
"Why is your room so homey? You even have a desk!
I brought two pairs of jeans and a sweater, and you have a desk!"

1)So here I am in the staff office on a Friday night.
2)Yes, I'm a dork. Leave me alone.
3)This place is rented out on the weekends; did I mention that?
4)Not the staff quarters, obviously, but the rest of the grounds.
5)There's some group here, chilling in the Quillen--whoa, what a great rhyme.
6)That's what we do on slow nights here, write high quality poetry.
7)Anyway, the Quillen is the main building, and it incidentally houses the School's staff office.
8)One must walk rather conspicuously through the main lounge to reach the office.
9)So there are all these people out there on the porch and in the lounge, and I wandered in with my Elvis key ring, my peanut butter sandwich, my flannel and my unwashed hair.
10)I don't actually own an Elvis key ring, you understand, it just happens to be the ring Drew put the office key on.
11)As I was reading my e-mail, I happened to notice a red "Staples" box.
12)This isn't relevant to your life in any way, but it matters to me because this is the same box from which refreshments were served at the staff meeting this afternoon.
13)Apple juice goes well with peanut butter, I think.
14)I'm still recovering from my encounter with vegan ice cream.
15)Austin gave me some, and I thought it was really good.
16)Now I'm checking to make sure my taste buds are still working.
17)I think I'll take all these extra juice boxes with me when I leave.

Run Away