Moving Day
by Starhawk

Tap, tap, tap.

She considered the box for a moment, then tapped it against her hand again.

Tap-click, tap-click, tap-click.

Clear yellow this time, not opaque, or mottled, or white with a yellow stripe.

Tap, tap-click, tap, tap-click-click.

It made a cool noise. She wondered if the others had made a cool noise.

Click, tap-clicka, clicka, click.

She hadn't left them in their boxes long enough to find out.

Click-tap, click-clicka, click-tap.

She hadn't sat there contemplating one before this, either.

Knock, knock, knock.

She looked up, a little surprised. "Come in," she called automatically.

Andros stuck his head in as the door slid open. "How are you doing?" he asked, taking in the unruly state of her room and her apparent inactivity. "Need any help?"

She held up the box. "Do you know how many toothbrushes I have now?" she demanded.

He gave her an odd look. "One?"

"Four!" She tossed the little box on her bed and stared up at him. "I have four toothbrushes!"

"Interesting," he said noncommittally. When she just looked at him, he added, "Well... at least they won't get lonely?"

She shook her head. "I have one at home," she muttered, mostly to herself. "I have one here, and one in your room. And now I have another one--this is my fourth toothbrush!"

He sat down next to her, picking up the box with her new toothbrush in it. "Nice," he offered, sounding somewhat amused. "Why can't you just have one that you take with you when you stay somewhere else?"

"Because I'd forget it." She gave him a sideways look. "Like your comb."

"I didn't forget it," he objected indignantly. "I told you, that was Zhane's fault."

"He did your hair, so it's his fault that you forgot your comb?"

"I didn't forget it!" he exclaimed. "He should have given it back. He's the one who forgot."

"I bet that's not what he'd say if I asked him," she remarked.

"Well, honesty has never been his first reaction when it comes to girls," Andros muttered. It was impossible to tell whether he was joking or not.

She reached out, putting her hand over his until he looked up. "Have I--" She hesitated, suddenly self-conscious. She'd meant to ask this for some time, but the moment had never seemed quite right.

"I've never come between you and Zhane, have I?" she asked at last, searching his expression.

He looked surprised. "No, of course not. Why?"

She shrugged uncomfortably. "The longer I know you, the more I realize how close you are. I just--I don't want that to change."

Andros actually chuckled. "I think that's one of the reasons I love you," he admitted, gazing back at her. "Thanks for asking, but no. Nothing could ever come between me and Zhane."

She swallowed, but before she could answer he had lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers gently. "Just like nothing could ever come between me and you," Andros finished, smiling at her.

She breathed out in relief, smiling back. "You're right about that," she agreed fiercely, throwing her arms around him. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he murmured, returning her embrace.

She felt something tap her shoulderblade, and she giggled as she recognized the "tap-click" of her new toothbrush. "Yes?"

"Thanks," he said simply.

There was more in that one word than he had said since he'd walked in. There was also nothing she could say that she hadn't already told him, so she just closed her eyes and hugged him harder.