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Ash Covey

About Me (oh, how fun. xD)

You really think I'd tell you about myself? Sorry, that's a mystery. I'll tell you what I look like but that's as far as I'll go.

Let's see here...I'm 5'7, dark brown to nearly black hair, black eyes, pale skin, medium build, and skinny.

What I like? Hm... I'll tell you only a few things... I like dragons, music, GC of course (my baby! ^-^), and ROY. xD

xD That's all you'll get out of me. My past's a secret so...xD no history for you!

Relation in House of Link

I used to be just a good friend of the family until GC decided I was his mother. Ever since I've been living here with everybody.


Hm...I'll think about this section.

Links to my sites

Getting to this too x.x