Note: "Objects In The Rearview Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear" is sung by Meatloaf.

Ride The Light
by Starhawk

"Psst! Hey, Andros! Andros, wake up!"

"Go 'way," he muttered, pulling his blanket up over his head as he rolled over.

"Come on, Andros; wake up!"

Someone was in his room. He shoved the blanket away as the sudden comprehension struck him, and he glared up into impatient blue eyes. "Are you awake?" Zhane demanded.

His expression softened as he realized who it was, and he struggled to push himself up. "Yeah." He rubbed his eyes, blinking hard. "What's the matter?"

"There's an aurora tonight!" his friend crowed. "Come on, let's go!"

Andros' eyes widened, and he shoved the blanket back the rest of the way. "KOSN," he said, scrambling out of bed. "Upper atmospheric Ranger maneuvers, acknowledge and ignore."

"Authorization required," the computer reminded him.

"I'll get it." Zhane darted over to the computer terminal, and a moment later KOSN confirmed his clearance.

"Acknowledged," the security network's AI told them. "Specify timeframe."

"Now until morning," Andros said, tugging his sweatshirt on over his head. "Local morning."

"Compliance," KOSN replied.

They peered out into the hallway, but it was dark and empty. They managed to get outside without being spotted, but they waited until they were past the gates to reach for their morphers. They exchanged glances, grinning at each other, and shouted, "Galaxy Glider! Hang 10!"

The Gliders shot out of their hyperspace tunnels and decelerated impossibly fast, waiting only long enough for their riders to leap aboard. The two Kerovan Rangers leaned into the wind, heading north as fast as the Power-enhanced technology would carry them in realspace.

The air grew colder and the night darker as they left the city behind, and as they rose higher the starshine became clearer and clearer. The rings of the neighboring gas giant arced silver and red across the sky, falling toward the horizon as they left the equator behind.

The first glowing wisps appeared within moments, and Zhane let out a delighted whoop. Swirls of color danced across the atmosphere below them, set in motion as the solar wind tossed charged particles across Rayven's magnetic field. They dove together, one thought in both minds: to ride the light...

"It was always summer and the future called
We were ready for adventures and we wanted them all
There was so much left to dream, and so much time to make it real"

He held his friend's hand tightly, staring down at the closed eyes and willing them to open. The other had no visible injuries, aside from his deeply unconscious state. His uniform had protected him that far--but it hadn't been able to stop the life-draining effect of the monster's weapon.

Andros tightened his grip, as though by pouring his strength into his friend he could somehow restore his life force. A heartbeat pulsed weakly through their joined hands, and he couldn't tell whether it was his or Zhane's. All he knew was that it was fading.


He whirled, gripping Zhane's hand in both of his behind his back. The doctor held her arms out to the sides placatingly, no doubt recognizing the wild look that he knew had to be on his face. He hadn't eaten or slept since the battle on KO-35.

"I'm afraid I have no good news," the woman said, her gentle tone full of sorrow.

Andros swallowed hard. "What does that mean?"

"Zhane is weakening with every moment that passes. Your own doctors are excellent, and as much as it pains me to have to say this, there is nothing I can do that they haven't already tried."

"He's going to die." He stared at her, daring her to contradict him.

She didn't answer, and that was reply enough.

He turned his back on her, lowering his head as he felt the tears well up again. "Go away, please," he said, keeping his voice as level as he could.

He heard the Eltaran take a step toward him. "Andros--"

He felt his face twist into a snarl as he lifted his head. "Go *away*," he growled at the wall. The violence in his voice surprised even him, and he wanted to scream. He was losing himself along with Zhane.

She hesitated, but a moment later he heard her footsteps receding from the room. A tear rolled down his cheek, and then another, irritating eyes already red from crying as they fell. He didn't let go of Zhane's hand.

He didn't know how long he stood like that, but every second that Zhane lay motionless and unresponsive extinguished something in his heart. Finally he stirred, rebelling feebly against the dying of the flame. He couldn't just let this happen... even if he had to stop time itself.

He lifted his free hand, activating his morpher with one finger. "DECA," he whispered, staring down at his friend's body. "I need your help."

"I can still recall the sting of all the tears when he was gone
They said he crashed and burned, I know I'll never learn
Why any boy should die so young"

He came awake with a start, drawing a hasty breath as the nightmare slipped away into the currents of unconsciousness. He saw DECA's camera light flick on, silent but reassuring, and he realized suddenly what had woken him.

"Let him in," Andros muttered, lifting one hand to rub his eyes.

The tapping stopped as the door slid open, and he squinted in the wash of artificial light. Someone stood silhouetted in the doorway for just a moment before bounding through with all the energy of a twelve-year-old.

"Wake up," Zhane hissed, bracing his arms on the upper bunk and peering down at him. "Are you awake?"

He got his elbows underneath him and blinked the sleep away as best he could. "Yeah... Why?"

"Aurora!" his best friend declared exuberantly. "Come on; let's go!"

He felt a grin spread across his face as he threw the blanket back. He shoved past his friend and darted for the door, ignoring his indignant exclamation. "Race you to the holding bay!"

"We were racing we were soldiers of fortune
We got in trouble but we sure got around"