Disclaimer: In street capture-the-flag, you hide the flag in plain sight somewhere public. The challenge is the amount of territory involved and the effort to keep other people from knowing what you're doing. Buena Vista owns the Power Rangers.

by Starhawk

"Obviously, we have to keep them under surveillance," Cam said, leaning forward to illustrate his plan in the dirt. "If we each take one of them, we can monitor every move they make."

"And maybe they'll lead us to their flag!" Shane was clearly ready to embrace this plan, but their third teammate did not look enthused.

"Maybe," Cam agreed, deliberately ignoring Hunter. "But even if they don't, we'll be able to keep them from getting ours because we'll always know where they are. We won't even have to guard it."

Hunter snorted, making his lack of participation all the more obvious. He was lounging against the base of a tree some distance away, only nominally a part of the group, and Shane finally seemed to notice his surly attitude. "You have something to say, Hunter?"

"Yeah," the Crimson Ranger sneered. He was talking to Shane, but his gaze was fixed on Cam. "I think it's a stupid plan."

Cam pivoted on his heels to glare at him. "You have a better idea?" he demanded.

"As a matter of fact, I do." Hunter put his hands behind his head, not even bothering to sit up. "I say we go find their flag and get this stupid drill over with."

"The point of the drill isn't to win," Cam informed him. "The point is to keep the other team from winning. A Ranger's purpose is not to kill the enemy, but to keep from getting killed himself."

"Oh, very insightful." Hunter's mouth twisted in a condescending smirk. "Your dad teach you that?"

"As a matter of fact, he did," Cam retorted. "If you'd paid any attention to your own sensei, maybe you would have learned something."

"If you'd ever been on your own," Hunter said, narrowing his eyes, "maybe you wouldn't have to hold your daddy's hand all the time."

"Whoa..." The tension must have gotten high enough that even Shane noticed it, because he tried to interject. "Guys--"

As one, they snapped, "Shut up, Shane."

He put up his hands and turned away, but the situation had been defused. Cam scratched out the designs he'd made in the dirt and Hunter looked away. Finally, the Crimson Ranger muttered, "If it'll get this over with, I'll follow Blake."

"There's a surprise," Cam said under his breath, dusting his hands off as he stood up. "I'll take Tori."

Hunter's head whipped around. "Why Tori?" he demanded suspiciously.

"Because I'm not following Dustin all over town while he tries to remember what he's doing," Cam shot back. "Shane, looks like you get that job. Remember to stick to Main Street, and don't use the allcall function on your morphers."

Shane was already heading for the sidewalk. "Yes Mother!" he shouted over his shoulder. "We'll be home before dark!"

Hunter snickered, unfolding himself from the base of the tree as Cam moved off in the opposite direction. "Isn't that kind of incestuous?" he wanted to know, lengthening his stride easily to catch up. "If Sensei's our dad and you're Mr. Mom?"

"What would you know about it?" Cam retorted, fishing his cell phone out of his pocket.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hunter demanded.

"Figure it out yourself." Cam dialed up the network via satellite and held out his hand absently. "Give me your morpher."

"What?" Hunter stopped in his tracks, forcing Cam to pause and look back at him. "What do you want with my morpher?"

Cam glanced around pointedly. "Well, for one, I want you to reveal your secret identity to as many people as possible. Two, I want you to stop following me, but since I don't think that's going to happen, three, I want to use your morpher to track the other Rangers."

Hunter's expression looked torn between confusion and belligerence. "Why don't you use your own?"

Cam pulled his necklace free and dangled the crystal in front of Hunter's face. "Does it look like I can hook this up to my cell phone? Try to keep up."

Hunter glared at him, but he unfastened his morpher and handed it over without further complaint. His was close enough to the wind morphers that Cam could duplicate experiments he had done before with satellite linking. Unfortunately, Hunter took his contribution as license to hang over Cam's shoulder, ostensibly monitoring the work even though he probably didn't have the slightest clue what Cam was doing.

"Hey," he said after a moment, as though it had just occurred to him. "Isn't that kind of... I don't know--cheating?"

"My father knows I can do this. And he didn't say not to," Cam pointed out. "I'm just making use of available resources."

He could practically hear Hunter smirk, but no other reply was forthcoming. Instead, the next thing he wanted to know was, "Why didn't you tell Shane?"

"Just thought of it now," Cam muttered. The network was slowly, slowly crawling the city, and he watched it turn up first Hunter's morpher and then his own. "I'll call him once I find Dustin."

"You can tell people apart on that thing?" Hunter sounded surprised. "How many times have you done this?"

Cam didn't bother to answer. "There's Blake," he said, as a third Power signature appeared on the low-resolution screen. "He's..." He frowned, turning around to reorient himself. "He's over there--behind the fountain."

Hunter chuckled. "Looks like you weren't the only one to think of following the other team." The words were more admiring than mocking, as though he had forgotten what he thought of this plan.

Cam continued to turn, partly to hide his surprise, and partly to keep from revealing the fact that they had a tracking device to Blake, who had apparently been watching them for some time. "He's the only one," he reported at last. "If we split up, he'll have to pick one or the other of us."

"Uh huh." Hunter peered over his shoulder again, showing no inclination to leave.

"Are you listening to me?" Cam inquired, staring at the tiny screen as a fourth and fifth Power signature appeared. Shane had already found Dustin, but since they were both lurking around Storm Chargers maybe that wasn't surprising. "I said, if we split up--"

"What, I'm just supposed to let you walk away with my morpher?" Hunter snorted. "Like that's going to happen."

Tori finally showed up, clear at the other end of Main Street. He didn't know the other team's strategy, but he could guess and check with the best of them. Blake and Hunter thought alike, and both Tori and Dustin would go along with anything that made sense. Therefore, he suspected they were following Hunter's original plan, and so far, their movements checked out: Blake was following them, Dustin was running interference, and Tori... Tori was probably guarding the flag.

He broke the network connection and snapped Hunter's morpher free, looking down the street as though he could see his target from here. "There you go," he said brusquely. "Go follow your brother."

He headed down the sidewalk, and for one brief moment, he dared to hope that Hunter had followed his instructions. Then footsteps behind him proved him wrong, and he sighed. "Is there a reason you're still here?" he asked, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"I don't want you stalking my brother's girlfriend without supervision?" Hunter had folded his arms across his chest, and his gaze was scanning the street ahead as though he expected the flag to appear in front of them at any moment. The words came out as more of a question than a declaration, though, and he must have known it.

When the silence grew, his gaze flicked toward Cam and away uncomfortably. Cam didn't ask again.