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Dr. Miczak's Best Picks -
Sunday, 4 January 2004
Rink Magazine is On It!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: What's it Like Having Your Own Private Ice Rink?

Hi All,

Now that the holidays are over and yes, we've survived, it's time to get back into training. A great place to start is nutrition. It can make the difference between a stellar performance and one that falls short of your expectations.

My Nutrition for Ice Skaters article which was distributed by the USFSA at their 2003 Coaches workshop has been published in the November-December 2003 issue of Rink Magazine. The title is Nutrition: What Do Skaters Really Need? It covers the specific, physical demands skating places on young developing athletes and how to overcome them. For a preview visit Rink Magazine

So while I enjoy writing for Rink Magazine, have you ever wondered what it's like to have your own private ice rink right in your backyard? Well, thanks to NiceRink Outdoor Ice Rinks, we already know! We installed our NiceRink which arrived in November in an easy to set up kit. We've added lights around it for nighttime skating and now it looks like a mini-Rockerfeller Center! Think of how much time and stress we'll save this season. No more traveling to the ice rink on THEIR schedule.

For the most part, what I've gotten are exclaimations of disbelief when I tell people we have an ice rink installed on our estate. Believe it! This type of ice is very similar to skating on pond ice which we did last year. The NiceRink company makes a resurfacer which is like a hand held Zamboni and puts down a layer of fresh, smooth ice in minutes. So the forecast calls for some really cold temps this winter. We've got an outdoor fireplace set up for popcorn and chestnut roasting. Chairs are set up to be cozy around the fire. Bring on the cold weather! Contact NiceRink to find out how you can have your own outdoor ice rink this year.


Dr. Marie Miczak
Editor-Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide

PHOTO: This is our private rink's Zamboni driver! More photos and a full story about our new NiceRink in the January 2003 Issue of Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide!

Posted by Author at 5:29 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 4 January 2004 7:49 PM EST
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Friday, 21 November 2003
The Professional Skater's Magazine Publishes Dr. Miczak's Nutrition Article
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Choreographing a Skating Program to Music
Greetings Everyone,

The current November-December edition of the Professional Skaters Association official magazine, The Professional Skater, has published my article, "Why Figure Skaters Have Better Figures". The article was geared towards helping coaches through up to date training videos, the latest most comfortable boots, proper stretching and soothing sore muscles. Information provided in this article can also be found in my next book, The New Woman's Herbal & Nutritional Guide published by Lotus Press and due out in 2004. It also contains an extensive chapter on skating for fitness. Click on the magazine below and it will take you to the Professional Skater's Association homepage:

Right now, our super skatewear model, Magda is very busy working on her Winter Exhibition program. She and coach Reiss went through it several times today and she knows her steps, turns and where she needs to be on the ice at specific points in the music.

Just what goes into choreographing a good ice program? Well, judges as well as the audience are looking for
"the complete package". This means for ladies, neat hair with minimal ornaments. An appealing outfit, tasteful yet not gaudy. Over the boot tights are often used to give a longer leg line and cover minor boot scuffs. Dancability, strong body lines and flow with feeling for the music. Classical elegance prevails in the most memorable programs today and many skaters are returning to them. copyright Dr. M

First you'll need to start with good music from a professional music editor such as Dave Hurwitz of who specially did Magda's music for her program, (See the Classics Today link to your left). Much precious time is wasted pouring over pieces of music, splicing them together and still ending up with a mediocre result. Have a professional like Mr. Hurwitz do it for you. This makes it easier for the coach to then focus soley on choreography. The style of music will likewise dictate the movements. Top level choreographers like Dr. Ricky Harris have written many books on the subject to assist coaches and skaters alike. Dr. Harris' latest offering, Coach's Manual: Choreography and Style for Skaters, was published in June with a forward by Coach's Hall of Fame inductee, Frank Carroll. Ann Margaret Frei has videos with manuals particually The Magic of Style which shows ballet, lyrical and jazz arm movements to go along with 3 turns, jumps and spins. Complete reviews of both works will be available at Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide. Check out the upcoming article as well for insider secrets! Having all of these elements helps you to put together a well rounded package for an enjoyable and equally successful program.

