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Last Updated on:
March 23, 2003


Name: Silver Dragonlet [aka Tamz]
Date of Birth: December 29, 1983
Nationality: Vietnamese and Chinese
Current Location: Burnaby, BC, CANADA
Status: Single [not interested]

I've been loggin on to Xanga recently .. jus writing what I've been up to.. and stuff.. so if you want more up to date stuff jus re-route urself to my page.

"I Can"

I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)

Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up
You can be anything in the world, in God we trust
An architect, doctor, maybe an actress
But nothing comes easy it takes much practice
Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star
She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe
Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version
Hung with the wrong person
Gotta astrung when I heard when
Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose
Coulda died, so young, no looks ugly and old
No fun cause when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath
Cause she smells of corrosion and death
Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring
Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing
So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how

[Chorus - 2x (Nas and Kids)]
I know I can (I know I can)
Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be)
If I work hard at it (If I work hard it)
I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be)

Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again
This is for grown looking girls who's only ten
The ones who watch videos and do what they see
As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID
Careful, 'fore you meet a man with HIV
You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be
Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be
Older than you are, give yourself time to grow
You thinking he can give you wealth, but so
Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know
You thinkin life's all about smokin weed and ice
You don't wanna be my age and can't read and right
Begging different women for a place to sleep at night
Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish
If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this

Save the music y'all, save the music y'all
Save the music y'all, save the music y'all
Save the music

Be, be, 'fore we came to this country
We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys
It was empires in Africa called Kush
Timbuktu, where every race came to get books
To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans
Asian Arabs and gave them gold when
Gold was converted to money it all changed
Money then became empowerment for Europeans
The Persian military invaded
They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred
Africa was almost robbed naked
Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships
Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went
He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces
Shot up they nose to impose what basically
Still goes on today, you see?
If the truth is told, the youth can grow
They learn to survive until they gain control
Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes
Read more learn more, change the globe
Ghetto children, do your thing
Hold your head up, little man, you're a king
Young Prince thats when you get your wedding ring
Your man is saying "She's my queen"

That's sayin' a lot.. It's not the best sung lyrics I've ever heard or anything.. but the lyrics really do hit the spot.. ^-^.. enjoy!

some pics taken jus recently
the web cam is really crappy huh? oh well ^-^

Hey guys,
I know it's been a while since I did anything to this page but you see ... my computer's been outta commision since November, so I haven't been able to do anything until now. WoW.. things have certainly changed since I last updated.. but that's reserved for the thoughts section in which I'll be putting up later.. I'm gonna be doin' a slow recontruction of the entire website with a few changes in theme and additions etc. the works.. ^-^. newayz.. how do ya like it so far? hehe.. not as pissed as i was before with all the black and red theme. I'm stickin with mellow colors this time .. donno how long this one is gonna last thou.. *rolly eyes* ^-^.. well gots to jetz! come back for more updates laters aights?


Screwz.. I really wanna shut myself outta this world right now. I mean somethings are going my way and all but there are somethings that I just really hate right now. It makes me wanna go nutz and start b*tzaching left and right. I can't do that though cuz then people start lookin at me funny. By the way, that reminds me... I went to the mall today with my neice. Just me and her and I can't tell you how many people gave me a look. I mean all the elderly and the teens etc.. I mean when I'm with my niece I'm usually with my mother or sister and they'd look at my niece and "aww and koochi koo" about how cute she is.. but with just me? forget it.. they look at me as if I was too young to have a kid. Well I am... but ever thought that she wasn't my kid? LoL I can't blame thou.. even my mother says that she looks like me when I was a kid.. can I blame does ppl in the mall? oh well. It doesn't really matter.. just makes me wanna wear a sign saying AUNTIE ONLY! just to clarify things.

crapz.. it's been a month since my birthday.. I don't feel a bit older.. actually I feel even more irresponsible cuz the first thing I wanna do everyday is go and hide... and I don't know why??!! I wish I was just living in my dream world without reality barging in on it.. but everytime I try to escape someone drags me by the throat back to reality. I miss living on my own sometimes. I had gotten so used to it.. but I can't do anything about it now. But I'd so love to move out right now... maybe not to another province.. but just out of the house.. I feel so clammed up right now. Earlier I wanted to clam up.. but now i wanna get out. If I'm gonna have to taste reality.. I might as well grab it by the throat just like it does to me everytime I wanna avoid it.

Darn it.. I miss the Edmonton crew.. things were so different then.. I wonder how things woulda turned out if I was still there, but then again there's no sense in dwelling in the past right? so many regrets.. so many things i wanna do and I'm not out there doing it. well enuf pity.. don't want that.. just need to vent..

