<bGSOUND SRC="havanagila.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Welcome To Hotel Rooms
Hotels Downloads page One!
Main page, Downloads page two, downloadspagefour,Downloads3, ThemeHotels, --, --, --, --, --
To Use the Downloads This is where you  place the layouts the rooms always end with  .DAT  and you extract  that
into    program files/jowood/hotelgiant/layouts
To Load the rooms  when playing the game press F12 button then click on load and when you go back into the game
just hightlight bed and click on the room and paste!
To place a Hotel the file will always end with   .SAV  and you extract that into
To Load the save for  whole hotel just click on load game and pick the hotel and play!
Enjoy! I hope you enjoy these downloads!
All of these downloads on this page where sent to my by Light sims and I tested and played with these fine hotel rooms and hotels! Click on the pictures to download!
Guest room 09 Click on either picture to
A Huge Presidential Suite To Large to take the Picture! Truely a Must See
  A five Star Room!!!!!!!!
A four story Hotel! Winner of Five Awards!
A very nice resort Hotel!!!!!!!!!!!
Even one making a profit!  A Must See!
Comfy and  cozy!!!
click on the picture to download!!