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      August 17, 2005







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Another Unfunded Mandate?!

         Federal Judge Jan Latimore recently ruled that an, in the politically correct vernacular, “undocumented worker”(illegal alien who criminally, knowingly and with intent violated U.S.laws)should not be deported to her country of origin. In this particular case the "undocumented worker" was an HIV-positive transgendered Honduran woman. According to the San Jose Mercury News the judge further ruled that the woman be allowed to work in the U.S. and be entitled to medical treatment and procedures. The Mercury News indicated that Judge Latimore based her decision on her opinion that the woman would not be provided proper medical cae in Honduras and that she might face physical threats.

     May we raise some pressing questions on this topic?

    1) Is Judge Latimore mandating that American taxpayers should support the desires of non-American citizens to have voluntary cosmetic surgery that is not a medical necessity?

    2) Should a possible lack of medical care the country of origin be a valid reason to allow an illegal alien to remain in this country indefinitely?

     We certainly can see the justification to be humanitarian and in specific instances provide medically necessary procedures in isolated cases and circumstances (ie.) An 8 year old girl with heart abnormalities where medical care is not available in her home country but is in this country.

    We also agree completely that asylum should be given to those who are or would be truly endangered if returned to country of origin.

    We further agree that those who enter the country legally to improve their lot should certainly be allowed to be a productive, responsible, law abiding U.S. resident and a future citizen.

    3) Has Judge Latimore arbitrarily established new precedents whereby a global citizen should be allowed to come to this country to get any medical treatment that they desire at the taxpayers expense and stay indefinitely?

    4) Should a judge be allowed to mandate that global citizens receive medical care in this country?

    5) And who is supposed to be picking up the tab for these treatments and procedures? Is this another “unfunded mandate?”

    6) Is Judge Latimore further elevating the rights of illegal aliens above the rights of American


Ilan Brat for his article on Merck's Vioxx in WSJ