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Well, I'm currently in the process of trying to get the site up and running. You'll have to forgive the layout. I'm really out of touch on html and all that so I'm using a magitek-designs layout for the time being.

In the near future, the website will be broken into two parts. 1. For my artwork and 2. For my cosplay

I'm pretty rusty with HTML right now so the site won't be up and running right away. Especially considering my work hours. I'll at least try to have my art gallery open soon.


Pardon the dust and hopefully we'll actually have a working site. For now, just enjoy the pretty layout and head over to my deviantart gallery.

Links and stuff like that

- My deviantart gallery
- My deviantart store. Not much but there's some prints and coasters for sell.
- Return to main page

Layout By Magitek Designs