Shietz.. I gotta start making those new tags and banners for this page cuz the black ones jus don't work with the new theme.. I'm not trying to create a hellfire page anymore or anything.. I wanna tone things down a bit... anywayz.. ya know that song about Bonnie and Clyde? well I donno the whole story or anything but what I do know is that those two were in love and were always there for each other to back the other up and that they were running from the police. Hrmz.. Shietz.. that's a bond that tight .. I was listening to the version that Beyonce and Jay-Z was singing and there was a line that went something like, "I would do anything for her, and she would do anything necessary for me, so don't let the necessary occur." Hell I want something like that.. I mean not a life running from the law or anything but a bond that tight. I don't see much of that around these days.. where no matter what happens You've got ur guy/girl to stand by you... everything is so damn conditional.. but then again.. it's not like I'm the one to comment right? I've got my own conditions I guess.. but it'd be nice to know what something like that feels like... to know without any questions asked that you've got ur backup and there's no hesitation... anyways.. enuf of my mindless babble.. I'm outta here.. it's 2 in the friggin morning and I gotta wake up at 8. CYA DUDES!

01.29.03... evening
Yo.. So freakin tired.. but it doesn't really matter. Anywayz, I did some checkin' up on Bonnie and Clyde cuz some questions came up and well.. it's just not right to write about something you don't really know about right? So I found a great website that explains bonnie and Clyde's relationship. click here Brought together during the Great Depression, Bonnie and Clyde's life in crime together lasted 2 years (they were together for 4 years though). They were America's "Robin Hood" terrorizing banks, stores, gas stations etc. across 5 states. They lashed out at the Government officials and big businesses as a form of protest against poverty. So, to only care for each other, to live only for each other.. knowing that they might be taken down by the "law" the next month, the next week, even the next day.. didn't matter to them. So long as they had each other till the last minute. That's nice and all but when it comes to reality... stuff like that doesn't happen too often.. hehe.. and thank goodness it doesn't cuz we'd really be in havoc if we had Bonnie and Clyde imposters running around everywhere, and that's just it.. they'd be imposters.

By the way, wasn't this supposed to be a nice page? what am I doing talking about Bonnie and Clyde on my first entry?! what the heck was I thinking? I doubt that it works with the decor eh? LoL.. not that that's supposed to matter.

02.03.03... 2am

Nice eh? Got it done yesterday, Feb 02. It's so nice.. thou sis thinks the whole thing looks a lil too riske. *shrugs* I could care less, the dragon is so sweet! hehe.. too bad this baby isn't staying around for too long. It's only an airbrush tattoo, meaning the longest it'll last is about 5 days.. *sob*. I'm looking into something more like semi-permanent, a henna. hehe.. and with a similar but probably smaller design. Even better if I do it myself cuz it'd be cheaper. Just need to get some henna paste???!!! anywayz.. too tired and sleepy to say much more.. LIGHTS OUT!

wtf is wrong with me.. I donno man but there must be someethin' wrong cuz I'm going nutz

02.13.03.. in the early friggin morning..
Been feelin crabby lately.. and I'm not sure what makes me feel worse.. Could be any number of things or it's just all of them combined to make me feel bitchy. Gawd.. yah now sometimes I look around and everything in thsi world seems so superficial. I donno how to explain it.. but this world seems so false sometimes.. and I go a long with it whole heartedly for a while but then I start lookin around again and all I see are "alliances" and shiet like that.. not true friendships.. and I just feel sad sometimes when I think like that. I can be such a pessimist but I'd rather not be.. I'd rather live life wearing a blind fold rather seeing what i see with these eyes of mine. I donno if that's they way the world really works.. but that's what I see.. and it really sux. whatever.. put the blind fold back on.. the rose colored sunglasses.. whatever you call it..

Shietz man.. I've found a new intrest in JLo's music. I have a general dislike towards her for some odd reason despite the fact that I think she's pretty and that I can't find anything big about her ass.. but then again.. it's just me.. LoL. I think it's all LL Cool J's fault.. hehe.. and that song All I have to give.. after that for some reason I just started checkin out her music. There's this one song.. "the One" I've been hearing on some ppl's homepages.. and I didn't know it was her.. when i found out i was like shietz.. another JLo song.. but another one I like too.. haha.. oh well... so much for being hypocritical eh? yeah.. I'm such a hypocrite. figures.. I'm the one that chooses to wear the blind fold. ahhh friggin..

I better stop listening to these darn love songs for a while.. hehe.. till V-day is over or something.. has some freaky effect that just makes me like jelly and crappy...which is part of the reason why i feel so darn crabby eh? bleh.. what a load of BS.. I donno what I'm talking about anymore..

I miss my girls.. my babes.. where are they when I need them huh? They're all leading their own lives... movin on and I'm always stuck in a rut.. or at least it feels like it though it's prolly not true. It just feels like it right now cuz i'm in such a shietty mood.. Miss y'all!! *kisses* and *hugs*..

For some reason I'm looking forward to Halloween.. haha.. prolly cuz it's just the opposite of V-day huh? i donno but i just thought about that.. Lookin forward to color my hair silver??? whyayayay am I like dis... awww freakz.. I think I'll stop b4 i say something worse than I already did LoL.. b4 i hurt myself or something.. I'm so messed.. oh well.. IT"LL SOON BE ALL OVER! I HOPE!