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My Favorite Movies

This is the companion page to my "favorite CDs" page. It's basically going to be in the same format, so I'll be going from ten down to one. Enjoy!

10: Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - Two words: fucking hilarious! Jim Carrey is like the Jerry Lewis of our generation. My favorite part in this movie was the part where he was in the fight with that "white devil" guy, he got hit in the leg with the spear, asks his friend to throw him a spear, gets hit in the other leg, and is dancing around like and idiot crying. So very funny!

09: A Night To Remember - I think this was the second movie ever made about the RMS Titanic. In my personal opinion, it's just as good as the new big budget movie, and it's alot simpler! Instead of using a computer to create the ship, they used a six foot model! The stories of bravery and heroism are very touching, and it gives you a real sense of what the people were really like as the ship was sinking.

08: Deep Blue Sea - My ex-girlfriend got me into this one. One day she just goes, "oh, this movie scared me so much!", and I decided that I wanted to see it. I think it's pretty damn cool. Very unpredictable. Everyone you think is going to make it out alive ends up dying. I was sure LL Cool J was gonna bite it and Samuel L. Jackson would make it. So much for intuition...

07: 101 Dalmations - This is just an awesome movie. I'm talking about the animated version, just so you know. Cruella DeVille is the kind of person you just want to hit in the head with a frying pan, and her fate at the end is more than deserved, although they should have showed her being locked up and the key being thrown over the guard's shoulder. I like the idea of the dogs and the cats and the horses and the cows all working together for a bunch of puppies. It's really nice. Definitely a movie worth seeing.

06: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - Yet another fucking hilarious movie. Mini Me is the meanest little shit I've ever seen, and Fat Bastard is the fattest guy I've ever seen. *L* Mike Myers took three roles for it, and if he hadn't, it just wouldn't be the same. It's so funny! I have to say though, there was some pretty sick shit in that movie. "It's a bit nutty..." *LOL*

05: I Know What You Did Last Summer - Gotta love suspense movies! This was a really well-thought movie, even if it is almost completely different from the book that came out twenty years ago. It was very well-acted, and you've gotta love the surprise ending. Well, okay, it was more obvious than it should have been, but hey. It was cool.

04: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - This is my favorite movie of the whole Indy trilogy. Temple of Doom is a good one too, but this has so much adventure in it that it's mind-boggling. I love the part where they're trying to get out of the crypt after those guys set it on fire. So cool.

03: Toy Story 2 - This movie freaking rules! It made me feel like a five year-old when I saw it in the theater. Most sequels end up being total disappointments because of how good the first one was, but this is even better than the original, in my opinion. Buzz Lightyear and Woody are such great characters, and I love how original the whole concept is. I am definitely buying it when it comes out on video!

02: Meet Joe Black - This is my personal favorite Brad Pitt movie. It's really romantic and I think it's also really cool. It talks about what would happen if death were to inhabit a human body. The story and the character development is awesome and... oh hell, it's just a great movie. Go see it!

And now... for number one.... drumroll please....

01: The Green Mile - Stephen King has gotta be the most imaginative writer of our time. The Green Mile is about an inmate in a Louisiana prison who is not what he seems to be. The end is really sad, but it's an incredible movie. This is yet another HIGHLY recommended movie.

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