Favorite Stories

The following links point to archives or personal sites where some excellent
Power Rangers fanfiction can be found. I have written directions to some
of my particular favorites, but the list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive.

MMPR Zeo Turbo Space Lost Galaxy Lightspeed Rescue
Time Force Wild Force Ninja Storm Dino Thunder SPD MF

Special Marci Section:
Just Another Day - There's this guy, and he meets aliens, and they defend the world against a monkey coup.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation - Just call it, 'pirates, hurricanes, and rock stars'. Oh my!
The One With The Road Trip - I think the title says it all. Oh, and there's a barbecue.

Title by Author (Power Rangers era, story length)
Archiving site (sequence of links/headings to be clicked on or located)
Brief summary.


"What Were You Thinking?" by Kim Hamilton (Mighty Morphin movie, short)
The Fanfic Shoppe (Important Links, The Archives, D-O, Kim Hamilton)
Billy. Good dialogue. Clever idea.

"The Fifth Wheel" by SilvorMoon (pre-Alien Rangers, long)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Cestria. The Aquitian Rangers. Well-developed characters.

"The Clone Wars" by Stephanie Moffett, MSTed by Steven Savage (Ninjetti, long)
Shuuichi's Vault of Anime MiSTings (MiSTings, Other MiSTings, American Animation, Power Rangers)
Billy. Billy II. Less horrifying with the jokes.


"Reach For Me" by Nancy Shaw (Zeo, long)
Paladar`'s World of FanFic (Enter, Room 4, Nancy E. Shaw)
Tommy and Kat. When to leave someone alone, and when not to.

"Conversations at 3 am" by Panache (Zeo, series)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Billy and Kat. Zord repair, study sessions, and abundant introspection.

"Earthsiege" by Rain Fletcher (Zeo, series)
Rain's World (Rain's Stories)
Tactics, technology, romance, reunions. Everything about this story is good.

"The Running Ranger" by Ellen Brand (Zeo, long)
Paladar`'s World of FanFic (Enter, Room 13, Ellen Brand, Stand Alones)
Billy. Kat. Lots of shooting.

"Constellations" by Kittie J. Verdena (Zeo, short)
The Fanfic Shoppe (Important Links, The Archives, S-Z, Kittie J. Verdena's Stories, The Semi-Realistic Universe)
Cestria has dialogue. And she isn't evil.

"Moments In Time" by Dagmar Buse (post-Zeo, long)
The Fanfic Shoppe (Important Links, The Archives, D-O, Dagmar Buse)
Kat and Jason. Beautiful description.


"Turbo: A Power Rangers Parody" by Joe Rovang (Turbo movie, long)
Rovang.org (Fanfiction)
The more clearly you remember the movie, the funnier it is.


"A Heartbeat" by Rachel Lynn (Space, short)
Paladar`'s World of FanFic (Enter, Room 3, Rachel Lynn, StandAlones)
"There is only a heartbeat between life and death."

"Quiet Reflections" by Mouse (Space, short)
The Yostie Lair (Andros & Zhane - friends forever!)
Andros imagines Zhane's reactions to his new teammates.

"Forget Me Not" by Renee-chan (Space, long)
The Hearthfire (The Hidden Bookcase)
Andros and Zhane. Emotional trauma.

"How, Where, When and Why" by PaperKat (Space, short)
Kat's Little Nook of the Universe (What's Here, Power Rangers fan fiction, Space)
Ashley. Zhane. Little to no context.

"Time" by Amanda Ohlin (Space, long)
Mandi's Weird Web Page (Assorted Sections, Mandi's Fan Fiction, Power Rangers, Standalones)
Post-CtD: unresolved issues from the season are resolved. Happily and amusingly.

"All the Wrong Places" by Nancy Shaw (post-Space, long)
Paladar`'s World of FanFic (Enter, Room 4, Nancy E. Shaw, Stand-Alones)
Andros and Ashley try to find each other again a year after CtD.

"Affirmation" by Rachel Lynn (post-Space, series)
Paladar`'s World of FanFic (Enter, Room 3, Rachel Lynn)
Cassie is on the road with a kid. "Nigel" is staying with Andros and Ashley. They meet.

