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Scene 1. Ras Tafari

1904. Harar, Ethiopia, Africa.
Dark. Voices mourning, chanting. No windows. Far upstage center is a dead body covered and a motionless soldier next to it. Tafari, 12, enters with the candle.

TAFARI (praying)
In the name of the Father, son and the Holy Ghost... In the name of the Father... (cries) In the name... Father! Father!
Father?.. Lord almighty, I can't promose you to give my life, you already have it. I don't know what to offer you. Please bring my father back. Father in Heavean, Negus Makonnen, also known to you as Ras Makonnen, is a good general and he done a lot for the people, who love him. You can take my life instead of his, because I haven't done anything and nobody will miss me. It's difficult time for the country, Lord, and our emperor is ill. My father is Menelik's right hand is need to govern the nation. Lord, you know better who shall live, but I know many people you can take away, worthless and even bad people. I asked father Moses, if I should give you a list, but he said that I must not worry and remember us all. I'm asking on behalf of King Makonnen not because he is my father, but because is a good Christian. If you are still angry at him for marring a Muslim woman, I can explain it. It's not my mother's fault that she was born a Muslim. She was young and like our Queen Sheba she found her Moses, Ras Makonnen, and converted to his his faith, Lord. (whispers) Jesus, I pray to you, talk to your father as son and tell him about my position of a son who has to take over his father's kingdom of Harrar, mentioning that I am only twelve and have no mother to consult with. As for you, Holy Spirit, today I let all my doves fly free and I'll never ever capture anothe one...

Ras appears.

What time is now?


What year?

Year? But you died, father...

So, that's why I am here. I remember. Now you have to go to them. First, send him away (points at Soldier) Just look at him and he will leave. Do it, he will.

Tafari looks at Soldier and Soldier exits.

Where is father' sword? The silver one of Harar. Do you have it? You have to swear now. Get it.

It's here. (Takes the sword) They gave it to me when they brougth the body.

Do you know the words?

The drumms are heard.

Repeat after me. (pause) Do you hear the words? Don't speak! Only God must hear it. Get on your knees.

Yes, sir.

Pause. The light shadow crosses the room. The sound of flute.

Get up. Come here. Now cut your left palm. Hold it with your left hand and pull the sword out. Do it.

Tafari does it, sees blood.

Put it on your face, hands and chest. Was she here?


She will come. Do it.

I want to see father Moses...

It's not time yet. You are not ready.

I'm affriad of you. I want to see father Moses.

Not now. She is first.

My mother?

Yes, your mother, your wife, your daughter...



I know it...

You need to hear yourself. Say it.

I do not want to be a soldier!

You're not a soldier, you're Ras, prince of soldiers.

Soldiers kill.

Soldiers fight.

They fight and people die.

Soldiers die. When Prince doesn't fight, people die. It's in your book, the Italian book you like... Quiet! Somebody is here. Can you see him?


He is old.

I don't see anybody.

Close your eyes and see.

TAFARI (close his eyes)
I see. He is old. Very old. Little old man. Like a beggar...

Emperor appears, very old.

Where am I? Am I here or there? I can't see, but I can hear. I hear you...

RAS Who are you, old man?

I know this voice. I heard it many times. I know you.

I'm tired. It's late... I will sleep here...

Ah, you are here too, my boy! Come, come near, let me see you...

I do not know you...

I know you althouh. Both of you. If only I could touch you. What was there? It must be my father...

My father died. They will put him in the grave. He is right here now.

Yes, yes, I remember. I can't well, but he must be there (points)... Did they wash the body already?

They did. How do you know? Where is the king?

Oh, he is here, he is around. One favor, my boy, before you let them dress him, go take the small ring on his right hand. This is important. Your hands are too small, you will grow, but put the ring with the string around your neck. You understand?

RAS (voice only)
Do what he said.

Don't lose this ring. It's important ring. You will have many, but this is the very important ring. do it now before the priest comes. Nobody should see it.

Tafari goes to the body, take the ring.

Put it on your big finger on the right hand.

Tafari does it. Ring appears on the Ras' right hand. Ras looks at it and Tafari looks too.

Thank you, thank you. Don't lose it. Ever. They took it away.

The drumms getting lowder.

She is here.

WOMAN enters, very yound girl, sings.

Draw me after you, let us make haste.
The king has brought me into his chambers.
We will exult rejoice in you;
We will extol your love more than wine;
rightly do they love you...

She is naked... Who is she? What is her name?

You know her name, when she will know yours. You have to make yourself known. That is what you will do after you go through this door and they will see you.

A woman. If you are a good man, she will be a good wife and mother. If you're weak, she will be weaked. If you are not a man, she becomes a whore. When you are strong, she is beautiful. If you are stupid, she is ugly. She is what you are.

I don't remember my mother. I try, I think that I can see her face smiling, but i am not sure. I imagine things... Why did she die?

It was in the books.

What books?

She was Tafari's mother, but not the mother of the emperor and she died. She had to die for you to become Ras Tafari. Now you are Ras.

Because of her death? I don't understand...

Because of her death too.

WOMAN (sings)

Does it mean that I killed her?

Boy, you are old enough to understand man's world. You didn't die at birth and she didn't -- it was blessing. You were small and she didn't die giving birth. She was ready to die then, why do you think she wouldn't give her life for you later?

Why do they have to die? My father is dead. (To Emperor) He wasn't old like you!

Enough! Your questions are not of a man! Why? Why? You don't question everything! You ask your questions! Yours only! Yours! Not mine or his! I don't ask what you should ask, because it is hard enough to get your own answers. I never knew my mother, neither he.

WOMAN (sings)

It's hard to be a man.

It's hard to be a woman.

They are waiting. You have to know her. You have to show them that you are Ras. If they enter, this is the end. You have to enter.

Give me more time, I'm not ready.

We are never ready.

Who are you? Why do you order me! I don't know you! I don't like you! Go away! All of you!

I can't. I am with you for the rest of your life, my son.

I don't need you! Are you my guardian angels or something? Angels can't be old. You are not angels!

EMPEROR (to Ras)
Don't hurt him.

Tafari falls on his knees.

WOMAN (laughs)

TAFARI (to Ras)
I understand, I will fight with you. I understand that I am my enemy. Let her stop laughing...

The church bells.
The two Ras and Emperor put Ras Warrior costume on the boy Tafari.

Now you can call him.

Father Moses! Father!

Don't shout, he knows when you need him.

Priest appears.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! (Crosess Tafari)

Strong Light

End of Scene One

Next: Scene 2 -- Regent

Title Ras Regent Emperor Mr. Sellassie Father End Death

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