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The sexiest females around

The sexiest females

This is my first ever attempt at a hompage so please don't expect too much.I am a 22 year old male from durban currently studying in Cape Town.I have just finished my Bcom(acc) degree and am going to pursue an honours course.My ambition is to become a chartered accountant,but for now i am going to take it one step at a time. My interests include computers(obviously) all forms of sports(tennis, soccer,cricket athletics etc).My favourite soccer team is Tottenham Hotspurs and Brazil(soccer),West Indies(cricket) and my favourite tennis player is Amanda Coetzer. This site is for all the crazy guyz out there just like me who love looking at females(not nude).Instead of searching everytime,I have added links to a couple of my favourite sites.You may find these include alot of tennis players.That is because i find females looking their sexiest in skirts. I will be updating this page on a regular basis.Please look out for links to other female actors like Mira Sorvino, Helen Hunt,Steffi Graf,Demi Moore in the near future. If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to email me. Also,if you have great links to other female actors or sportswoman that i have not inlcuded,please let me know.

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