The Babysitter
by Starhawk

"Key's on the counter in case you have to go out," he said, gesturing across the kitchen absently. "The door locks automatically, so you'll probably want to keep it in your pocket or something. We're taking a public diver, so Aura's flit will be outside if you feel like going for a joyride."

"I hope you are not suggesting that she engage in reckless behavior with our child on board," Aura interjected. "I do not consider that an acceptable way to spend the day."

"Yeah, Aura's going to do that as soon as we get home anyway," Carlos said blandly. "She doesn't want to be upstaged, so go easy on the engines."

"Coral's lunch is in stasis," Aura said, not deigning to reply. "You are welcome to anything you find--"

"Except my ice cream." It was Carlos' turn to interrupt. "Touch the mint chocolate chip and I'll tell your mom you're planning to run away. She'll ground you before you even get home."

Aura gave him an odd look. "Such a threat is counterproductive, as it would deprive us of the only person you trust to watch Coral for any length of time."

"If you think I'm letting any of your friends babysit a half-human child in the middle of an ocean," Carlos said calmly, "forget it. We've already had this argument," he added as an aside. "Several times."

"Voluntary gills," she said, tossing honey blonde hair over her shoulder. "Got it. Don't have any, won't forget."

"See?" Carlos told Aura. "She understands drowning."

Aura was ignoring him again. "The emergency contacts have not changed, and we will be available via communicator or comm most of the day. We should be home in plenty of time for you to catch the shuttle back."

"We'll call if we're running late," Carlos added. "I'll take you back myself if that happens."

"Cool!" Her eyes sparkled, but she amended quickly, "I'm sure you won't have to. You know Mom worships you; I could just wait for the next run. She wouldn't mind if I got back in the middle of the night."

Carlos and Aura exchanged knowing looks. "I'll take you," Carlos repeated dryly. "Anything we forgot?"

She shook her head, clasping her hands in front of her and smiling at them. "Don't worry about a thing," she promised. "We'll be fine. I'll give you a full report when you come home."

Carlos glanced at Aura again. "Every time she gets that innocent look on her face, all I can see is the girl who stole Andros' morpher."

"I didn't steal it!" she exclaimed indignantly. "And besides, he thanked me! I saved your lives!"

"Whatever you did," Carlos said, rolling his eyes. "Don't electrocute anyone while we're gone."

Aura cocked her head, and Silvy glared at him. He just put a hand on Aura's shoulder and waved cheerfully as he steered her toward the door. "See you later, Evil Girl!"

She stuck out her tongue as the door closed behind them, quickly assuming a pleasant expression when he caught the door and peered back in at her. "Don't forget to let the dolphins in if they ask," he told her. "Coral can swim with them inside, but don't let her leave the pen. No matter what they promise you."

She drew an "x" over her heart and smiled at him. He gave her a mock-suspicious look, but he couldn't maintain it for long. His expression melted into a grin as he let go of the door, and she saw him wink at her just before it closed.