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Dreamers Of Light

House Beliefs: Illuminated and Imprisonment. DoL believes in  Imprisoning to free the Soul of unawakened Dreamers from the clutches of the Mare which hold and torture them.  By Imprisoning the Mare, the Soul is then free to have the chance to awaken to the Dream.  DoL is Illuminated as they believe that the Dream and Cloudsbreak both interact with each other.


First Elder: Mithrandir

Previous Elders: Sha'Resa (Lasaimis's wife), Derelion (Sha'Resa's brother)

Current Elder: Lasaimis


DoL Entrance

First Rulers: Watcher, Valourin, Wraith, Brain and Maker

Previous Rulers: Habassa5, Pheonix Redhawk, Don Berto, Cyborg512, Watcher, Jevik Bane, Bloom, Munchkin, Wraith, Keeka, Sweething

Current Rulers:  Loveslight, Flushy, Valourin



First Guardians: Valourin, Watcher, Kasumi Keda, LMBE

Previous Guardians: 

Current Guardians: OfF KiLTeR, Ricky, Link, The Striker, and Biggie Z



DoL Entrance with Rulers FLUSHY and The Striker, Guardians Maxim II and poppygirl, and Initiate Magenta

History of DoL - as told by Watcher

Emblem History - as told by Dr Carl G Jung


House History Scrolls

Underlight Scroll