joey' and friends homepage 5
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[[[ The Royal Show p i c s `[:") .. ]]]

Do u know y i've got a big grin on my face?
look where jess's hands are

the guys doin a groupie

peter and jooli, i heard they did it in the car park.. ewwww

from left to right: pam, brett, me, angela. i really wanted my arms round brett's neck
instead of angela's *sob*

i love this donkey, note: this photo has been copyrighted,
that means.. people can not download this pic and edit them as they please
if u don't know what i'm going on about.. look at my guestbook under
HORUS'S entry, a fine example

brett and angela, i wish they jus pork each other...
get it over and done with, we all know they drool over each other