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This is, more or less, my musical history since joining my first band.

HUMAINE RESTRAINTE, 1982, gigs (keyboards): The first band I was in. Kind of a punky/post-punky, art-rock sort of sound. Linda of Linda's Doll Hut was our drummer. Sadly, our guitarist, Scott Forrest--aka--Max Distortion--passed away a few years ago. He was a really colorful character and may he rest in peace. Highlights: Playing a Muscular Dystrophy benefit at a cowboy bar.

HOUSE OF CARDS, 1983, gigs, demo recording (keyboards, some songwriting): Imagine a band with a singer who was like a blonde cheerleader who wanted to be Siouxsie. On second thought, dont. It was pretty bad but we did play a lot of shows with cool OC punk bands like Social Distortion, Eddie And The Subtitles, Agent Orange...Our drummer, Dave Williams, went on to join the Swamp Zombies

ASH WEDNESDAY, 1984, gigs, demo recording (keyboards): VEry Doors and U2 influemced. Lots of shows with bands like Redd Kross, DI...The singer, Mike Horton, went on to form Supercollider. Drummer, Danny Oberbeck, also a working actor, has been in active various musical projects.

MARSHES OF GLENNY, 1985, gigs, demo recording (keyboards, some songwriting): Gloom-rock, deathrock, or whatever we called it back then. Very Bauhaus influenced. Played shows with 45 Grave, TSOL, among others...

PURPLE DECADE, 1986, recording (vocals, keyboards, songwriting): A one-off project for a compilation release, "Responsible Parties". My first attempt at singing, and the first recorded version of "This Perfect Day".

BABYLONIAN TILES, 1989-present, gigs, touring, recording (vocals, keyboards, songwriting): My current band. see for the complete details.

JACKSON DEL REY, 1991, gig, recording (vocals): Folky acoustic project of Philip Drucker--aka--Jackson Del Rey (formerly of Savage Republic), also featuring Stephanie Payne of Dark Arts on keyboards and flute. We did a gig at Genghis Cohen with The Invisible Opera Company Of Tibet (featuring members Of Red Temple Spirits). A fun show. My vocals are featured on the Jackson Del Rey CD, "Kyrie", of which I no longer have a copy, so if anyone comes across one, I'd be most obliged if you'd contact me.

KEEPERS OF THE CHEESE, 1993, gigs, recording (vocals, keyboards): Side project featuring the wacky songs and vocals of Babylonian Tiles' drummer, Brian Schreiber. Kind of Devo meets Zappa. We recorded a cassette release, "Fistful Of Cheese". If you'd like to obtain a copy, email Brian at

PRAISE OF FOLLY, 1994, recording (vocals): I did backing vocals on two tracks of their CD, "Disillusioned".

UXA, 1995, recording (keyboards): Features De Detroit. The "pseudo-bagpipe" part you hear on the version of "Tree Punks" from the Chaos USA comp is me.

STEVE FARMER, 1997/1998, recording (vocals, keyboards, some songwriting): I, along with Babylonian Tiles members Tim Thayer, Brian Schreiber, and Christian Ramsey, appear on the following 5 tracks from the CD, "Journey To The DarkSide Of The Mind": "Death Is Life", "St. Phillips Friends", "Shadows On The Wall" (co-written by Steve and me), "Ivory Castles" and my own song "This Perfect Day". Although this CD was released in 2000, most of backing tracks for "Death Is Life" and "St. Phillips Friend" were lifted from the Babylonian Tiles 1997 recorded versions of these same songs which were released as a single that year. The other three tracks were recorded in 1998 to be used for a Babylonian Tiles CD which, we had already decided to call, "Journey To The Dark Side Of The Mind"--which has been our slogan for quite some years now...a combination of "Dark Side Of The Moon" and "Journey To The Center Of The Mind"--and Steve was to appear as a guest artist on our album. Although I am given a very vague credit for backing vocals as "B. Golden", none of us Tiles have been given any credit for our musical performances, or arrangements, although anyone making the comparison to our existing recordings and/or knowing our sound can hear that it's us. And, considering that in addition to not being credited for our work, we have never given any of the involved parties any permission or authorization to use any of our recorded performances for this album--so basically our music been stolen from us--we ask that fans of Babylonian Tiles, and/or people who just care about musicians not getting the shaft, not buy or support the CD.

GITANE DEMONE, 2000, gig (keyboards): I had the pleasure of working with the very talented singer, Gitane, at The Peek-A-Boo Halloween Haunt gig at Luna Park. She's a joy to work with and I hope to be able to do so again!