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Powerful non corporeal entities from an extradimensional plane called the "Q continuum". Little is known about the Q, as they have strived to keep themselves mysterious. The Q have extreme powers, believed to be the pentutimate in psychic abilites. Their powers include large scale maniupulation of space/time, creation and destruction of matter and energy, interdimensional travel, and other 'godlike' abilites. Telepathically they register as an extremely powerful intelligence that cannot be fully scanned by any known telepathic race. Current theory holds that the entity known as Trelane, found over 100 years ago, is a member of the Q. First contact with the Q was in 2364 near Deneb IV. It is known that they have covertly visited Earth and other Federation world in the past in the forms of natives to observe, and alter the outcome of history.
