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Photo Archive

All My Children!

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New Pics Now 10/8/03

NEW! Jacob on christmas
Kingston and Jake put up the train
Maggie n dress up stuff
Mag n dress up stuff
Mag n dress up stuff
Mag n dress
Mag n dress
Alyssa on Christmas
Our living room on christmas
Our living roo, on Christmas
Nick the day after Christmas
Nick with his grampa
Sam the day after Christmas
The Christmas Stockings
Maggie's new play clothes
Maggie in her new christmas play clothes
Maggie and Michelle
Jake's b-day
Jake's B-day
Jake's Birthday December 6th The following pics were taken on Halloween with a very crappy cheap digital camera. I took some with my real camera too, but have not gotten them developed. I am aware they are crappy so nah! Maggie on Halloween (theres a real shost int he pic!!)

Lyss on Halloween

Jake on Halloween

Nick on halloween

Sam on halloween

Lyss on halloween

Lyss with more ghosts

The world of our sandbox
Nick recently
Alyssa on Kingston's Motorcycle
Sam and Jacob riding bikes.
Sammy on a big wheel last weekend
Nick's First Picture!
Nick's Second Picture
Jake on Maggie's 4th b-day
Maggie on her 4th Birthday (9-2-03)
Another of Maggie on her B-day
Brand New Maggie
More Brand New Maggie
New Sammy
Nick in the laundry
Nick and his dad-Love this one!!!!
More Nick n' Dad
Nick's mirror shot
Sam sucking his fingers again
Sammy and his nose
Maggie's Face
Sam And May
The duo
Those two
Sam and Maggie again
The Christmas Photo! Must See!
Our Dog Skip 1
New Alyssa!
Big Sam
The kids
New one of Maggie Sam and Jake
More Sam in his Playpen!
May makes a funny face!
Sam from the side
Sam from the side again
Mary, Alyssa and Maggie May
A fuzzy but cute pic of May, getting so big!
Sam gets a drink from a straw!
Maggie May
May, same photo shoot!
Our Dog Skip!
Maggie from the 'in green' photos..beautiful!
Head shot of May from the 'in green' shoot
Sammy 1
Sammy 2
Sammy 3
Sammy Joe
My Boys
More of My Boys!
My Babies
The Babies
More babies!
Sam Z. in 'wanna fight?
Sam Laughs
Sam Smirks
Sam Grins!
Sam thinks.....
Sam eats his hand Happy Sam says 'can I mom? Please?
You talking to me? I know you can't be talkin to me!
Nobody fear, Sam is here!
Is he too old now to call him POOKIE?
An amazing shot of Maggie's eyes
Jake gives thumbs up! Alyssa in 99
Alyssa Smiles
Alyssa with new born Maggie
All three kids is 2000
Jake and Lyss
The gang
Jake and Lyss in black and white
Jacob again
baby maggie
Newer Maggs
Older Maggs
More older Maggs
Maggs again
Mystery photo for you!
Sam yawns
Sam thinks
Maggie thirsts
Sam looks sweet
An old pic of me
Kingston cleaning his bike
Old pic of jake in sunglasses
Alyssa at beach in Florida
maggie n sam, full size pic
Jacob and Sam full size
the kids
the kids again
the kids again again

Nick's Page
Sam's Page
Maggie's Page
Jacob's Page (not yet updated)
Alyssa's Page
Kingson's Page
Angel (mom)'s Page