Disclaimer: Buena Vista owns the Power Rangers. In "Scent of a Ranger" CyberCam apparently convinces the entire team that he is, in fact, Cam. I feel like there must have been fallout.

by Starhawk

In an eerie echo of the day's earlier events, Cam found himself yanked through a doorway he hadn't intended to use. In fact, he had paid no attention whatsoever to the door as he passed--until a hand shot out and grabbed his arm, hauling him into a small cramped space. He almost slammed his assailant into the wall before he realized who it was.

"Which one are you?" Hunter demanded, those blue eyes staring straight through him. It was one of Hunter's most annoying--though occasionally flattering--traits. He threw everything he had into whatever he did, and he didn't back down until he got what he wanted.

Cam narrowed his eyes deliberately, giving the other Ranger a cold look. "I'm the one that's going to break your wrist if you don't let go of my arm."

Hunter grimaced, releasing his arm as though he was indulging Cam by doing it. Make a big deal out of nothing, why don't you, his expression seemed to say. And Cam was getting very good at reading Hunter's expressions.

"I don't like this," Hunter informed him. He was still studying Cam warily, probably because the virtual replicant had been reprogrammed to treat the other Rangers almost exactly the way Cam did. No more group hugs or ridiculous nicknames... no more obvious tipoffs to who was who.

"And I'm not too happy about being stuffed in a closet twice in one day," Cam snapped, trying to deflect Hunter's intensity. "Get over it."

Hunter seemed to relax slightly at that, though maybe not for the intended reason. "You're the real Cam," he stated. He folded his arms, leaning back against the wall without taking his eyes off of Cam.

Cam gritted his teeth, more angry than he could explain that everyone seemed so confused. "Am I wearing a stupid hat?" he demanded. Am I calling you "bro"? What's so hard about it? "I can't believe you can't tell us apart!"

"I can't believe you made a double of yourself and didn't tell anyone!" Hunter shot back. He sounded just as upset as Cam felt, and that was somehow... comforting.

He couldn't explain his reaction, so he tried to bluff his way past it. "I was stuck in a closet!"

"You didn't just create him this morning!" Hunter shouted, letting his arms fall as he took a step forward. "A little warning would have been nice! 'Hey, guys, I'm gonna make someone that looks and sounds just like me but isn't!' Or how about, 'Hey, just so you know, there's going to be a second ME running around--'"

"He wasn't supposed to tie me up and take off!" Cam yelled back. "I would have warned you before I let him into the control room!"

"No, you wouldn't have," Hunter said angrily. "I know your sense of humor. You would have sent him in there and waited to see how long it took us to figure it out! And you know who would have figured it out first? Me, that's who!"

"If you're so smart then what do you care?" Cam demanded. Hunter hadn't figured it out, and maybe that stung more than it should.

"Shut up and let me finish," Hunter snarled. "You know why I would have figured it out first? Because I would have goosed you, or teased you, or smirked at you behind Shane's back once too often, and you would have called me on it. Probably right in front of the others."

"Like they would have noticed," Cam said with a snort. "Today proved that keen skills of observation are not a prerequisite for becoming a Ranger."

"I would have noticed!" Hunter hadn't stopped glaring at him. "What if I'd winked at you and your stupid double wanted to know why?"

Cam looked away, tracing the outline of the door with his eyes. "He knows why," he muttered. "Now."

"That's not the point!" Hunter exclaimed. Then he paused. "He does?"

Cam just shrugged. "Like you said," he told the door. "What if you get us confused? He'll... if you're alone, he'll tell you. If you're not, he'll just go along with it."

"Huh." Hunter seemed somewhat appeased by this information. "Fine. Good. He'd better," he grumbled unconvincingly.

"Did you really behave yourself all day?" Cam asked, a little surprised by this apparent restraint on Hunter's part. Hunter constantly amused himself by seeing how much he could get away with without the others noticing, and the idea that he had managed all morning and most of the afternoon in the presence of Cam's double was... frankly, unbelievable.

It was Hunter's turn to shrug, and he looked uncomfortable for the first time. "You were acting weird," he muttered. "I didn't want to... set you off."

"Set me off?" Cam repeated incredulously.

"Well, you know." Hunter gestured vaguely, refusing to elaborate. "You hugged Shane and Dustin. Who knew what you'd do if I... I dunno. I tried to stay out of your way."

He had known. Or at least, noticed. Cam smiled to himself, hastily transforming the expression when Hunter looked at him. "I'm trying to picture you staying out of anyone's way," he said with a smirk.

Hunter cleared his throat. "Maybe 'staying out of your way' is a little exaggeration," he admitted, a rebellious glint in his eye. "But I didn't get in your face unless you were really asking for it."

"Admirable of you," Cam said dryly. "Really."

"I thought it was," Hunter agreed. "I was very polite."

"The punchline being?" Cam inquired.

Hunter grabbed Cam's shirt and took a step closer, eyes glittering as he lowered his head. Instead of kissing him, his mouth drew even with Cam's ear and he whispered, "If you ever try to fool me like that again, I'll put a hickey where everyone can see it. Trust me--there's not gonna be any question of who's who."