From Here On
by Starhawk

She followed its steady, luminescent glow as the firefly drifted into the air, its dark wings a blur in the evening light even as its body shone brightly against the shadows. It faded then, leaving only the impression of its presence... so like someone else she knew.

Her eyes were drawn, almost involuntarily, back toward him. He had freed the firefly, but he still held her heart in his hands. Could he have any idea of his power over her?

"I... am sorry to intrude," he whispered, staring back at her. "I should not have come, I know--but I could not watch you cry. Forgive me."

She swallowed hard, feeling something tickle her cheek. She reached up to brush it away, embarrassed to realize that she *was* crying, no matter her efforts to the contrary. "I forgive you," she said softly, hearing her voice tremble but unable to stay silent when he was so obviously waiting on her reply.

He nodded, as though that was all he really needed, and he got to his feet. He was going to leave, she realized suddenly. She couldn't let that happen again. "Wait," she said, sniffing as she scrambled to stand up. "Please don't go!"

He stopped where he stood, watching her with a wary expression as she tried to gather herself. "I'm--" She knew they shouldn't be having this conversation in the backyard, where either of Ashley's parents might glance out and see them, but the words were too important. They tumbled out before she could come up with anything else. "I'm so sorry about last night; that was my fault and I wish I hadn't said anything. You were so wonderful and I guess I just have a hard time trusting that sometimes... please, I know I don't deserve it but I wish you'd give me another chance."

She broke off only to catch her breath, and then found she couldn't start again. There was nothing else she could say in her defense. She couldn't think right around him under the best of circumstances, and his intense regard stifled any attempt she might have made at further explanation. She could only wait, nervous and more than a little scared, for his answer.

"Do you think I'm evil?" he asked at last, his voice quiet. His gaze didn't waver from hers.

"No!" She clapped her hand over her mouth immediately, closing her eyes for a moment. *Please don't let anyone have heard that...*

"Do you wish to go somewhere else?" he offered softly.

She nodded emphatically, keeping her eyes shut tight as though she could keep the world out by refusing to look at it.

"I have to touch you," he whispered, and she nodded again. She felt his hand brush against her shoulder, fingers just barely resting on her skin as her entire world went light with the glow of teleportation. It was an odd color, but even as she registered that it faded, leaving her to puzzle over the fleeting memory.

"We are... somewhere else," he said hesitantly, when she didn't move.

With a sigh, she opened her eyes. She took an involuntary step back from the rock ledge she found herself standing in front of, and she turned her wide-eyed gaze on him without thinking. He was clearly waiting for her reaction, studying her as her gaze flicked past him to land on the ship she had thought destroyed only the day before.

Nestled in a largish stone cave on the slopes of the very hills that hid the Power Chamber, she could only stare. How had he ever gotten it in here? Storm Blaster might have been able to do it, if he flew without Justin's guidance, but a non-sentient starfighter? "You're... you're a really good pilot," she murmured, glancing over her shoulder again.

The cliffs fell away with startling suddenness, unscalable from where they were without equipment, and it was driven home to her just how isolated they were here. She reached for her morpher, reassuring herself that it was still there. She could teleport out of here if she had to.

"I apologize," he said abruptly, seeing the motion. "This was not a good choice; I should have taken you somewhere less remote--"

"No!" She turned back to him at that, hearing the doubt in his voice. "This is beautiful..." And it was secret, she realized, as the ship behind him caught her eye again. That was all it took to make her see what he had done. "Thank you for trusting me... I won't tell anyone where it is; I promise."

His lips curved a little, but his gaze didn't waver from hers. There was something different about it this time, and she stared into his blue eyes, trying to figure out what it was. She caught her breath as she realized, "You smiled!"

The smile widened incrementally, and this time she would have sworn it touched his eyes. "Did I?"

"You are," she said, delighted. She took a step closer. "You never did before."

"Perhaps I never had reason to," he murmured, and she looked down.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could take back everything I said, somehow."

"It is all right," he said, and she could feel him watching her. "You were right to be suspicious."

"But I wasn't suspicious!" she protested, lifting her head to return his gaze. "Don't you see, that's why what Ashley said made sense. I don't trust people like that, and people just don't... *like* me right away. Not like that. She was right; it should have been a trick."

"It isn't a trick," he said softly.

She sighed. "I--I know. I don't know why, and I don't understand it at all, but when you left last night... it was one of the worst feelings I've ever had."

His wistful expression said that he understood. "I did not enjoy it any more than you," he whispered. "Before I was even gone, I wanted you back. And--" It was his turn to look away, out at the sunlight, avoiding her gaze. "I am sorry," he mumbled, almost inaudibly. "I'm sorry for the way I kissed you."

She tried her best to repress a smile, charmed by his embarrassment. That kiss had kept her awake most of the night. She couldn't help but wonder if she could make him do it again. "I liked it," she whispered, taking another step toward him.

"Don't," he warned, his eyes snapping back towards her.

She froze. "Don't what?"

"Don't kiss me," he said slowly, searching her expression. "Was that your intent?"

"Maybe," she admitted, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"Do not apologize," he murmured. "It is my fault. But if you kiss me... I don't know what might happen."

