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Canon is history.
The future is up to you.
Welcome to The Children of the Atom home page, the home to one of the most insane X-Men role playing games on the net. You will not find some alternate universe where we have redone the history, or some other little gimmick that we think will draw people in. No cheesy lame story lines that have been done to death. No immature players or ideas. Above all no lies about to the players about being a deep complex game.

In Children of the Atom you play the characters as you always wanted to play them. We are not going to change the histories of the characters, which makes them the characters we grew up with and love. In this game you will find mature players and mature story lines were we all create the future of the X-Men comics as we see fit. Nothing is canon but the past; the future is open to everyones imagination.

You think that Gambit and Wolverine should hate each other like in the old days again? Then go for it and have fun doing it.

You think that Warren should lose his wings and some how be returned to the metallic winged angel of death? Then go for it and have fun with it.

Anything is open to the players. The characters are in your control. Every aspect of them, from learning new things about their powers to changing their personality to what YOU think they should be acting like.

The only thing we ask is to try and have a good time and keep to the overall story line (whichever one you may be part of). There are some simple rules we ask you to keep in mind as well, like most role playing games, but that is more to keep stability and not have the board be run into total anarchy.  There is nothing worse then seeing a role playing game in total chaos.

So sit back, scan over the rules, and decide what group you would like to be involved with.
Now fill out an application and have some fun!

Genom Yoshida
Board Owner