Warmest wishes,

Dr. Marie Miczak
Editor-Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide

PHOTO: Magda is ready to go on the ice and practice her Winter Exhibition program. Red Velvet Dress and Peacock Blue wheeled pullman skate bag, courtesy of Jerry's Skate World.

Posted by Author at 8:51 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 December 2003 8:46 PM EST
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Friday, 31 October 2003
Latest Edition of Suite 101's Figure Skating Topic is Out!
Mood:  special
Now Playing: This Year's Best Instructional Skating Videos
Hello Everyone,

Hot off the press is the October Edition of Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide. Before you take to the ice, take a video lesson! Videos are great to introduce yourself to skating terms and techniques. Here are some of this year's best.

I've also included a Must Have of the Month section which features items related to skating, off ice training and conditioning. See what this month's hot pick is!

On the home front, our super model and figure skater Magda Miczak passed her USFSA skating test! She'll be performing in her first ice show this December. Magda's program music was specially chosen for her by Dave Hurwitz of Classics All I can tell you is it's an overture from a little known romantic opera and simply gorgeous. To find the perfect music for your next program, contact Dave Hurwitz via email: The Classics link is to your lower left.

copyright Dr. Miczak

PHOTO: Magda at the completion of her USFSA skating test and her new coach, E. Reiss.

Magda's coach is Ladies Senior Freestyle and a USFSA / PSA member. Magda thanks all of her supporters including Jerry's Skate World, Jackson Ultima, Harmony Sports, Leo's Dancewear, Eurotard, Turning Pointe Ballet School and Dave Hurwitz of Classics Today to name only a few. Your support is very much appreciated.

Remember, next month is our Fall Skating Fashion Rollout. Lovely dresses, skirts, accessories, skate bags and more from some of the top designers in the business.

Well, what are you waiting for? Click that link below! There's a lot more to read at Suite's Figure Skating Guide so I'll see you there.

Skate Happy,

Dr. Marie Miczak
Editor of Suite's Figure Skating Guide
Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide.

Posted by Author at 5:55 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 3 November 2003 12:50 PM EST
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Sunday, 12 October 2003
New 2004 Gear Coming Up at Suite 101's Figure Skating Topic!
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Ice Skating Fall Fashion Preview & Visiting the Ice House
Greetings Everyone,

It's on now! Ice Skating season is here and to kick it off, next month at my Suite 101's Figure Skating Topic, Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide,
I'll roll out the best in this season's skating fashions and ice skates. Here's a sneak preview of Magda Miczak modeling a blue snakeskin skirt from Rosie Wear! To see more, click on Rosie's link to the lower left. I'll also cover some of the latest technology in ice blades. Truly the cutting edge of innovation! Two new blades will be featured. A brand new twist on John Wilson's Pattern 99's from Sheffield England and another patent pending blade from ISE of Canada. I'll also be reviewing Riedell's radically new 1500 HLS model boots. To get a peek, click on the Riedell Boots link on your lower left. If you scroll down on this page, that's me skating in them. Also up for review will be Klingbeil Boots which are currently used by Sasha Cohen (they performed well enough for a first place finish at the Campbell's Soup Classic) and helped Sarah Hughes win her 2002 Olympic Gold Medal. You won't want to miss this critique!

Coming up for this month's edition due out at the end of October are reviews of some of the top instructional skating videos around. Specifically the ISU's 4 Video Set which covers jumps, spins and pairs skating. Also Flipping Over Skating will be featured. Can't wait for the reviews? You can order these tapes and more by visiting or click on their link to your lower left.

