We started as a 4 piece in 1999 and when the first drummer
left, one of the gutarists 'HenK' took his place, and we
recruited a new guy on guitar 'Skin-Dave'. We tried to record
a 4-track demo but it broke down during the recording and it
was never finished. The only available recordings are rehearsals
with bad sound and most tracks without vocals.
Now a few years later we started this band again with the
former bass player 'Anti-Allo' which now play guitar and
make the digital drums (cause we dont have anywhere to practice
and have no drummer yet), and 'E-POX' - former vocals and
guitar, on now bass/vocals.
News! We decided to upgrade this old site to newer
standards... (No, but we decided to add some info and downloads). This site is currently going through an upgrade process and it might not be working properly all times... Well, this is the best us old farts can do at the moment...
And i guess you guys visiting this site is after some
downloads aren't you ;) , so. As a starter we added a new download section for you. Just press the pic of the demo you desire and then get it from mediafire (opens in a new window).

I know this site haven't been updated for ages, but:
Finally we got hold of our D.I.Y. vinyl 7"es.
They sound way better on vinyl than in digital form.
This time there are no bloody drum-machines or shit, just the same unrehearsed mess as earlier stuff you probably heard, obviously cause you are reading this.
We nicked/borrowed a drummer (and the rest of his belongings, like his studio and rehearsal room) for a friday night in August (forgotten which year), which turned out to be this recording which we decided to release as a 7" E.P.
It was at first ment to be a split release by us + 1 or 2 other bands. Maybe next release is?.
The tracklist of this one is:
Stuff It
Punk IS Dead
Unprovoked Violent
No Government
Same Old Story
It is available on 100 copies of glorious gold vinyl, but if you desire a less glorious one - get the pukey white version which also is made in 100 copies.
If you still want the old fashioned black vinyl, try to get one of our test pressings which was made in 5 copies... Cat # is 2KOMP1. If you want a copy of this release - do not hesitate to email us or simply use the guestbook or try getting our attention at our myspace.
We will update this site when time to...
(Old news below)
Here are some songs which was recorded.
The sound of these is great enough, we are no bloody popband.
If You don't like them, put them into the trashbin and chose 'SAVE'
<--- Press the pic ;)
Fuck it!(It seem the HipHoppers didn't like us Punx beating them in their charts, so they shut the server down.
We have recorded some covers during winter (early 2007) and the songs this time was
Pohjasakka - Sortoa Ja Vihaa
Stupid Humans - Drugs Of Youth
Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias - Kill
Flux Of Pink Indians - Tube Disasters
Partisans - Killing Machine
Violators - Live Fast Die Young
All this songs is still unremixed etc, and there was NO
rehearsals and crap made before the recordings, so it
sounds just as it was recorded. The vocals is by 'Antti' and was replaced on one guitar by E-Pox.
I will turn them up here if the space alow me to
and cause of the 'vibes' between us guys and the rest
of the world near us at the moment we can't do anything
hardcore recordings than the usual garage recordings
you've probably heard until now cause You are reading
this. We are no bloody popband and will not be involved
in their fucking popstarwannabeworld
even though some of their faceless arseholes recently
called me 'a useless gluepunk', which is OK in my
opinion as less that statement is way above 'drugaddict' which I 'might' know this sad fuck is.
As long as this shitbrain does not give us an excuse,
we can sadly do nothing but ignore these moneymaking
load of fucks and we cannot, sadly but true, remind them
about the merry ol' days when them and their mates
actually listened to as - hopefully - they called it
2-Komponentz-musikk... :D (I.E. real music, by real people, without fucking drugs, and in no desire of squeezing money out of everyone.)
Press here for som streaming audio.
2 new tracks recorded 28/12/06 and a few old ones.
The split CDR with Germ Attak "No One Wins" is almost
sold out, if You want a copy email us
and we'll send You one.
(will correct any day. all this made in a hurry...)
Tracks recorded 26-27/04/2006:
World Riot III
Hate The World
Don't Vote
Bad Habits
Punk Is Dead
No Government
LATEST NEWS! Five songs recorded today (29/7/2006)
Download them below:
Unprovoked Violent
Kvart Over Elva, Half Tolv
EVEN LATER NEWS! Five songs recorded today (23/8/2006)
(one re-recorded)
They Don't Care
Leave Me Alone
Stuff It
Same Old Story
Uproar (#2)
Three songs recorded today (27/8/2006)
Download the new ones under this damn notice:
Caca Union
It's No Use
Yankee Bash
More info to come. In a few weeks we will record some new songs. And have in mind - THIS IS CHEAPER STUFF THAN YOUR MUM WAS IN THE 80's! So take 3 for 1!! (Only this week!)
Mail-E the KomponentZ HERE!
E-Pox: Vox
Antti-Allo: Glue-tar
Harald 'it: Drum stix
Polly Ester: B. Vox/Vox (on vacation at the moment)
The rest of the guys is still lost...
Check our upcoming split CDR mates site!

Canadian (Ottawa) band "Germ Attak"
Counter Stats
people before You said NO to drugs!
puppy training