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Member Infomation

This is a page especialy for our members, Any info that needs to be passed on to the JMRC mebers will be posted on this page. To submit an entry just e-mail us at with "Member posting" in the subject.


School is out! because summer vacation is now under way launching will no longer be restricted to the weekends but as some of us still have to work we will when possible keep to weekends and public holidays.


There will be a JMRC launch at 1pm on Friday June the 5th at dimond park as well as launching we will discuse how to get started in rocetry and where to buy rockets. If it's raining we'll meet at the downtown library. Invite anyone who might be intrested!


Because of "Weather conditions" in juneau launching is some times not possible. On these ocasions we will try and contact you to notify you of a cancelled launch. The final go/no go for launch desision will be made 3 hours before the scheduled start of the launch (10am for a 1pm launch etc...) If the weather conditeions obviosly arn't launchable because it is or looks like it might rain or be windy (20+ mph) then the launch will be canceled, if in doubt call JMRC HQ at 586-9422 and ask for mikko.

We are planning on holding a Public Demonstration Launch At some stage At dimond park, All members are requested to be present to help (and watch the launching!) We will be haveing a planning meeting before that, we also have to test launch the "line up". If it's raining or is too windy (or boath!) we will post pone the launch datte to the next avalable date We will Need to Launch as many Rockets as possible so all members are encoraged to have at least 2 SAFE + TESTED rockets ready to launch on the day, we are also looking for a good PA (Public Address) System so if any one could lend us one it would be apriciated.

Important dates:

