REPORT 0010 - 03/05/01
Trek Cart 2001

Some time has passed since contact of any nature has been made with Bob, and the unit were starting to get worried (not to mention the fact that we;ve got nothing to weigh our papers down with).

However, out of pure chance, Pete decided to contact Dave Ellis, to have our Unit website linked to through the Etcetra site. At the same time, he took it upon himself to ask if an announcement could be made during the Trek Cart 2001 event, to find out if anyone know the whereabouts of Bob.

Sadly, Dave declined, but he did present some useful information... Hi Peter,

Thanks for the email, I'll put the link up ASAP.

On the subject of Bob, we at Trek Cart HQ have been conducting some vigorous investigations and we have a feeling that you may be reunited with Bob in the not too distant future. That is all I can say at this time though.



We, at 14th Winchester VSU now believe that the disappearance of Bob may be far more sinister than we had ever understood.

It is now our assumption that Bob was involved in an elaborate ploy to cause disharmony within our ranks, involving an inside job by high ranking scout officials.

How far up does this go, one has to wonder? How much does "Dave" (if that is his real name) know, but isn't letting on? To what degree is the US government involved? What are those Black Helicopters flying overhead?

Of course, we could just be paranoid...

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