being believed ‘Unified
Godliness’ ABOVE CREATION. Such a falsified theological union turns the beit into
an alif which demolishes the true foundations of the world, God save us. And in
that illicit union in the occult waters of the Yeor, the light becomes a curse
instead of true light in which resides the blessing of God.
Hherem 71 - (Gnomen 434) -
Therefore the Holy Torah begins with the Beit so that humanity come to
receive the blessing of the Creator who in His wisdom created the heavens and
in His wisdom created the earth, in two separate categories, as it states ‘the
heavens are the heavens unto God and the earth He gave to the sons of man’.
And the Sages, of blessed memory, explain, ‘et ha-shamaim’ all that which is
included with the heavens and ’ve-et ha-aretz’ all that which is included in
the earth. Two ‘et’s are needed to reinforce the separation, so that we do not
come to think that what is included in the creation of the heavens is included
in the creation of the earth and what is included in the creation of the earth
is included in the creation of the heavens. for they are two separated categories
in God’s creation and their only point of true unification is that they are
both the creations of the One and same God, Creator of all.
Hherem 72 - the Beit
responds both to the marriage-relationship between the heavens and the earth
and to the true separation between the heavens and the earth.
(Gnomen 439) - The doctrine of Emanation accomplishes the opposite
of the Beit of Bereishit; it creates a false and illicit unification of the
heavens and earth which, in turn, because it is false, creates a false,
‘platonic’ relationship between the heavens and the earth that separates the
true relationship between ‘True Kabbalah and Torah’ and between the Wisdom of
the Torah and the Understanding of Tradition and between the Written and the
Oral Law and between the true spiritual marriage relationship between the Holy
One, Blessed is He and the Holy Congregation of the children of Israel. In the
end therefore it is the Beit of Bereishit that reclaims the True Tradition and
‘returns’ to destroy all the false-Kabbalah based on Emanation.
Hherem 73 - (Gnomen 440) -
The false mysticism of the false-Kabbalah mystifies the true sense of ‘heavens’
and ‘earth’ taking them out of their created context and bringing them to a
‘superior level’ a ‘higher spiritual level’ which precedes them. As explained,
whatever pretends to speak about ‘higher levels above creation’ is a doctrine
of Emanation, whether or not the term emanation is used. The B.o.t.Zohar,
however, is not simply a doctrine of emanation ; it is THE doctrine of
Emanation itself. Once the heavens and the earth have been ousted from
their created context to levels of emanation, they can begin to speak about
‘spiritual unions on the level of emanation’ between the heavens and the earth.
And since those ‘spiritual unions’ are ‘Divine’ because they stand on the level
of Emanation, they are ‘illicit idolatrous unions’ which give birth to false
concepts on every level of heavens and earth, thus exiting and totally
distorting the true equilibrium of the Beit of Bereishit.
Hherem 74 - (Gnomen 441) -
They turn the blessed Beit into the cursed Alif on the level of Atzilut and all
that follows the Course of Emanation comes down in a distorted and falsified
comprehension, in a relationship between the heavens and the earth that is not
limited or defined by the true barriers of separation between them. The
marriage of emanated lights or divinities that represent for them the ‘way of
union’ of the heavens and earth undo the true equilibrium of the Beit of
Bereishit. All ancient mythologies have this element of idolatrous marriage
between the heavens and the earth.
Hherem 75 - (Gnomen 442) -
All idolworship in its inception moves away from the First Cause. What change
are the types of cult and the linguistic formulas and the names used to place
on the ‘emanated beings’. But whether the ‘Kabbalists’ of the generation of
Enosh or the ‘Kabbalists’ of the Tower of Babel or the ‘Kabbalists’ of Greek
Mythology or the ‘Kabbalists’ of the idolatrous Book of the Zohar, they all,
within the structures, cosmogonies, pantheons or spiritual worlds of the
doctrine to which they ascribe, all involve ‘Illicit Divine Unions’ that undo
the separation between the heavens and the earth and falsify the true
unification between them, the true equilibrium between them as sealed into the
Beit of Bereishit.