"It isn't your fault," she said, reacting instinctively to the self-recrimination in his voice. "What are you talking about?"

He just looked at her. For the longest time, he didn't answer, and she became acutely aware of the seconds ticking by. She tried not to blink, found it impossible, and had to fight not to look away. She returned his stare, not sure what else to say.

"What do you think of me?" he asked at last, so suddenly it startled her.

She swallowed, no more sure of herself than she had been before. "I..." She wanted to say it, but found it so much harder than it had seemed when he had done it the day before. But he *had* done it, she reminded herself fiercely. Saying nothing wouldn't get her out of this; she had to do it all the way or not at all. "I love you," she said, lifting her chin. "I don't know why, but I trust you. I *don't* think you're evil. I... I hope you can forgive me for last night."

"Of course," he said, as though it were a given. "Your sister was right to worry. I am glad she looks out for you."

That gave her pause. "My--sister?"

"The Yellow Ranger," he prompted. "Or so I assumed..."

"Ashley," she said, smiling a little. "She is the Yellow Ranger, but she isn't my sister."

"Ashley," he repeated carefully.

"Ashley Hammond," she added.

He sighed. "You *all* have two names?"

She couldn't help giggling at his dismay. "They're... family names. The second one--'Chan' is mine, and 'Hammond' is Ashley's. They show who we're related to."

"So..." he frowned. "You are not related because the names are not similar?"

"Well... if we were related, they'd be the same." She hesitated, wondering whether to confuse him more by adding, "Usually."

He seemed to consider that. "Among my people, the similarity of the name is the only indication of blood relationship. But... you and--Ashley are not related?"

She shook her head. "She's my best friend, but my parents live somewhere else."

"Why?" He looked away quickly. "I'm sorry. I do not mean to be rude."

"You're not! It's okay," she assured him. "But--it's kind of a long story."

"I wish to hear it," he said quietly, looking back at her.

"Well..." She tried to think of some way to explain. "I like to sing. My mom's sister is a singer, too, and she was going to--help me out a little. I left my parents to go live with her, but on the way one of the Power Rangers asked me to take her place... and I said yes. Ashley's parents let me move in with them, and I've been living with her for the last month or so."

"Do you--enjoy it?"

She nodded emphatically. "I like living here better than living with my parents," she confessed. "It's harder, but... I'm glad all this happened."

"All of it?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," she murmured, keeping her voice just as quiet and no less serious. "*All* of it." When he didn't answer, she added, "What about you? Where's your family?"

He closed his eyes for a moment. "My sister is on Eltare," he said, closing his fingers on a pendant that hadn't been there a moment before. "She is all I have."

"I'm sorry," she whispered, startled. "I didn't know."

"No," he agreed, opening his eyes again. "You could not have; do not apologize. It is--kind of you to ask."

She sighed quietly. "It doesn't feel that way. I'm really sorry." She was dying to ask how long he had been so alone, and how it had happened, and a dozen other questions that she had to bite back so she wouldn't upset him any more than she already had.

"I'm not," he insisted gently, and he reached out to stroke her cheek before she even realized what he was doing. "I am pleased that you care."

"Can you... tell me about your sister?" she couldn't help asking. "Do you see her often?"

"Whenever I can," he answered. "We share a home, but my duty often keeps me away longer than I would wish."

Her eyes were drawn to his starfighter again, and she asked the question her heart wanted so much to avoid. "Why are you here, then?" His fingers slid into her hair as she turned her head, but he didn't draw back.

"Why did I come, or why did I stay?" he asked softly. "They're two different questions."

She swallowed. "Both?"

"I came because a friend asked me to," he answered. "A former Earth Ranger asked me to see how your team was faring. But it was clear as soon as I arrived that you had no need of assistance. I stayed because of you."

*A former Earth Ranger...* She couldn't imagine whom he was talking about, but it was overshadowed by his last words. Not to mention the feel of his hand on her bare shoulder as he finally stopped playing with her hair and let his hand fall to her arm. "You stayed for me?"

"I would have stayed for you if I thought you wished it," he confessed. "Instead I stayed for me, because I could not bear to be separated from you so soon."

She hesitated only a moment, remembering his insistence that she not kiss him. But the lonely look on his face was more than she could stand, and he still had not let go of her. She took a single step closer, putting her arms around him and turning to rest her head against his chest before she could see his expression. "Thank you," she whispered.

His fingers tightened momentarily on her shoulder, then relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her in return. "Thank you for giving me another chance," he murmured.

She closed her eyes, breathing deep to take in as much of him as possible. "I was going to say the same thing," she answered quietly. "Maybe... we could start over?"

"No," he said, with such certainty that she almost looked up. Only his tight embrace kept her from pulling back to see his face. "I would not give up any of this time with you, no matter how painful it has been. Please... I wish only to go on from here."

She swallowed hard at the imploring tone of his voice. He had taken her far too literally, but who was she to deny such a wish? "All right," she agreed, hugging him harder. "We'll go from here."

She felt his warm breath on her hair as he breathed out in relief. "Here, now, is all I want."