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My CyBeR pEtS!

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well, peace out baby! John
Blue Pink
Blue and Pink's milk bottles!
Carrots, my Guenie Pig!
Fuzz Ball and Smokey
April (The birth stone bear!)
NOSEY is so cute isn't she?
Pugsley A really cute dog
Lavener cool bunny
Myst likes to swim
Eucalyptus is cool
Jake is a great dog
Sprite is really retro
Titanic is strong
Julianna and her son, Will BLUE, he's smarter then you think
Squeek Sqeek's stuff! More Stuff!

To get animals like Nosey, and Lavender come here:

Here you can get more Plats' like Pinky, and BLUE!

And you can get more Bears like April here:

To get Speedy and other adorable turtles come to:

To get crabs like Blue come to:
