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Humanoids from twin worlds of Romulus and Remus. When the Vulcan race adopted logic and rejected violence, those that disagreed with Surak's philosophy boarded several large colonization ships and sought a new world. Arriving at the class M world of Romulus and it's trojan class K twin Remus, the Romulan Star Empire was born. Romulans are very similar to Vulcans and can only be distinguished by a detailed genetic scan. The Romulan wars between Earth and Romulus in the 2150's lead to the formation of the United Federation of Planets. The Romulans emerged from a long absence in 2364 and are a leading threat to the Federation today. The Romulans are the inventors of the Cloaking devices used in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. The Romulans have a bipolar personality, very caring one minute, ruthless the next. The Romulans have had a relationship with the Klingons ranging from military alliance to open warfare and back in just a few years time.
