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Use the Simple Machines/Rube Goldberg Web Quest Worksheet to complete this web quest.  Scroll down the web page to get to all of the parts.  This web page is in the same order as your worksheet



          Rube Goldberg is an award-winning cartoonist.  His cartoon “inventions” many times include the six types of simple machines.  During this web quest you will learn about Rube Goldberg and his cartoons.  You’ll use the web sites listed below to find out about the different types of simple machines.  Then you will either use this new knowledge to locate the simple machines in one of Mr. Goldberg’s cartoons, draw your own invention cartoon, or both!


Learn about Rube Goldberg

Rube Goldberg Biography


View some sample Rube Goldberg invention cartoons:

How to keep a shop window clean

Idea for Dodging Bill Collectors

Safety Device for Walking on Icy Pavements

Keep the Boss from Knowing You're Late

How to tee up a golf ball without beading over


Learn about the six different types of simple machines by exploring this web site: Simple Machines


Learn about more about simple machines by doing the simple machine activities at


Use this cartoon, Pencil Sharpener, for Assessment A)