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In the fall of 1998, I was introduced to the Intenet when I got WEB-TV. That was when I met Lamarr. Though she lived in South Carolina and I live in Oregon, we became very close Sisters.

Lamarr had one of the most beautiful Souls I have ever had the pleasure and privilege to know. She was kind, gentle, and very, very FUNNY! And she was always there for me.

We never had the opportunity to meet in person, but she was very much a part of my life. She went through my engagement and wedding to my best friend, John, in 1999. We "talked" daily and was there for me when I lost him to Cancer in Jan. of 2001. Even when I lost my internet connection, we stayed in touch and she celebrated my new and wonderful come back with me. She shared with joy my move into this apartment and when I aquired my computer we again talked daily, sometimes for hours. She aways had lots of encouragement and support for me when I needed it.

Lamarr was called home suddenly Sat. morning, November 29, 2003. Though I know that she is happy and out of pain now, I am selfish and will miss her sorely.

She will always remain in my heart and I will smile with the memories of her. Lamarr named my little unicorn pal "Uni" and liked him alot and so will always think of her whenever I use Uni on my pages and e-mails.

This was sent to me in an e-mail from another close Sister, CYN:

Our sweet sister....LAMARR,

She had so much kindness for so many people. Even when she lost Trigg she sent comforting words... She knew he would be in Heaven waiting on her.. And, in Feb. when I lost my Dad... she helped me so much. She was such an ANGEL here on earth that I know she is in Heaven and will be there when we go. I can't see through the tears that are falling on the keyboard... I will miss her so much. I didn't think God would take her home at this time but I am thankful she isn't in pain. She will always be remembered by me.

This is written for Lamarr as given to Barb Williams on this December 3, 2003, I love you my sister Lamarr. You will be truly missed Sweet One. But I know you are happy where you are. You will live always in our spirits my Sweet Sister. Love, Jesus hugs, smiles and prayers your sister forever and always, Barbara Williams


Though you hear me not I can hear each one of you.
Though you feel me not makes no difference because I am here.
Yes, though my body is no longer there my sprit sees all you do.
You each held a very special place in the life that I lived.
You each gave of your selves to me in a very special way.
We grew to love each other as the days and years passed us by.
The bond that we shared while I was there still holds true today.
Do you remember when we laughed so hard at the little things said?
And do you remember when we cried together though we were far apart?
We had a lot of good times together and that is what I want you to remember.
Because though I am not there I have all the memories storied in my heart!
There are so many of you that I loved and I know you each know who you are.
So as you read this my family and my friends know I am happy with no pain.
So when you cry, cry tears of joy for there is now only joy that lives with in me.
My spirit is free and some day as time goes on we will all meet once again!

Our Sister Debbie wrote this:

Lamarr was a loving, sweet, caring soul..
Always there for us, adventerous and bold..
May she always reside in our hearts full of sadness..
And make us smile, instilling the gladness..
Remembering her love, not only for life..
Rejoicing, as always, sending goodness up high..
Lamarr, our Dear sister, you will be missed beyond words..
The 1st letter of each sentence spells YOU, never-ever going un-heard..
May you rest in peace, Lamarr.. We love you so..

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