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Drake Coleman

Character Name: Drake Coleman
Nature: Caring
Demeanor: cold-hearted, holds in his emotions
Race: Human
Haven: Base of mountains, bordering forest
Concept: Mage
Talents: Subterfuge, Alertness, Brawl
Skills: Animal Ken, Blind fighting, Herbalism (partial), Meditation, Mele, Music (flute), Repair, Survival, Stealth
Knowledges: Finance (slightly), Investigation, Linguistics (English, Elvish, Drow), Medicine
Disabilities/flaws: deep sleeper, Nightmares/day mares Phobias: Acrophobia [fear of heights] (mild), Coimetrophobia [cemeteries] (mild), and Aichmophobia [fear of needles] (severe).
Derangements: Multiple Personalities (slight)... More like mood-swings.
Scars/Burns: A large burn mark on both arms (hidden by 'sleeves') that he's had since infantry.
Markings: A red birth-mark (appears to be a tattoo) resembling fire. Starts just below the collar bone, reaching two strips to mid-shoulder blades while a middle streak splits in two around his throat (splits, then joins back as one on his back) and follows his spine before stopping at mid-back.
Weapons: Short sword, dagger.
Eyes: soft golden brown
Hair: black, reaches to mid-neck area (when tied), almost to shoulders (when not)(when not)
Clothing: Black boots, white 'kilt' (or a white skirt), black 'cape' with orange and red markings held up by a belt. Leather collar with straps that go down through his shoulder-blades and middle of chest for arms, continues further in the back to attach to belt. On each of his arms are sleeves tied tightly to biceps, reaching all the way to wrists in a display of black, red, brown and orange.
Height: five feet four inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: seventeen
Birthdate: May 17th


On May 17th Drake Coleman entered this world. Drake was born of mixed classes, his mother being of the lower work class, named Celeste Adler (by maiden name of course). She had skin that would always remain the color of honey year round with soft golden brown eyes match. She was short, only reaching five foot two inches, yet her petite frame almost made her seem taller. His father, however, was of the mage class with short black hair and sea blue eyes, his skin a pale cream. He stood at around five foot seven and was strongly built and well known for his potions and magick. This is what Drake's mother told him about his father anyways.
You see, his parents had eloped a few years before the last major attack upon the village (then still located in the forest), moving to the forest as they had been planning for many a year and had lived peacefully until the seal broke on the demon called Nu'Somnus. Supposedly this hadn't been the first time he'd broken loose but it'd been a long time sense and people had started to calm down and not care much anymore. Unfortunately something triggered the awakening again, Nu'Somnus awaking in a blind rage and a craving for bloodshed and death. His family was one of the luckier ones that got away, though the images of the flaming village and blood-soaked fields were burned into his memory.
As if that wasn't enough the fires burned both of his arms, leaving a permanent reminder that it did happen, making it impossible to forget. His father went back to help try to imprison Nu'Somnus again. Eventually Nu'Somnus was put under a spell again, but his father, along with many others, didn't make it back alive. Thus he was left to help his mother keep a shop they opened soon after, selling things such as potions, candles, spell books, basically a wide selection of things. His mother, having learned potion making from his father, even taught him how to make every potion she knew (even two ones of lethal values).
Yet through out the workday he'd wander off towards either the training grounds or the Magick School to watch and listen to some of the lectures, though he always tried to stay out of sight. He'd set up a kind of barrier about him, separating himself from everyone else by the age of six and because of that wall he had he went deep within his mind, searching for the answers of the questions he so longed to ask, though only managed to bring about nightmares of the slaughter he'd witnessed as an infant. Thus began his habit of waking up in the middle of the night, skin clammy and sweat rolling off of his body.
Eventually he got a job outside his mother's shop at another shop that belonged to a mage in exchange for magick lessons. His devotion to the work surprised his sensei, whose name was Dylan Nitis, though it eventually brought about concern because Drake had pulled himself deeper within his thoughts and seemed to wander off into them more often. For several years he didn't much talk with anyone, mostly just helped to run his mother's and Dylan's shops, trained and absorbed himself into his studies of herbs, crystals, magick, many things.
By the time he hit his fourteenth year the urge to travel started to build within him, though he suppressed it for another year. When he finally left his mother gave him the attire that had once belonged to his father.
He was a bit surprised at the clothing's style at first, it being mostly of what seemed to be a white skirt and a cape along with an odd leather piece and two arm pieces, to him in any case. The 'odd leather piece' had a collar that wrapped around his throat and had a strap going midway down the front of his chest before separating and going across his rib-cage joining at his spine before again splitting off, one going back up to the collar while the other follows his spine down, connecting the 'skirt' and 'cape'. The skirt itself was a grayish white in color while the cape was black with strange patterns in red and orange, the colors signifying fire.
He returned to the village he'd mostly grown up at a few weeks before his seventeenth birthday, staying there a bit longer afterwards for his mother had fallen ill. By August of that year she passed away, Drake moving to the outer ranges of the forest of Nu'Somnus close to the mountains where he now stays.