"Superhero" by Just Jill (post-Space, long)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Sylvie and the Astro Rangers. Intrigue, shooting, babies, and this story only gets better.

"If Walls Could Talk" by Adrienne Sekitou (post-Space, short)
Adrienne's Conservatory (Power Ranger Fan Fiction, one-shots)
What the Astro Rangers left behind.

Lost Galaxy

"The Blue-Haired Girl" by Jeremy Ray Logsdon (Lost Galaxy, short)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Red Shirt and Blue-Haired Girl. Silly Rangers.

"Vengeance is Mine" by Julia H. (Lost Galaxy, short)
Paladar's World of FanFic (Enter, Room 3, Julia H., Other Stories)
"What goes through a mysterious hero's head?"

Lightspeed Rescue

"Crazy Is My Middle Name" by Cynthia Harrell (Lightspeed, short)
Kul Elna (Enter, The Pharaoh's Library, Cynthia, Power Rangers)
Kelsey accepts her past after someone helps her see the present more clearly.

Time Force

"Brothers In Arms" by Rachel Trench (Time Force, short)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Mr. Collins considers Eric, Wes, and the relationship they don't know about.

"Red Fire" by cmar (Time Force, series)
The Time Line (Red Fire)
Wes and Eric a year after Time Force ended.

Wild Force

"Legends of Animaria" by WhiteZeo (Wild Force, series)
WhiteZeo's Pod Chamber (Power Rangers, PR Fanfic, Legends of Animaria, The Legends)
3000 years ago, events changed the world we know today.

"Inside Out" by Selma McCrory (Wild Force, series)
EstiRose.Net (Selma's Multi-Universal Fanfiction Archive, Wing 3, Power Rangers, Wild Force, Eric/Taylor)
Taylor and Eric. Nice follow-through with a difficult relationship.

Ninja Storm

"Reasons To Trust" by Red (Ninja Storm, short)
Ranger Comm (direct link)
Cam, Hunter, and some reasons to trust.

"Team Bonding" by Beth Epstein (Ninja Storm, series)
Tigger's Bounce List (What's Here, fan-fiction page, Power Rangers, Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Team Bonding)
"Just where the heck did that hug come from?"

"Comaraderie" by Tsukino Akume (Ninja Storm, series)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Dustin and Shane. Good detail.

"Any More Obvious" by Adrienne Sekitou (Ninja Storm, series)
Adrienne's Conservatory (Power Rangers Fan Fiction)
Dustin and Marah. Why they believed.

"Forged in Fire, Tempered in Ice" by Ellen Brand (Ninja Storm, short)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Cam. A creepy cold woman and a pretty punchline.

"Turn Around" by Nalanzu (Ninja Storm, long)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Cam and Hunter and a new way of thinking.

"Warlock AU" by foggynite (Ninja Storm, series)
This slaughterhouse floor (direct link)
Ninjas, witches, vampires, and a wicked alternate universe.

"What the Thunder Said" by Quicksylver (post-Ninja Storm, long)
FanFiction.Net (direct link)
Hunter, Blake, ninja academy rituals and choices.

"Nothing Changes" by Nikki Silver (post-Ninja Storm, short)
EstiRose.Net (The Rose Garden, Authors, NikkiSilver)
Cam and Hunter. Amusingly serious. (Link temporarily misplaced.)

Dino Thunder

"Burn" by Sugarplum (pre-Dino Thunder, short)
Sugar's Icon Journal (direct link)
Cassie and Tommy. Sunset on the beach.

"Dino Thunder for the Unitiated" by Wild Force71 (Dino Thunder, long)
Ranger Comm (direct link)
Spoofiness. Humor. The first episode, generalized.

"The Other Passion of Conner" by Anita (Dino Thunder, long)
Fanfiction.Net (direct link)
Conner and Trent behind the scenes of Dino Thunder.


"Electra" by Darkchilde (SPD, short)
Dirty Little Secrets (direct link)
Z wonders how much she and her mother have in common.

"Taxing" by Sarafu (SPD, short)
Fanfiction.Net (direct link)
Z and Syd don't do their taxes.

Mystic Force

"Soundtrack" by SilverCaladan (MF, short)
Fanfiction.Net (direct link)
Music, chocolate, and two sisters who aren't alone under the stars.

Run Away