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Youth again? Hypnotized?

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There is one secret russian method to prolong a life. Moreover it can be decreasing your age. You can screw back your age approximately in ratio 1:10. It means 1 year of the treatment allow to return 10 years of previous years. For example if you 60 years old and were treated 3 years you will have 30 years of biological age and 30 years image and feature respectivly. (Unfortunately teeth are not recoverd themselfs). Let's my name is X. I possess both MD and PhD in medicine in one Russian Medical University. I saw long-term experiments were rats lived twice longer than usual. Moreover female rats in postmenopause periods began to produse oocytes again and had menstruation cycle recovered to normal. They became much more younger in feature and other parametres.(If you work with some animals your understand what is meaned). Exact mechanism is unknown, but influence of hypothalamus and epiphisis are considered. Details are later. But for me the most intersting question is so: is it necessary to introduce the method to usual practice. It is not very difficult, athough demands evereday control of a professional. Thus if it will give at least 30 years of prolonged life (maybe even more, additional experiments are needed, because it's impossible to transfer results of the aninmal experiments to humans directly) the Earth will be overloaded by humans. The demografic problem will cause new wars, lack of space, etc, etc. Otherwise the limit is strongly required. Is it possible to determine which a man is suitable for winning the new youth? Ethics very often troubling with itself, because ethics and moral are inventions of mankind only and nothing more? How could you serve to win new youth? Your opinion, please. !Register-It! - Promote Your Web
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