bart.gif -- Here's Bartholomew the trash can. Eileen brought him but there were trash cans provided, so I made him a face.

annie.gif -- Annie, the perfectly wonderful New Jersian who knows for certain that New Jersey Turnpikes are better than Alaskan ones. And she wouldn't let me hold the pillow.

bday.gif -- Christine's birthday was at the beginning of the session, so everyone chipped in and bought her a cookie-cake. It was nummy, but we could find a knife so she had to cut it with half of a pair of scissors.

beat.gif -- Terry and Ali beating up my roommate, Eileen, with pillows. I don't remember why.

cards.gif -- The guys playing cards in study hall. I think it was Rummy 500. Oh, and that's Dan's butt.

becca.gif -- Study hall gets long and boring, even for TAs like Becca.

foot.gif -- Walking around barefoot on campus gets your feet dirty, even black if you walk on the asphalt, still, I think no one but Eileen decided to wash them off at the end of the day.

group.gif -- This is from the beginning of the session, before Eileen and Megan cut my hair.. I'm on the far right.

hall.gif -- Just a miscellaneous picture down the hall in Klien 2, after study hall. Dan was looking for someone and from Emily's hair, she must have been going somewhere.

kara.gif -- Fresh out of study hall, it's Kara!

mel.gif -- Mel, our Coca-cola obsessed RA.

terry.gif -- Terry, looking like, well, Terry.