Anonymous Source
by Adrienne Sekitou

"Did you decide what color Ranger you're the most like?" Cassie asked as she settled in a lawn chair. Ever-protective Jetson waited until she was seated and then found himself a spot between the two chairs. I had been trying to answer Starhawk and Travler's question about Rangers and who you like, who you're like, and who you dislike. Or something. I think the sketchy-ness of my memory about the actual Notice page was preventing me from coming to a conclusion of my own.

"No, there was this whole thing about 6th Rangers being separate, and that threw my math all off. But I did find out that I dislike Pink Rangers more than any other color," I replied, staring strangely at my notebook as if it would suddenly make sense.

"Hey!" came the indignant shout from the very pregnant ex- Pink Ranger seated beside me.

I looked up quickly. "No offense of course. You're one of the ones I like. That I'm most like in fact."

"Well, that's a scary thought," Zhane remarked sarcastically as he and Astrea walked by. I stuck my tongue out at them, but he just smirked back. They appeared to be headed over toward Merrick and Shayla. I had a feeling Astrea wanted to talk to Merrick about past lives and redeeming evil and stuff. Zhane would undoubtedly flirt with Shayla, and Merrick would get quietly jealous, glaring through his hair and all. Between them and the feuding Taylor and TimeFireDude, I made a mental note to keep an eye out for fireworks, literally. They are Rangers after all.

"So why is the party outside this year?"

"'Cause it's pretty. And it's not raining here."

"Uh huh," she commented. Somehow I knew she was waiting for me to continue.

"And everyone wouldn't fit inside anymore, okay?"

"Yeah, I wonder why that is."

"More Ranger teams?" I offered, glancing at the Wild Force Rangers.

"Maybe that's it. But somehow I doubt it...," she trailed off, glancing pointedly up at the very, very, very, very, (add a few more verys) tall Wild Zords in attendance.

"The Animals were invited, thank you very much," I snapped. As happy as I was that the Animals were there, I was far from sure as to how or by whom the actual inviting had been done. Somewhere during my conversation with Cole it had happened. Talks with him could be a real adventure sometimes. "I'm a little concerned about all the dogs though." But Jetson seemed to be sticking right beside Cassie, which left him away from Ness and Moon.

"Jetson will be fine," Cassie said. At hearing his name, Jetson raised his head and looked at her expectantly. She patted his head reassuringly until he lay back down.

"So last year you got in a fight with Andros."

"Yes," I answered, reminding myself not to overreact to wherever this was going.

"Who are you going to fight with this year?"

My attempt at nonchalantness didn't work, of course. I turned to look at her, disbelieving. "What makes you think I'm going to get in a fight?" But she only gave me back the same disbelieving look I had just given her. Darn Rangers knew me too well.

"Fine," I admitted. "I'm still miffed at Andros, but this year I thought I would take some shots at Ashley for crushing Zhane's self-esteem."

"I did not!"

I couldn't help it. I jumped. I have no idea where Ashley came from, but she had to have been close by. And eavesdropping. I don't blame her though. She was probably trying to see my "Rangers I don't like" list.

"You so did!" I retorted, just as childishly. ""I don't love you. You gave your cat a strange name. You lean the wrong way when you kiss. I hate you. You suck!" Really! The way you treat him!"

Ashley looked absolutely horrified. "I never said those things!"

"Prove that you didn't."

"Prove that I did."

"Why should I? I believe it was Homer Simpson who said, "Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true."" I nodded solemnly, acting like I knew what I was talking about.

Ashley cocked her head and said to Cassie, "Did that even remotely make sense? At all? And did she actually just quote "The Simpsons" as an excuse for mis-quoting me?" Cassie just shrugged.

"Haven't they learned by now that arguing with you doesn't help?"

I glanced up. "Howdy Starhawk. Yeah, you'd think they'd know that by now." I motioned to an empty chair. "Join the party. I was getting into trouble without you."

"Well, we can't have that," she said, sitting down. "Did you finish the experiment?"

I passed her my notebook. "Yeah, I think so. Then Ashley started bugging me." Perturbed at being ignored, Ashley left, dragging the complaining Cassie behind her. Jetson followed as well. I grinned.

"Deer's here."

"I saw. He's hard to miss."

"Maybe Merrick will play his flute."

"Maybe he won't."

"There was something else I was going to tell you, but I forgot."

"You always say that!"

"I know. But it's true. I think this time it was, "Happy Birthday"."

"Yes, that's probably it."