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Teresa Ann Jimmie

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Fairbanks Daily NewsMiner on Teresa
Anchorage Daily NewsMiner on Teresa

Teresa Ann Jimmie died on March 20,1997 at 8:00am on the steps of the Minto Lake View Lodge.The troopers that were investigating based the cause of death by the evidence at the scene and the foul odor on her.Teresa was found by the lodge care-taker with no breath or pulse.She was flown to Fbks where she was pronounced dead. I had first met Teresa when I went on a missions trip to Minto with my former pal David I had been part of the group that arrived in Minto first and we got there really late an of course the doors were locked at the lodge an have been to Minto several times I knew where the unlocked door would be at.At that time I was waitin round fer Dave as he was still on his way so I hung out with Sunny and his girlfriend fer the time bein while I waited fer Dave to get there meantime I was startin to get attention from several local girls but I did'nt catch on as I was pretty much not interested in gettin to know em just yet then David finally showed up and we both spent the day just hangin out an gettin to know several of the local girls that were hangin round the loge with us.It was round this time that I had gotten to know Teresa & Glennda and we got to became really good friends but the day came that David & I finally had to head back home but while we were sayin our goodbyes Teresa had pulled me aside while gettin my contact info and told me that Glennda had a crush on me of course I really didn't pursue it round that time since I was leavin Minto but that's a different story fer another time.For the next year or so Teresa,Glennda & I kept in touch with each other but one day Glennda moved down to Texas without tellin me so thus ended the friendship & relationship between Glennda & I meanwhile I had lost contact with Teresa and I never heard from her again but I knew she was round the area somewhere then one day I was at a dinner durin the Christmas holiday and I had unexpectedly ran into Teresa so we ended up talkin to each other fer the next two hours fore I finally had to take off back home.Never did I know it was the last time I'd ever talk or see her again cause in March I was at home lookin fer a lunch when we received a phone call from my dad or whatever,then I was sittin there makin my lunch when the phone rang again and my mom answered the phone and said "Yeah I'll tell him" an I kinda knew she was talkin bout me since I was the only dude there my dad was at some kinda board meetin so it was then that I had found out my best friend Teresa had died from gas sniffin at the very lodge David & I had stayed in durin the winter of '96 so on March 20,1997 my best friend had died of gas sniffin the next week I went to her funeral to pay my respects to her while I made some new friends to replace the ones that had left.So every year I stop what I do on March 20th and pay my respects to my best friend who passed away and to this day I still miss her cause she was probably one of the koolest friends in Minto that I ever had there Teresa was always happy and she she cared too in fact I can't say nough good things bout her but sometimes I wish that she was back here on earth cause I really miss her lotz.