Hherem 76 - (Gnomen 443) -
Obviously the worse offenders were not of the generation of Enosh or of the
Tower or the Greeks but those who made the golden calf in the framework of
egyptian idolatry. These had witnessed God’s redemption and His great miracles
and the revelation at Sinai. And in later history the worst offenders were not
Christians or all those of the idolatrous asiatic meditation religions etc.
etc. but those who fell into the idolatrous error of emanation of the
Zohar-Kabbalah. These were Jews commanded in the purity of the Holy Torah and
in the true Tradition of the Beit
of Bereishit.
Hherem 77 - (Gnomen 444) -
To add some understanding concerning that equilibrium: the true Hidden Tzadikim
know the true secrets of the true, hidden Ascent. The true Kabbalah of the True
Hidden Tzadikim maintains the true equilibrium between the heavens and the
earth as created and maintained by the Beit of Bereishit. Since they maintain
and support the truth of that equilibrium, they are bound to the enormous and
incredible responsibility connected with each level of their Ascent. This is
what is meant by the expression received from the Tzadik Haim that the 36
Hidden Tzadikim are the Pillars of the world because it is they who maintain
the equilibrium of the Beit of Bereishit.
(Gnomen 445) - True hidden light carries with it an enormous weight. Many
have been jealous of them because of the light that they know but that is
because they have no understanding of the suffering involved in those levels, a
suffering of which they would hardly be jealous if they knew its weight.
Hherem 78 - (Gnomen 446) -
The Key to the idolatrous sin: 1) the ‘original’ desire to become as
small-gods and to know everything (Emanation) 2) the forming of imagined
Emanated Deities that represent Lower Causes from the Infinite God above (the
subtle sin of the fathers in distancing themselves from the First Cause) 3) the
construction of a Corrupted Linguistic House to accomodate the Divine Emanated
Forces 4) the displaced descent into the concrete idolatry of the hated fourth
generation whether on the level of pagan idols or whether the pagan gods are
abstracted to the higher levels of their Godliness by sophistocated linguistics
of Emanation or whether those linguistics are totally simplified ad absurdum to
accomodate the vulnerability of the masses. Its name is idolatry. Each one of
these corrupts, defiles, distorts and exits from the true Beit of Bereishit.
Hherem 79 - (Gnomen 447) -
The Emanated Deities or Emanated Spherot, having been distanced from the First
Cause, are called with names and are called upon in those names in order to
reap benefit from them. The benefit of those ‘Divine Names’, however, increment
their benefits by joining with one another or by being joined through the
intentions of their servers. Those conjoinings then take on the attributes of
kissing and hugging and uniting, eating, sleeping etc. and every other human
terminology that helps them feel closer to their Divinities, whether these are
understood in the crudest of manners or whether they are taken as symbols or
examples to be abstracted into mystical lights etc.
Hherem 80 - (Gnomen 448) -
Such Illicit and Idolatrous Divine Unions will always have the purpose of
binding and marrying the heavens and the earth so that from the heavens the
person may reap benefit on earth. Therefore at least two Divine Emanations from among the Pantheon of
Smaller-Gods will always come to represent a spiritual marital union between
the heavens and the earth. That marriage union between the heavens and the
earth, on its Divinity Level or its abstracted Emanation Level do not maintain
the separated duplicity of the heavens and the earth. Zeir Anpin and Nukva, for
example, or the Ten Emanated Spherot are said to be One, according to them,
because all that which is part of Emanation is pure Godliness and there are no
true separations there but only the ‘sources’ of the separated creations that
come afterwards.
Hherem 81 - (Gnomen 449) -
They failed to realise that the Chain of Worlds deriving from the World of
Emanation the source of which is itself idolatrous will only falsify all the
other concepts and ‘theologies’ of the ‘lower created levels’ until it reaches
it maximum Hated Fourth Generation completing itself on earth and finalising
such a totally anti-Torah doctrine such as Kabbalah, the Hidden Torah of Gilad
Shadmon of Bnei Brak. In any case, on all levels, it is the Beit of Bereishit
and the equilibrium that it contains that will determine what is the true
Kabbalah of the Torah and what is false-Kabbalah.
Hherem 82 - (Gnomen 450) -
The extreme gravity of the matter is verified in history, unfortunately,
especially for the children of Israel who have received the Torah and who have
inherited the true Tradition of the Beit of Bereishit. The false, idolatrous
doctrine of the Emanated Heavens and Emanated Earth on the level of the World
of Atzilut of the Book of the Zohar, after its 4 generational descent, does the
exact opposite of the proposed Perfect Unification of the Heavens and the Earth
of Emanation. It separates the true created heavens from the Jewish people on
earth, the Holocaust. For the created heavens by way of the Pact of the Torah and by way of the Beit of Bereishit are
bound to the people of the Pact in the world, to benefit them if they maintain
the Pact and to abandom them to every evil if they abandon the Pact.
