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Why do Bulgarians exist on Earth ?

Weren't they those terrible virus writers (you've certainly heard about Dark Avenger). Yes, they were. Did you ask yourself why ? I bet you didn't. You don't want the answer because you will not like it. Even Wired Magazine doesn't.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you don't know the name of an American - John Vincent Atanasoff. He was proud of his Bulgarian origin.

He was also the inventor of the Computer.

America needed more than half a century to accept it in 1997. Bulgaria did it in December 1970, thus becoming

the first country in the world having recognized the invention of the Computer.

Bulgaria gave Atanasoff its highest medal for his scientific achievement. America, maybe, still waited for Dark Avenger.

You don't believe it, do you?

You don't have to. It changes nothing. Washington Post believes it. Go there and check. There are many articles, and many books that may open your eyes. If you want them to be open. Believe it or not, Bulgarians gave the Computer to the Americans.

Bulgarians also gave the Cyrillic alphabet to the Russians, thus preparing the baptism of king Vladimir a thousand years ago. You still don't believe it ? In his Encyclical Epistle "Slavorum Apostoli" Pope John Paul II wrote on that subject in 1985. Don't waste your time - it is true. The text is as follows:

"In the dream which Saint Paul had at Troas in Asia Minor, a Macedonian, therefore an inhabitant of the European continent, came before him and implored him to come to his country to proclaim there the Word of God: "Come over to Macedonia and help us. (Acts 16:9)
Among the Slavs of the Balkan peninsula the efforts of the holy Brothers bore fruit in an even more visible way. Thanks to their apostolate the Christianity which had already for some time been established in Croatia was consolidated. Principally through their disciples who had been expelled from the area where they had originally worked the mission of Cyril and Methodius was confirmed and developed wonderfully in Bulgaria. Here, thanks to Saint Clement of Okhrid, dynamic centers of monastic life arose, and here particularly the Cyrillic alphabet developed. From here too Christianity moved to other territories, until it passed through neighboring Romania and reached the ancient Rus' of Kiev, and then spread from Moscow eastwards. In a few years, in 1988 to be exact, the millennium of the baptism of Saint Vladimir, Grand Duke of Kiev, will be celebrated."

As you may see, according to catholic sources, St. Paul's dream came true in Macedonia as part of the Bulgarian State on the Balkan peninsula in Europe. St. Clement of Okhrid worked in Bulgaria where the Cyrillic alphabet developed and his mission thus spread to Romania, Russia and eastwards.

But to give the computer to the Americans and the alphabet to the Russians is not enough. Bulgaria is also

the oldest European state, still existing with its own historical name.

Centuries before France and Germany, the Byzantine chronographers spoke of Old Great Bulgaria ("ê palaia Boulgaria estin ê megalê" in Theophanis Chronographia, p. 3578-11 ; "ê palai kaloumenê megalê Boulgaria" in Nicephori patriarchae Opuscula historica, p. 3314-17) in Europe, near Caucasus Mountain. The same dinasty Doulo ruled in Old Great Bulgaria from 165 A.D., and in Bulgaria on the Balkans, from 680 A.D.

In a world of ennemies, speaking the only universal language of war, Bulgarians were called "terrible for the whole world", stronger than the Huns, more than a thousand years before The Bulgarian Umbrella and Dark Avenger. In the fifth century Cassiodorus wrote on the feelings of the Goths after a victory over the Bulgarians: "...egit de Hunnis inter alios triumphum et emiritam laudem primis congressibus auspicatus neci dedit Bulgares toto urbe terribiles." and also "...non te terruit Bulgarum globus, qui etiam nostris erat praesumptione certaminis obstaturus." (Cassiodori Variae, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, t. XII (1894), pp. 240, 252.). Ennodius of Pavia, in his Panegyricus dictus clementissimo regi Theodorico, (MGH t. VII, Berolini 1885) was even more explicit.

Last revision: Friday September 04, 1998 08:15:42 GMT
to be continued ...