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Treasure life, it's the best gift you'll ever get

School is starting in like a week and a half. I hope this year is way better then last year. I just got done watching "The Usual Suspects" for the third or fourth time. I love it even more now. And I'm really starting to like Stephen Baldwin . He's an awesome actor and he's really hot. Speaking of hot... Jon Davis, and Nick Carter !!! Anyways, Aaron Carter was performing tonight in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Why the hell can't Korn come here dammit ?! I'm going out for lunch with my dad tomorrow. My dad is so cool! I absolutely love the song Genie In A Bottle by Christina Aguilera. I also think Skinny Puppy is pretty good...from what I've heard. Now there's a difference in music for ya!
At this time, me and Lisa are in a fight cause she's immature and thinks everyone should kneel down to her. And I'm in a fight with Melissa too. Why? cause she's a major 2-face. She's a poser. She talks behind my back to Lisa, but then she talks behind Lisa's back to me. They both have a lot of growing up to do.
I have a feeling already that this years gonna be much better. Well that's enough for now! Goodbye & goodnight!

copyright by vwhite *1997, 1998 & 1999* ~~~Last updated: August 26, 1999 .

copyright by vwhite *1997, 1998 & 1999* ~~~Last updated: August 08, 1999 .

Just sign this and make me happy Pleeze take a look

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What makes me mad?

Here's what makes me mad... This should be updated often!
Last Updated: June 28, 1999

Last Updated: August 23, 1999

Who's Hot ?

Here's some celebs that I think are hot, And there's more to come.
Last Updated: August 8/99

Check this page out.. It's sorta like a journal. whatever.
Last updated: Can't remember

About Me...
Here's some info on me. (Blah....)
Last Updated: August 26, 1999


Here's a page where you can vote for your favorite movies, bands, etc. Your opinion counts.... or does it?

Last updated: This just doesn't get updated
Cool People I Know

Here's a page about cool people I know

Last updated: August 26, 1999
20 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Abuse Animals

I strongly believe in animal rights. Here is a list of 20 reasons why you shouldn't abuse animals.

Last Updated: January 1999
My Thank-You Page

I created this page to basically give thanks to the people that deserved recognition. But this page is now under construction because some names are being removed due to reasons which I wish not to mention at this time. (Perhaps the fact that some people have major attitude problems, and they think they're better than everyone else...but they really aren't....)

Last updated:May 28, 1999

This page has a lot of awesome links, so check it out if you have nothing better to do.

Last updated: April 1999

Do you wanna know what ~*~THE KLICK~*~ is ? Check it out and find out for yourself! (The Klick is actually quite pointless now, cause , well.... nevermind.)

Last Updated: August 8, 1999

This page is all about really cool stuff. It includes pics of singers, bands, tv shows, movies, actors, and more! Check it out now! (Maybe some of this crap really isn't that cool... it's mostly my opinion, and since when does my opinion matter anymore ?)

Last updated: March 1999
Personality Quiz

Here is an awesome personality quiz that takes less than a minute. However, this quiz is pointless for some people... seeing as though they don't have a personality.)

Victoria Cheng's HomePage

This page is wicked! It's my penpal Victoria's page. Go visit her page!

Erin & Kristie's HomePage

Check this page out! It belongs to my friends Erin and Kristie.

Monica's Kewl Prozzak Page!

Go visit my friend Monica's Prozzak page! Even if you don't like Prozzak, You'll still like her awesome site!

Erin's Page

This page is neat-o, go visit it now!

Kristie's Page

This is a kewl page, so take a look.

Nursery rhymes are said, verses in my head, into my childhood, they're spoon fed.

I don't run around trying to be, what's not within me.

In Memory of Brandon Lee

February 1, 1965 to March 31, 1993

The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.

One day everyone will realize that KORN is the best band in the world. And they will always be!

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