In preparation for this review, I had to take a trip to the Ice House in Hackensack, NJ. Their Pro Shop is so exclusive, you need an advanced appointment! One reason is that the Ice House is home to an elite group of competing skaters and their coaches. For example, just while visiting this week, I met Naomi Lang and Peter Tchernyshev. You'll remember Naomi as the first Native American woman ice dancer. I spoke with Naomi and will include her interview and skating photos with my Suite 101 column. Whom else did I see? Well, I caught up to Robin Wagner teaching on the ice who is Sarah Hughes' coach. While having pizza we sat only a few feet away from Kyoko Ina and John Zimmerman who took 5th place at the 2002 Olympics.
copyright Dr. Miczak

So what's the draw of the Ice House? First of all they have four sheets so you have enough room for Freestyle, Public, Hockey League and Ice Dancing all at once. The Zamboni is ever busy and they have some of the best ice anywhere. However the real gem is their Pro Shop which is world class. Jim Skibin has managed the Ice House Pro Shop since the rink opened nearly 5 years ago. Skibin has maintained and prepared all of the resident Olympian's skates including those of Sarah Hughes. He has also done work on occasion for Tara Lipinski, Brian Boitano and Oksana Baiul. So now Skibin maintains boots and blades for Team Miczak! My two daughters and me all skate and Skibin is the only one who touches our equipment, EVER. This is important when doing evaluations. If the same skate technician does all of the boots and blades, you know any differences are due to the skates themselves. The man is fantastically accurate, precise and fast. He has to be!

For more information on both Jim Skibin and Don Klingbiel whose boots I'll be testing, please click the Newsday Article Link to your left, "If the Skate Fits...."

I know you'll enjoy all the upcoming fall fashions, boot and blade reviews and hearing from ice dancer, Naomi Lang. Check back again soon and look for the November 25th issue of Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide. Most certainly something to be thanful for!

Warmest wishes,

Dr. Marie Miczak
Suite 101's Figure Skating Guide

PHOTO: Model, Magda Miczak, U.S. Figure Skating Assoc. member, Basic 4. Magda's boots are Jackson Elite Plus with Ultima Laser Cut Freestyle blades,(often compared to John Wilson Pattern 99's). Magda models both ice and ballet wear. She recently modeled Jackson-Ultima boots and blades at the 2003 USFSA / PSA Coach's Workshop in Hackensack, NJ.

Posted by Author at 10:02 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 6:28 PM EDT
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Sunday, 28 September 2003
Welcome to Dr. Miczak's Best Picks!
Now Playing: NEW Best of the Web Guide on Figure Skating
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to this special section of the newly revamped! As you may know, I am a health & fitness author and syndicated columnist for The Asbury Park Press and Greater Media Newspapers. Here I have the opportunity to share reviews from my published newspaper articles of many new items I have personally tested.

copyright 2003 Dr. Miczak What will be covered? I will discuss products and equipment related to health, nutrition, beauty and exercise, specifically skating and dance. I've included an extensive chapter on Skating for Fitness in my upcoming book, The New Woman's Herbal & Nutritional Guide- Lotus Press Publishing which is scheduled for a 2004 release. I also will be teaching Inline Figure Skating for Fitness through Monmouth County Park System, Colts Neck, NJ October 25 th 2003 and again in the spring on May 22nd 2004. This is excellent cross training exercise and technique for ice skating all done on inline skates! Call (732)842-4162 ext. 1 to register or visit online Monmouth Co. Parks Online for details. Many thanks to Rollerblade who is a major supporter and sponsor of these classes!

Also visit my NEW sports topic site which is a Best of the Web Guide on Figure Skating at Suite at: Figure Skating Topic at Suite

Right on the home page is my article The Cutting Edge of Skating. Here you'll see reviews of the best, most comfortable boots, precision blades, wheels & bearings, crash pads, clothing....everything to enjoy skating both off and on the ice. Top skate companies such as Rollerblade, PIC, Graf, Riedell, Klingbeil, John Wilson and more. Get insider information on the best tested products available. I am very pleased to share my passion for this sport with you so check out the links to the left and enjoy!

In Health,

Dr. Marie Miczak

PHOTO : Marie Miczak, Ph.D. is a member of the U.S. Figure Skating Assoc. in Basic Skills Advanced Freestyle, (see USFSA link to your left). Ice skating boots pictured are Riedell's latest HLS 1500's with John Wilson Gold Seal blades with K-Pick.

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