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G'day one and all! How are you all doing? I trust that you are all doing well. The good news is that Hislop is back!!! I have been busy with school for the past few months or so and haven't had much time to update my page - infact, I've had NO time at all to update my page!

Now I can hopefully get some new stuff onto my Happy Homepage and keep you all laughing again with some new material

I will be adding some new pages, but this will take me some time, so please don't worry and get angry if they don't appear soon. Hislop is very busy and has other things to do.

Keep Smiling

and don't forget to check out Poidapoid's homepage:



Poidas Poid's Homepage - If you think my page is funny, you ain't seen nuthin' til you see this!!!!
Thank you page!!!
If you would like to help contribute to my page - click here!!!!
Click here for some great jokes!!!!
To the shit list - ALL NEW AND IMPROVED!!!!!!
Hislop's pranks and shenanigans page fake mail, etc!
Well here it is.......finally - it's Hislop's own FART CHART!!
Let Hislop know what you think of this page - the feedback will help!!!
Hislop's Penpal Page- if you're searching for a penpal, stop here and check it out!
Sign my Guestbook - please!!!!!!!!!1
Hislop's page of interesting stories from around the globe!!!!
