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As time as progressed in the Known Realms, there has been a steady wave of insane wanderers of the RhyDinian lands that have caused many to seek a Haven where adventure, dreams and the ways of true realmsians can live. Many realmsians fear to express free thought or a difference of opinion, for many seek to crush those that do so under their heel. And all in the name of power.

Brimstone is a kingdom of realmsians that have picked a piece of the lands before the masses to adventure freely as citizens wish to be. A land of questing knights, noble families, ladies in waiting, and many others that wish to populate the kingdom. The lands of Brimstone are open to all that seek to enter, as long as they respect the ways of the people, as We respect other realms customs and laws.

It is a self-governed realm, overseen by a King and Queen, with the Senate of Tel'Malta-tal as the main government power for the citizenship. Brimstone has been a working realm since the munpet year of 1998, with the thought that all citizens need a place to safely travel [except for the usual encounter of creatures seeking food], and have a life as adventuring souls. These souls are what makes Brimstone live and breathe, for they make the quests come to be and the tales of knights to be wonderous legends.

On June 10 th, 1999, Cyric Changed the format of the Forum to the status of Kingdom, to also show that they are, although neighbors not he same realm as Rhydin. Not to divide the powers of Realms, but to give a homeland for citizens to be proud to be a part of.

Ruled by the benevolent King Cyric and Queen Julie, the Nation of Brimstone stands as a Kingdom of hope for citizens. As patrons of the Alliance, King Cyric and Queen Julie have assumed the mantles of Leadership to protect all who abide in their domain. For what is a Kingdom, but a place where the leaders allow those to inhabit their Realm as Friends and Neighbors.

This Charter is but a basic guideline of rules and laws of Brimstone. It sets the foundation on which to build what is needed to help the Kingdom grow. With these guidelines, the citizens can adventure as they chose, as long as the basics are followed.

Brimstone is a Kingdom that welcomes all that wish to come within our borders. We of this Kingdom have much to offer and is always learning as we stride forth along the pathes we take as we travel through the many Known Realms. We respect the laws of other Forums and Realms, and as such, deserve the same in return. Although we cannot control the actions of anyone, We do protect and guard the citizenship by our laws.

As of February 1st 2000, Brimstone with the alliances of Alenstad and Lands of RhyDin (HBWCF/LoR), allow only those within those forums to legally use there legal ranks (dice) with our kingdoms. Ths simply means, all others non-allied with us are weaken to the rank of novice (d20s) of their racial strength. There is enough insanity in the realms, and We are trying to keep what We believe in... safe from the chaos.