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No more gory sights
they haunt the night.
Where I've slept
and when the dream is done ,
I wake in screams
cold sweat running down
visions slowly fading
from sight
the child inside cries
and I'm he.
Shivering with fear
of unknown things
that seek the night
the sleeping places
from which to feed on men.
Unseen children of the dark
that can't be told apart
from humans on whom they feed.
Candid I've been
of the forbidden ones
but on me they can not eat .
The soul is wrong
for their kind of life.
the master resides inside of me
keeping me in the light
carrying me over the rough rocks
that cut my feet
and left the trail of blood
behind which atracted them
to my hideout.
The shadows of the night
hunt the meat of men
prefering the poisoned kind
drugs, alcohal, and decadence.
The blasted kids
who eat the trash
on the channels
built in the depths
and piped into the sun.
The light of golden life
grows dim at times
yet in our need the Father
comes, wiping the tears
from eyes which cry long
before his coming
never remembering the word
he'll always be there when needed.
The ghouls that have fed on us
so long will flee
when he appears
not knowing he will find
in all the nooks and cranys.
He'll pluck them each and all
they'll admit the wrongs
and with a flick in they'll go
the sea of fire.
