Cake And Accusations
by Adrienne Sekitou

"Are you going to help us at all?" Carlos asked, as he braced himself in the doorway. Aura was on his shoulders hanging decorations. He had to raise his voice to be heard over the Blackhawk song on repeat on the cd player in the corner.

"I am helping. I'm keeping her chair warm, "Adrienne answered just as loudly from across the room. She sat cross-legged in a chair, idling flipping through her notebook and occasionally making notes.

"She doesn't even sit in that chair," Andros argued, handing a balloon to Ashley.

"Oh, you don't need help! There's only like umpteen hundred people crammed in here," Adrienne gestured around at all the various Rangers, civilians, computer manifestations, assorted aliens, crawling toddlers, ghosts and a large yellow lab that were milling around the room. "Besides, you should keep your mouth shut before I remember that you're the reason that Astrea, Zhane, and Ty aren't here right now."

"They're just delayed," he muttered.

"Delayed my ass..."

"Leave Andros alone," Ashley interrupted. "You can't hurt him anyway. Doesn't matter how much you want to, Starhawk won't let you smack him."

"She told me I couldn't smack him with a *truck*. That leaves quite a few things open that I *can* smack him with!" Andros scowled at the response.

Ashley threw up her hands. "Andros, maybe we should wait for her downstairs. We'll signal everyone when she gets back. How about that?" She took his hand and coaxed him toward the door.

"That's right, run away!" Adrienne screamed, shaking her fist. "I'll sic my cat on you! He'll pee in your boots, shred your furniture, eat your telekinesis ball, and steal your hair ties. And then we'll *really* get serious!"

Ashley stopped halfway to the door as her arm jerked back. Morpher or no, the former Red AstroRanger apparently didn't take kindly to threats. "I've just about had it from you," he fulminated darkly as he advanced on the longhaired girl lounging in the chair.

"Oh, I'm *so* scared!" she lied. She didn't bother to stand, but she did at least pay him enough attention that she shut her notebook. "You clueless non-clue-having person!" she taunted quite unimpressively.

Ashley tried to pull Andros away, while others stood in front of Adrienne. The argument got louder as everyone started taking sides. It was soon interrupted however by a question from the door.

"Why is everyone here?" Starhawk asked from the doorway.

""I didn't invite them. They just show up."," was heard from somewhere in the crowd.



"What's going on?"

She stood on the chair to be seen over the still-arguing horde. "Happy Birthday?"