Bored Looking, Silver Cord
(Cetaci and Reiya)

"Why's the White Ranger at a graduation ceremony?"

"Her brother's son is graduating."

"Really? Which one is he?"

"He's… eight, no nine from the end. Bored-looking, silver cord."

"What does the silver mean?"

"You don't have any pilots in your class?"

"If we do, they don't spend much time in the labs."

"They wouldn't. *You* shouldn't spend so much time in the labs."

"If you ever left paraplay, I might listen to you."

"At least I know what everyone's colors mean."

"You got a list when you signed up to be a class marshal."

"So did your sister. She should have given it to you."

"If she wasn't unconscious she might have remembered."

"Ci… he's looking at you."


"The pilot. The one you've been staring at. The nephew?"

"He's not looking at me."

"He's doing a good impression of it."

"He's probably looking at the door."

"At his own graduation?"

"It's boring. If I'd known what I was agreeing to, I wouldn't be here either."

"You would. You're nice like that."

"I wouldn't be. I'd be out diving."

"No you wouldn't."

"I would."

"You would not."

"I really would. I'll tell my sister so as soon as she wakes up."

"I saw that!"


"You just winked at him!"

"I wanted to know if he was really looking at me."

"Is he?"

"I can't tell."

Blonde Hair, Blue Wristband
(Delphinius and Sanaro)

"Am I crazy, or--"


"I'm serious."

"Seriously crazy, true."

"Just look over there."


"I think that girl is staring at me."

"Everyone is staring at us; it's our graduation."

"They're staring at Delphine, not us."

"You're talking almost as loudly as she is."

"Only because I'm bored."

"I'd be less bored if you'd stop talking."

"She winked at me!"

"You're deluded."

"No, that girl winked at me!"

"The same one as before?"

"Over there, by the door."

"That's where I wish I was, too."

"Would you just tell me if I'm crazy or not?"

"I already did."

"But you didn't look."

"You must be really bored."

"I thought we'd already established that. Look over at the door."

"She's one of the class marshals?"

"Blonde hair, blue wristband."

"Is she old enough to be a marshal?"

"I think she's just short."

"Her friend's pretty."

"I don't care about her friend."

"Well, I don't care about her. Stop staring; you're probably scaring her."

"Look, she's talking to her friend."

"Tell me why this is important?"

"I wonder what she's saying."

"You're pathetic, you know that?"

"No, I'm bored."

"They're not mutually exclusive."

Graduate Reception
(Cetaci and Reiya)

"How long do we have to stay?"

"You don't want to meet your pilot?"

"'My pilot' doesn't know I exist, and I'm hungry."

"There's a dinner after the reception."

"I'm hungry now."

"You can probably get out of the dinner, but not the reception."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a class marshal."

"Stop reminding me."

"You asked."

"Are you going to the dinner?"

"It won't be that bad. The food is good, and there won't be any more speeches."

"I'd rather eat at home."

"Don't be antisocial."

"I don't *know* anyone here!"

"You know me. And Stari, and Aura and Cen."

"Did she tell you to take care of me?"

"She didn't have to, Ci. Cheer up; it's not so bad."

"Not yet it isn't."

"That's better. Look, here comes your pilot."

"He is *not* coming over here."

"I think he is. Where are you going?"

"Wherever he isn't."

"Why don't you want to talk to him?"

"I just don't."

"It's because you winked at him, isn't it."

"He probably didn't even see that."

"So why are you leaving?"

"I'm thirsty, all right? I'm going to get a drink."

"Get me something too."

"I will, but I'm not coming back until he leaves."

"Don't worry. I don't think it's me he wants to talk to."

"I'm not listening to you."

More Than Bored
(Sanaro and Delphinius)

"She's avoiding you."

"She isn't avoiding me."

"She saw you coming and she went the other way."

"How do you know she saw me?"

"She looked right at you."

"Maybe she was distracted."

"By what?"

"I don't know. I'll go ask her."

"You'd have better luck asking her friend."

"If you like her friend so much, why don't *you* talk to her?"

"When I could be watching you make a fool of yourself?"

"That's your idea of a good time?"

"I know where the real entertainment is."

"Thanks for the support."

"Support for what? You're chasing some kid because you think she was watching you."

"She's not a kid."

"She looks like she's fourteen."

"She has to be at least nineteen; she's a class marshal. And she winked at me."

"You haven't hit your head recently, have you?"

"No, but I'm about to hit yours."

"Because I'm not sharing your delusion?"

"I'm stuck here all evening and I just want to introduce myself to a pretty girl!"

"When you say it like that, it sounds almost normal."

"Thank you."

"I said 'almost'. Don't get too smug."

"Is it, or does it only seem to be, your goal in life to keep that from happening?"

"Just a fringe benefit of my usual activities, really."

"I'll try not to overestimate my importance."

"Good. Wait here; I'll see if I can introduce you to that girl."

"You know her? Why didn't you say so?"

"I don't know her. But hopefully she doesn't associate me with your psychotic self yet."

"So she won't avoid you if you're not with me. Good thinking."

"One of us has to."

The Drinks Table
(Sanaro and Cetaci)

"Can I help you with that?"

"Thanks, but I'm just getting a drink."

"Two, by the looks of it. Want me to hold this one while you get the other?"

"If you have nothing better to do."

"Frankly, it's you or one of my delusional friends, and you're prettier than he is."

"Do you have a lot of delusional friends?"

"Sometimes. It seems to come and go."

"I don't suppose you've noticed whether it's contagious or not."

"I guess I wouldn't know, would I? Either way, I'd think it wasn't."

"That's a pretty rational statement for a delusional person."

"You think so? Maybe it really isn't, then."

"Or maybe you've developed an immunity from prolonged exposure."

"I like that theory better. I'll have to mention it to my friend."

"He probably won't appreciate it. Delusions tend to fog the brain."

"I've noticed that, yes."

"I have someone waiting for this drink--can I introduce you?"

"Much as I'd enjoy that, I actually came over to ask you the same thing."

"You want to introduce me to one of your delusional friends?"

"Would you walk away if I said yes?"

"Maybe not. But you could tell me why."

"Well, for some reason, he's convinced you were staring at him... What? What did I say?"

"That was him? That's the friend you want me to meet?"


"The pilot. The White Ranger's nephew."

"You *were* staring at him?"

"I didn't mean to."

"You didn't happen to wink at him, did you?"

"He thinks I'm an idiot, doesn't he."

"Completely the opposite. Is that why you ran away from him?"

"I didn't run away. I went to get a *drink*."

"Sorry. He thought you might be avoiding him."

"So he sent you instead?"

"No, not at all! He's--shy, so I said I'd ask you for him."

"…He's not shy."

"All right; he's not. It was the only thing I could think of that wouldn't offend you."

"Reiya's over by the other table. You and your delusional friend are welcome to join us."

"Thanks--you know, I still don't know your name."

"I don't know yours, either."

"It's Sanaro."

"I'm Cetaci. Pleased to know you."

"Likewise. And--do you think you could do me a favor?"

"Not refer to your friend as delusional while he's listening?"


"I'll try to restrain myself."