Hherem 83 - The Beit of
Bereishit became ‘one’, the alif of ‘arur’, on the level of the Unification of
Zeir Anpin and Nukva of Atzilut and after 400 years of expansion, the heavens
and earth for the Jewish people became separated into a ‘hateful platonic
relationship’ dispised and hateful to the loving God of Israel who choose them
in virtue of the Patriarchs for the sake of a true spiritual Marriage Bond
between the Holy One, Blessed is He and His chosen and beloved people Israel.
Hherem 84 - (Gnomen 301) -
The false theology of the Book of the Zohar thus represents the worst
historical sin of Israel of all times. When the hidden sin behind the terrible
Holocaust will be understood, the two things unfortunately go together. There
was no greater punishment and destruction for the Jewish people as the
Holocaust in all past history. So does it unfortunately correlate perfectly to
the level of the sin of the golden calf. The sin of the false-Kabbalah is
the prophetic realisation of the golden calf, the worst moment of all
Jewish history.
Hherem 85 - (Gnomen 302) -
The breaking of the first Tablets was the saddest moment in Israel’s history.
From what would have been the greatest and most felicitous realisation of
Israel’s historical elevation from then on became the most shameful act before
God and before mankind in all its ensuing history. We must, however, at the
same time that we take cognisance of the immense tragedy of that historical
sin, not lose sight of the Design in History which must be accomplished. This
does not make it less tragic in itself or less sinful in any way but,
nevertheless, it refreshes the equilibrium to know that in the long scheme of
history, it had to come out. It had to come into existence and it had to be
punished all for the sake of what would have to be understood from it in the
Hherem 86 - (Gnomen 309) -
It is only in this perspective that the various elements of the idolatry that
has still to be purged from the people of Jacob can be truly perceived. The
Book of the Zohar is the historical terminal of the Idolatrous sin of history.
The original sin caused by the Serpent is in it. Not figuratively. Those first
rabbis who fell into the sin of the Zohar believed that their eyes would be
opened as ‘gods’ (receivers of Divine Emanations) who know good and evil and
they fell head-first into the Emanation-trap. Without understanding what was
happening they were cast out of the true Garden of the Holy Torah, falsifying
the True Kabbalah of Tradition. They saw that the fruit was beautiful to look
at and deliciously stimulating to the intellect and they ate of it and once they
ate of it, the Serpent had won again as he had won with Eve.
Hherem 87 - Gnomen 310 -
This is not drush. It is the historical prophetic realisation of what had to
happen. Deep is the prophetic substance of the Torah, the words of God
Almighty, amazing and terrible in their historical outplay, but redemptional in
the end when all is clarified. And only the Completed Signs of the Final
Redemption brought by the Final Goel, Haim, allow us to envision globally the
4000 year cycle from the Star of Abraham as well as the 6000 year cycle from
Adam and Eve, our first father and mother. Only the CS give us the new
prophesied tongue of the FR to read and to decipher the Signs of history sealed
into the Holy Torah so that their understanding come to the fore with the
coming of the Final Goel and the entrance of the Final Fourth Generation.
(Gnomen 321) - And, in truth, only by way of the final destruction
of the final golden calf of history will the history of the golden calf,
written in the Holy Torah, become understood, both to Israel and to the world.
The beginning of this comprehension is to realise that the maximum level to
which the sin of idolatry might ever reach was reached in the sin of the golden
calf and the counter-position of the breaking of the first Tablets is proof to
this. The absolute extremes between that idolatry and between that most
‘terrible’ Correction are reached there at their maximum levels in every sense.
And so too the prophetic realisation of that final idolatrous sin of the end
time and of its final destruction forever with the final breaking down of the
falsified-Tablets of the false-Kabbalah of the Zohar represents the maximum
level to which idolatry can reach and the maximum level of the True Kabbalah of
the Holy Torah is required to break it into pieces and to burn it out of
history forever. Therefore it happens only when the Final Goel has been chosen
by God and when he is revealed to at least a part of Israel.