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Dedicated to the complete humilation of the united states legal system

Site Navigation    


 Wills, Legacies, etc.

 statuatory rape

 the army


 Contact Me


 Purchasing Power



Welcome.  This February, I celebrated my 18th birthday, thereby becoming, at least legally, a responsible adult.  Since then, I have taken it upon myself to make a complete mockery of our legal system, by abusing, to the full extent of my surprisingly extensive power, the leglislation of the United States.  My goal is to make as many people as possible ashamed of giving so much legal responsibility to someone as immature as myself.  This website is a vehicle with which I hope to flaunt any successes I have in achieving that goal.  So far I've only taken one step towards it, with the drafting of my living will (see nav bar on the left), but there is no doubt in my mind that the possibilities open to me extend immeasurably beyond that.  I'll keep whoever happens to read this posted with updates as they arise.

It would be really cool if you linked to my website on your website.  You can do that by copying and pasting the banner here:

The newest addition to the site is a memorial to Vivian Lemke.

She's pretty much my favorite person.

Wow, third update today.
Regardless, while your here, why not buy a...

Earlysville/Baby Vivian Bumper Sticker!


i just tried to register as a member of the g-shanks party, but it won't let me send the form in online because the people who run "rock the vote" are all dirty ho-bags.  Apparantly you have to print out the application and mail it in, something i am not at all prepared to do.  If someone else wants to mail it in for me, the file is here.  The address should be at the bottom of it.  Thanks.

the army

also now we have a page about the army which is fairly exciting.  protect and serve and etc you know? 

New Statuatory Rape Page!!

Now you can see who I can and cannot have sex with now that I am no longer a minor.  Very good page, I'm especially proud of it.


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