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L i f e ' s D e s t i n y 4 U s

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I Almost Let Go But Jesus Held Me Close!

Sweet Holy Spirit enter into our hearts today. I ask God to lead and guide you today as you take this journey with us. This page is to help you Thrist for the Living Water which is (The filling of the Holy Ghost) as you go through your Wilderness Experiences knowing that Jesus Christ is your Peace.

"For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You." (Psalms 9:10). We ask that you pray daily to increase your Faith as you draw close to Walking In Completeness that will finally lead you to your Destiny in Christ.(You must be willing and obedient).

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him... (2 Chronicles 16:9). Perfect means devoted, consecrated, dedicated, loyal, faithful. Though the burdens get heavy and friends few, remember theres a friend that is true, this friend will lead and guide and direct you into all truth never speaking of himself this person is the HOLY Spirit.

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