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Angie You Are the Center of My Attention
To Angie:
Angie you reign my mind in every thought,
No I idea that when I saw you that you were everything I always sought,
Gorgeous inside and out,
I think about loving you and I never have to doubt,
Every moment we talk I find you that much more irresistible,
I think about how things would be without you and I have the notion it would be miserable,
Let the seasons of the year pass but my love for you will forever stay,
Oasis to a desert as you are to my heart because you add new life to my life I enjoy day by day,
Versus the anger in my mind you always seem to make me passive,
Everything about you to me is attractive,
You could never put a price on what you mean in my eyes,
Out of everyone you are the one girl I couldn`t just let go by,
Unified by the thought of each other, I could never think of another,
(For the last line of th poem put all the Capital lettters at the beginning of the lines together)
In every thought you pass through my mind,
In every day I in vision your dark eyes looking into mine,
I stop and think of how I can`t live without you,
Since my whole mental world is always about you,
Looking in your dark eyes, caressing your soft skin,
You being the one I showed my feelings within,
You being the only one I want now and forever,
Knowing that when I set a gaze upon you I couldn`t bare to say never,
I`d be satisfied just hold you close to me,
I`m committed to love you whole heartedly,
I couldn`t give you up for any other,
Because it feels like we were made for one another,
The sun can set on my day and let the night come,
With no doubts in my mind I`m positive you are the one,
I didn`t have to search to find her. She was right there and came to me,
Her and I have formed a love that came to be,
Angie you are my light, my goal, my everything, my heart,
Next year I swear to you physically never to be apart,
As in two words "I do" I commit my life,
That`s the day I`ll take you as my wife,
forever love you,

The things I want to do for you Angie are endless. I want to make sure that the feelings within me and hopefully you don`t change. I know with all good must come bad, with all sun must come rain. But with that being said I`m going to take time everyday to show I appreciate you, that I love you. I don`t want to take you for granted ever, because honestly at times I feel I don`t deserve someone as beautiful as you. I know I`m human I`m not perfect, I never will be but, I never imagined a girl that in my eyes be so perfect to me. Until I had the opportunity to see you. At 1st glimpse you sparked my interest, and held it through this time. You are the one person that stays on my mind constantly. And I just want to try to make it feel like the 1st time the words I love you were exchanged between us everyday. So with that being said I love you Angie head to toe, inside and out, all that I could ever want is you.


You`ll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love. Some may say you`re old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars! One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever. What Your Kissing Style Says About You: You`re no prude, but if you`re going to get sexual, it needs to mean something. You prefer to take things slow, because it only makes them better in the long run. You`re much more likely to find yourself engaged than in some stranger`s bed. Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches: You and another Romantic Kisser is just pure bliss. You both enjoy the finer aspects of seduction and have the preference of taking things slow. It`s practially love at first site. You`ll also find yourself attracted to Juicy Kissers. The way a Juicy Kisser locks eyes with you and draws you in is almost cosmic... Manic Kissers are to be avoided at all costs. These kissers love to kiss everyone and can never commit to one person. Next! Carnal Kissers aren`t your style either. They`ll push you for sex way too soon... and get very upset when they don`t get their way.