I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV, as the lingo goes for Peace Corps
alumni) from the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. I was a middle school math
teacher in the beautiful village of Beindou (near the city of Kissidougou) in
the southeastern region of the country from 1995-97. It was a great experience
about which I hope to add more to this site in the near future.
Friends of Guinea was recently started up as an organization gathering together PCVs, RPCVs, friends/family of those two groups and Guineans. If you would like to learn more about Friends of Guinea, please visit our web page at:
www.friendsofguinea.org or feel free
to contact me at saabrian@yahoo.com.
The page has information which may also be of use to future volunteers and relatives/friends
of current ones.
There is also a Peace Corps Guinea listserv (emailing list). If you are interested in subscribing, check out the Friends of Guinea website.
Also, if you have any other general questions about Peace Corps or Guinea or
related topics, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.