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Bhagwan Dave and Angelic's Place

Hey just a reminder that I am still here and working on this when I get the chance. Will be adding the pictures of of my Klingon poetry in a klingon font back here in the next few days. I am now working on more translations give me about a week. I've added my Klingon poetry to the poetry page hope you enjoy. I've added some poems to the project azathoth poetry page. I am a get fan of my own poetry, and I am adding pages to this for some of my other interests including programming, math, my poetry and the half witted articles I sometimes write.
I've updated my resume so that it's more current.
I have wondered if I could find power tables for numbers in Hex and can not find them so I've begun to put some together (not finished yet) for those times when the power is out and the old calculator is down. But mostly for personal edification.

Thanks goto these people and groups
Yog-Sothothian Cabal
Darknyss of Drenai
Brenda and the Sisterhood of Eris
Quantum Cat Psybermagikian

Places you may or may not want to go.

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
My Resume as of January 1999
My Poetry page and part of 'Project AZATHOTH' one of my Mythos poetry collections.
Page now exists but there isn't much on it yet.
The Klingon Poetry Page. Enjoy.
Hex tables and constants ver.1 you were warned!!!!!! Does not like netscape 4.0 and lower.
More Links
My PlanckFoam fontbats for January through May 13th of 2001 hope you enjoy.
My PlancFoam fontbats for the year 2000 hope you enjoy
Official NaNoWriMo 2004 Winner!

Email: bhagwandave(at)yahoo(dot)com