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What's So Funny About Love?

I thank you all very much for visiting my Shakespeare website. In order to fully appreciate the content of this site, I have made a basic assumption that you are familiar with "Twelfth Night". If not, you can certainly gain something from browsing my site, but a previous knowledge will make my motivations more clear. Letter writing and music are prominent themes in "Twelfth Night" and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly Elizabethans would be listening to and writing about. As for the Simpsons spoof of Hamlet, it is admittedly unrelated to the rest of the content, but I just could not resist adding it here. It's definitely one of the most hilarious things to happen to Shakespeare, ever.

On each page I have included included links to the sites I used, but there is also a seperate page for references and copyright information.

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Last Updated: 11.10.2005

Things you just might learn from my page:

Hey, kids, are you ready to learn something?

The Simpsons spoof on Hamlet
Letter writting in Shakespeare's time
Music in Shakespeare's time
Credits and copyright information
